Lee, Oliver M.

Social Sciences Bldg. 611: 956-8171
Department: 956-8357; Fax: 956-6877
Email: olee@hawaii.edu

BA 1951, Harvard University
MA 1955, University of Chicago
PhD 1962, University of Chicago

Born in Shanghai in 1927, Professor Lee lived in China, Germany, Mauritius, and Iran before coming to the US in 1946. He speaks Mandarin, Hakka, and Taishan dialects. His PhD dissertation at the University of Chicago was titled “National Interest and Ideology in Communist China’s Foreign Policy.” His research interests include China’s policies toward the U.S. and toward Japan in the 1990s. He has traveled to China five times in recent years, has published numerous articles on China’s domestic and foreign policies, and is about to complete a book on the economic roots of US foreign policy.

China-Related Courses

POLS 635D U.S.-China Relations POLS 645C Politics in China POLS 685D Chinese Foreign Policy


“Taiwan: U.S. Must Let China Finish Its Long Civil War.”Honolulu Advertiser 3 December 1995. “Lee Ginffa: Symbolist Poet in Revolutionary Times.”Brown Bag Biography (Honolulu), No.5 (1993): 8–9. “The Erosion of Socialism in China.”Occasional Papers in Political Science. Honolulu: Dept. of Political Science, University of Hawai’i, January 1990. “Tiananmen Square Colloquium” (w/Shiping Hua and Manfred Henningsen). Occasional Papers in Political Science. Honolulu: Dept. of Political Science, University of Hawai’i, May 1990. “Protesters Sought End of Socialism in China.” Honolulu Star-Bulletin 27 August 198