We are pleased to announce that, after several semesters on hold, the Ethnomusicology Program at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa is again ready to accept graduate students, starting Spring 2024 (application deadline August 1, 2023). The program is headed by Dr. R. Anderson Sutton, with additional staff resources that include four other scholars with PhDs in ethnomusicology (one affiliated faculty member and four other part-time lecturers), and an able cadre of ensemble teachers, which allows us to offer a wide range of academic and performance courses. We encourage applicants from all regions. There are a number of funding sources available on a competitive basis. Interested parties should contact Prof. Sutton at rasutton@hawaii.edu for information prior to applying. 

The PhD in Music

The PhD in Music offers concentrations in four areas: composition, ethnomusicology, music education, and musicology. Students work closely with faculty advisors to define coursework in their specialties and in related areas of study, remove pre-program deficiencies, and prepare for the comprehensive exam and dissertation.

Exam-driven rather than course-driven, the Ph.D. in Music requires a variable number of credits depending on the concentration chosen and the background of the individual student. In general, the student takes courses required by his/her area as well as those specified by an advisory panel. Coursework to improve scholarly graduate level writing skills may also be required. At a minimum doctoral coursework must satisfy program residency requirements. (see Program Residency Requirements, below)

All doctoral students must take at least 50% of their coursework at the graduate level (courses numbered 600 and higher).

Doctoral students who have not passed a course in bibliography/library research methods at the master’s level will be required to take Mus 661 as a deficiency course at UHM.