Zhang, Jinguang (Andrew)

CCS Faculty
Associate Professor, Communicology
George Hall 320
Email: jzhang6@hawaii.edu

BA City U of Hong Kong, 2006
MA City U of Hong Kong, 2008
PhD U California-Santa Barbara, 2013

Prof. Zhang joined the UH Department of Communicology in 2013. His research interest is in an evolutionary approach to human communication, and he is currently principal investigator of a National Science Foundation grant supporting his work.


He is the author of over two dozen peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, including the following:
Zhong, Z., & Zhang, J. (2020). Subjective likelihood of contracting
contagious diseases does not predict measures of general trust in a
Chinese panel dataset. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences.

Zhang, J., & Zhong, Z. (2019). Life history and system justification:
Higher individual fertility and lower provincial life expectancy correlate
with stronger progovernment attitudes in China. Political Psychology,
40(2), 355-373. https://doi.org/10.1111/pops.12498

Yao, M. Z., & Zhang, J. (2008). Predicting user concerns about online
privacy in Hong Kong. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11(6), 779–781.

Zhang, J., & Zhong, Z. (2017). Life history and speech freedom:
Individual fertility and provincial life expectancy predict support of
suppressing dissent in China. International Communication Association. San
Diego, CA.