Time to Degree

Time-to-Degree (or Time-to-Completion) measures the length of time students take to finish a degree. At the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, undergraduate Time-to-Degree is reported separately for first-time full-time students and transfer students. Click on the following Analysis Brief to learn more about how Undergraduate Time-to-Degree is calculated and get multiple years of Time-to-Degree statistics for first-time and transfer undergraduate students.

***Please Note: The latest reports will be made available when data are released by the System Institutional Research Office (IRAO).

Undergraduate Time-to-Degree Brief

First-time Full-Time Freshmen

At University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, time-to-degree for undergraduate students in general and for different types of student populations are only examined among degrees awarded to students who started as first-time full-time freshmen. This is because transfer students bring in different numbers of transfer credits, so they are not included to allow for a more reliable apple-to-apple comparison across years.

First-time full-time Freshmen

By Gender     Female  Male

By Geography    State of Hawaii   US Mainland  US National/CFAS  International

By Race & Ethnicity

Race Ethnicity
AsianJapanese   Chinese     Filipino   Korean   Vietnamese   Mixed Asian
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific IslanderNative Hawaiian or Part-Hawn
Note 1: In race, American Indians and Alaska Natives and Black or African American are not reported due to the small sample size. 

Note 2: In ethnicity for Asian, Thai, Laotian, Asian Indian, and Other Asian are not reported due to small sample sizes.

Note 3: In ethnicity for Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, Guamanian or Chamorro, Micronesian, Samoan, Tongan, Other Pacific Islander, and Mixed Pacific Islander are not reported due to small sample sizes.

Transfer Students

According to the number of credits transferred in, transfer students’ time-to-degree is tracked at different educational levels. Transfers whose first semester’s course load status is full-time or part-time are also separated to allow comparable statistics.

Full-time Transfer FreshmenFull-time Transfer SophomoresFull-time Transfer JuniorsFull-time Transfer Seniors
Part-time Transfer FreshmenPart-time Transfer SophomoresPart-time Transfer JuniorsPart-time Transfer Seniors