Time to degree completion is an important part of the integrity and quality of graduate programs.  In general, graduate students at University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa must complete all degree requirements within seven years after admission to their programs. An approved leave of absence of up to two semesters is not counted in the seven years. Rules for time allowed for degree completion were changed, effective Fall 2011.  Students who enrolled prior to Spring 2011, should contact Graduate Student Services.

Effective Spring 2015, for master’s and doctoral students, academic probation will be placed on a student’s record at the end of the 7th year, rather than at the end of the 5th year. However, this does not preclude a graduate program from requesting an academic probation action if they deem appropriate, sooner than year 7. Official correspondence will be sent from Graduate Student Services with further information at the time of the probation action.

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