As required by federal, state and university regulations, UHM employees and students who intend to conduct research that involves the use of human or non-human subjects must check with their respective academic departments, the Office of Research Services, and the appropriate office(s) listed below for approval and guidance.
Institutional Review Board and Human Studies Program
The Committee on Human Studies (CHS) functions as the federally mandated Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the UH system. All research proposals involving the use of human subjects or the university’s non-public information to identify or contact research subjects need to be reviewed and approved by the CHS. Federal guidelines allow for some research to be exempt from IRB review. However, only the CHS may grant such exemptions.
Environmental, Health and Safety Office
The Environmental, Health and Safety Office (EHSO) ensures safe campus environments through the development and administration of health and safety programs critical to the university experience. Research proposals involving radioactive materials and/or compressed gas (scuba) diving require specific approvals.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is responsible for the oversight and evaluation of animal care and use at the university. Research proposals involving vertebrate animals need to be reviewed and approved by the IACUC.
Laboratory Animal Service
The Laboratory Animal Service (LAS) is charged with administering the system-wide program of animal care and use involving all vertebrate animals used for research, training, testing, and related activities by the university. LAS provides instruction to investigators, staff, students, and visiting researchers on the humane care and use of animals.
Ethical Standards
The following university executive policies and attendant procedures provide a consensual framework within which ethical conduct of research, teaching and scholarly activities can be maintained and assessed at UHM, while complying with federal regulations and requirements.
- Board of Regents Research Policy
- Systemwide Executive Policy EP 12.2.11: Policy for Responding to Allegations of Research and Scholarly Misconduct
- Systemwide Administrative Procedure AP 12.211: Procedure for Responding to Allegations of Research and Scholarly Misconduct
- Systemwide Executive Policy EP 12.214: Conflicts of Interest and Commitment