Undergraduate seniors at UHM may earn credits toward master’s degrees for certain courses completed during the final two semesters of their undergraduate study, provided that the credits are in excess of the bachelor’s degree requirements. To earn such credits, submit a petition to the Office of Graduate Student Services. Note the following policies:
Deadline for Petition Submission
Submit the petition during the registration period for the credits intended for submission toward a master’s degree.
Acceptable Credits
Credits earned for courses numbered 300-400 or 600-700 may be submitted for consideration. Credits earned for directed reading/research (399 or 499) are normally not considered.
Acceptance of Credits
Final acceptance of the credits is determined by the graduate program to which the student is subsequently admitted. Approval by the Graduate Division does not guarantee that the credits will be accepted by a prospective graduate program.
Special Requirement
The student needs to complete the bachelor’s degree as indicated on the petition. Failure to do so nullifies any petition approval granted by the Graduate Division.