Hung, ChiaKo 洪家科

Associate Professor
Public Administration Program
2424 Maile Way, Saunders Hall 405
(808) 956-7060

2019 Ph.D. Arizona State University
2019 M.P.A. Arizona State University
2009 M.A. National Chengchi University
2007 B.B.A. National Taipei University

I am currently interested in nonprofit finance, in particular in understanding revenue interactions, revenue diversification, fundraising, overhead costs and commercialization. My research has been featured in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Nonprofit Quarterly, and China: An International Journal.

Tung, C. Y., & Hung, C. K. (2012). The Estimation of Aggregate Statistics for Taiwan-Invested Enterprises in China: 1988-2008. China: An International Journal, 10(3), 119-132.

Hung, C. K., & Tung, C. Y. (2010). “The Contribution of Taiwan-invested Enterprises towards the Economic Development of China: 1988-2008.” Taiwan-invested Enterprises and China Economic Development. (Taipei, Taiwan: Institute for National Policy Research, 2010), pp.1-50. ISBN: 9789866135095.

Tung, C. Y., Hann, D., & Hung, C. K. (2008). China Economic World Ranking Report. China Economic Databases, National Chengchi University, Issue 1, pp.1-7.