Graduate courses (600-800 level) are offered only by graduate programs. For information on the applicability of different types of courses toward graduate degree requirements, see Credit Policies > Course Applicability.


Generally, graduate courses are taught by graduate faculty. With the approval of the department chair and the Graduate Division, non-graduate faculty may teach graduate courses. In addition, the department chair needs to consult with the graduate faculty before assigning a non-graduate faculty to teach a graduate course. Any member of the graduate faculty, regardless of his or her employment locus, may offer directed reading/directed research courses in their graduate program(s).


Generally, only graduate students may enroll in graduate courses. With consent of the course instructor, undergraduate seniors may enroll in graduate courses. For information on how undergraduate seniors at University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa may earn credits toward master’s degrees, see Credit Policies > Undergraduate Excess Credits.

Cross Listing

In an effort to prevent duplication of courses, cross-listing of graduate courses between departments and colleges is strongly recommended. Please note:

  • Cross-listing between a graduate course and an undergraduate course is NOT permitted.
  • Simultaneous course listings at more than one course level may be permitted.  This is termed Stacking and not Cross-listing.

Distance Courses

Courses offered off-campus or via telecommunication must provide the students with the same degree of interaction with the instructor, and access to a similar quantity and quality of educational resources, as normally would be available for courses offered on-campus.

Tuition and Fees

The UH president or his designee has the authority to set fees for courses or credit programs offered in-state, courses or credit programs offered out-of-state under special agreements or contractual arrangements, and distance courses or credit programs.

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