University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa faculty at Rank 2 or higher and distinguished scholars from the community at large may be nominated to the graduate faculty (see Other below). The graduate chair shall notify the Graduate Division of all changes to their program faculty (e.g., new hires, resignations, change in rank, retirements, new cooperating or affiliate graduate faculty etc). As part of Act 208, all graduate faculty are now required to complete online Title IX training annually. The certificate of completion (i.e., certificate or email of completion) should be submitted to the college/school HR office and to the Graduate Chair, unless otherwise noted.
To nominate a Regular, Cooperating, or Affiliate Graduate Faculty member, an electronic Graduate Faculty nomination form (Instructions on using the form) with the support of the majority of the graduate faculty is to be submitted. These individuals may be nominated to levels 3, 2, or 1. A current CV and research keywords/terms will be required to be submitted with the nomination form.
Emeritus Graduate Faculty (EGF)
To officially change a retired UH faculty member’s graduate faculty status once awarded Emeritus status, submit a copy of their Emeritus letter or the approval memo signed by the President of University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa to Until this status is confirmed, their GF appointment will be changed to level 1 and pending Emeritus status.
If ineligible for Emeritus, please submit a Graduate Faculty nomination form (Instructions on using the form) for an Affiliate Graduate Faculty appointment.
These are individuals otherwise qualified to serve on a student’s committee, but whose primary responsibilities may be in research, instruction, or other related duties, but their expertise may be of benefit to help a student with their research. Use the electronic Graduate Faculty nomination form (Instructions on using the form). This group may include, but is not limited to post docs, rank 2 faculty, and temporary faculty at UH Mānoa. These individuals may only be nominated to level 1.