Past faculty / staff

This list is of past CCS faculty and staff. The years in parentheses are when they were employed at UH.

Abbot, Isabella (1982–2010), Botany

Ames, Roger (1978–2016), Philosophy

Alter, Jason (1970s-1980s), English as a Second Language

Andersen, Poul (2002-2013?), Religion

Benn, Charles (1980s & 90s), History & Asian Studies

Bentley, Jerry  H. (1976–2012), History

Berkley, Gerald (1986?–?), History

Blake, C. Fred (1974–2017), Anthropology

Brown, Ronald C (1979–2021), Law

Chan, Wing-tsit (1937–1942), Oriental Institute / Philosophy

Chang, Sen-Dou (1967–2007), Geography

Chang, Pauline (?–1986?), East Asian Languages and Literature

Chappell, David W. (1989?–2000?), Religion

Cheng, Edmund (1969–2010), Engineering

Cheng, Robert L. (1969–2002), Chinese Linguistics

Cheng, Susie (1974–2004), Library

Choy, Dexter (1981?–2015?), TIM

Condax, Iovanna (1986?–?), Linguistics

Conner, Alison (1995-2021), Law

Conway-Des Jarlais, Mary Ellen (1989?–?), CTAHR

Dawson, Steven (1989?–2019?), Finance

DeFrancis, John (1966–2007), Chinese Linguistics

Douglass, C. Michael (1986–?), DURP

Ecke, Betty Tseng Yu-ho (1973–1986), Art

Edelstein, Arnold S. (1989?–2000?), English

Englert, Peter (2005?–2010?), Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology

Fan, Carol (1982?–2000?), Women’s Studies

Fan, Pow Foong (1965?–1989?), Geophysics

Fong, Rowena (1990–2000?), Social Work

Foster, Lawrence C. (1976–1978, 1987–2017), East Asian Languages & Law

Frankel, James (2008-2015), Religion

Fuchs, Roland (1958–1986), Geography

Fujitani, Shu-Fen (1985–1987), East Asian Languages and Literature

Gee, Chuck Y. (1970s–1999), Travel Industry Management

Gladney, Dru C. (1993–1998), Asian Studies

Goldberg, Stephen (1985?–1998), Art

Hsieh, Hsin-I (1980?–2020) East Asian Languages and Literature

Ho, Shang-hsien (1972–1994), East Asian Languages and Literature

Hung, Fred (1960–1987), Economics

Jacobs, Laurence  W. (1966–1997?), Business Administration

Kelley, Liam (?–2018?), History

Kelley, Nelson Lane (?–2004), Management & Industrial Relations

Keown, Charles F. (1988?–1993?), Marketing

Kwan, Julia (1978?–2000?), Chinese Language

Kwitko, Ludmilla (1990?–?), Urban & Regional Planning and Women Studies

Kwok, Daniel (1961–97), History

Kwok, Reginald (1989–2019), Asian Studies/DURP

Lamley, Harry J. (1965–97), History

Landers, James (1978?–2000?), Chinese Language

Lau, Frederick (2000–2018), Ethnomusicology

Lee, Byong Won (1985?–2000?), Ethnomusicology

Lee, Oliver (1963–2001), Political Science

Lee, Shao Chang (1923–1953?), History & Chinese Language

Leung, Ping-sun (1989?–2007?), Tropical Agriculture

Li, Fang-Kuei (1969–74), Chinese Linguistics

Li, Gertraude Roth (1986–1994), Center for Chinese Studies, International Programs

Li, Ying-che (1969–2010), East Asian Languages & Literature

Li, Victor Hao (1981–1989), Law.

Liu, Kenneth K.H. (1970?–1986?), East Asian Languages & Literature

Lo, Chin-tang (1970–2001), Chinese Literature

Luo, Yadong (1990s), Business Administration

Luter, John (1974–1992), Journalism

Ma, Yau-Woon (1970?–1997?), Chinese Literature

McKnight, Brian (1970?–1989?), History

McLeod, Russell (1965–1991), Chinese Literature

Miao, Pu (1999–2019), Architecture

Nakajima, Seio (2007–2013), Sociology

Nattier, Jan (1988–1990), Religion

Neill, David R. (1989), Engineering

Ning, Cynthia Y. (1983–2023), Center for Chinese Studies (Associate Director)

Perushek, Diane (2001–16), Library

Pollard, Vincent (1998–2010), Asian Studies

Porter, Edgar (1988–2006), School for Hawaiian, Asian & Pacific Studies

Ramos, Elias T. (1989–1993), Management & Industrial Relations

Reed, Gay Garland (1992–2014), College of Education

Sanders, Robert M. (1986–88), Chinese Linguistics

Saso, Michael (1974–1990), Religion

Scollard, Fredrikke Skinsnes (1989-1991), Center for Chinese Studies

Seo, Kap Kyung (1989?–2000?), Business Economics & Quantitative Methods

Shi, Mingzheng (1998–2000), History

Smith, Barbara (1942–1989), Ethnomusicology

So, Alvin (1984–1998), Sociology

Starosta, Stanley (1985–2002), Linguistics

Tao, Tien-yi (1968–99), History

Tschudi, Daniel (1991–2019), Center for Chinese Studies

Tschudi, Stephen (1988–2022), Center for Language & Technology

Uhalley, Stephen (1970–1995), History

Vitiello, Giovanni (1999–2012?), East Asian Languages and Literatures

Wang, Jaw Kai (1983?–2012?), Tropical Agriculture

Wang, Tien Mu (?–1922), History & Chinese Language

Wichmann-Walczak, Elizabeth (1981–2018), Theater & Dance

Wiemer, Calla (1984–1997), Economics

Wong, Nancy Y.C. (1998?–2000?), Business Administration

Xu, Peng (2020–2023), Theatre and Dance

Yang, Guobin (2000?—2007?), Sociology

Yao, Kuang-tien (1997–2014), Library

Yao, Tao-chung “Ted” (1995–2013), East Asian Languages & Literature

Yeh, Yeong-her (1977?–1999?), Economics

Yip, Christopher L. (1996?–1999?), Architecture

Yuen, Paul C. (1961–1999), Engineering

Zhang, Jinguang (Andrew; 2013–2021), Communicology