Grades & VA Academic Progress

UH Mānoa must report grades and academic progress to the VA. Unsatisfactory grades and/or academic progress may recalculate your benefits and result in a benefits overpayment.


Audit (L)
Students do not receive credits for an audited class and will receive a grade of “L”. Classes that change from credit to audit will be reported as a withdrawal, effective from the date of the change.

Fail (F)
UH Mānoa is required to report failing (F) grades as punitive grades to the VA. Students who receive all F grades at the end of a term may have their benefits adjusted by the VA, effective from their last day of attendance for each class. If you stop-out of classes prior to the end of the term, this may result in having to repay tuition and housing payments back to the VA.

No-Credit (NC)
Students who receive a no-credit grade for a class may have their benefits adjusted by the VA, effective from their last day of attendance.

Withdrawal (W)
Students who withdraw from a class or withdraw altogether from UH Mānoa may have their benefits adjusted by the VA-retroactively as if they never attended or effective from their last day of attendance if evidence of acceptable mitigating circumstances is submitted to the VA.

What happens if I withdraw (with W) from a class or classes?

Incomplete (I)

  • Graduate Students:
    UH Mānoa is required to report an incomplete grade as a non-punitive grade to the VA at the time an “I” grade is assigned. Students who receive an incomplete grade are allowed one calendar year immediately following the end of the semester during which it was assigned to make it up. Students must notify the Office of the Registrar by email ( once a final grade has been assigned by their instructor. If the “I” grade has not been replaced and reported to us after one year, the VA may retroactively terminate the benefits received for that course, unless evidence of acceptable mitigating circumstances is submitted to the VA.
  • Undergraduate Students:
    Students who receive an incomplete grade that converts to a no-credit or failing grade may have their benefits adjusted by the VA, effective from their last day of attendance.

No Credits Earned (End of Semester)
Students who complete the semester and only receive grades that result in no credits earned for the semester (e.g., “F”, “NC”, “W”) will have their benefits adjusted by the VA, effective from their last day of attendance for each class.

VA Academic Progress

Warning and Probation
A semester of warning is not equivalent to probation and is therefore excluded from the VA’s two consecutive term academic progress policy below (even if the student’s cumulative GPA is below a 2.0).

We highly recommend that students on probation meet with their academic advisor to discuss GPA requirements in addition to the minimum academic requirements of their specific college, school, or program. An academic advisor can also provide strategies on how to get back in good academic standing.

Continued Probation
The VA’s two consecutive term academic progress policy is specific only to VA education benefit recipients. Per VA policy, students are ineligible for benefits beyond two consecutive semesters (Fall/Spring only) started on academic probation. If students are not in good academic standing following the second semester of their continued academic probation, their VA benefits will be discontinued.

Students may continue to attend UH Mānoa if they meet the university’s requirements to remain on continued probation, but would have to accept full financial responsibility for enrolling without VA education benefits. Once they achieve good academic standing, they can resume benefits by submitting either a VA Form 22-1995 or 22-5495 (for Dependents) to the Office of the Registrar. Students must attach an academic plan detailing the steps needed to meet the minimum academic standards for the upcoming certification semester. A statement must also be provided explaining how their chosen degree program aligns with their academic aptitudes and interests, demonstrating they can meet the program’s academic progress requirements.

Example 1:

  • (Fall 2023 – Student’s first Mānoa semester; ends the semester with a warning issued. This semester is not counted)
  • Spring 2024 – Student ends the semester on academic probation
  • Fall 2024 – Student starts the semester on academic probation
  • Spring 2025 – Student starts the semester on continued probation
  • Fall 2025 – Student remains on continued probation, and based on the policy, is no longer eligible for VA benefits

Example 2:

  • (Fall 2023 – Student’s first Mānoa semester; ends the semester with a warning issued. This semester is not counted)
  • Spring 2024 – Student ends the semester on academic probation
  • Summer 2024 –  Student takes summer classes, and at the end of summer did well enough to get back in good standing. The VA clock for this policy starts over

Suspension & Dismissal
Academic suspension and dismissal are reported to the VA at the end of the Fall and Spring semesters.

Students who are readmitted to UH Mānoa and are accepted on probation can resume VA education benefits by submitting either a VA Form 22-1995 or 22-5495 (for Dependents) to the Office of the Registrar. Students must attach an academic plan detailing the steps needed to meet the minimum academic standards for the upcoming certification semester. A statement must also be provided explaining how their chosen degree program aligns with their academic aptitudes and interests, demonstrating they can meet the program’s academic progress requirements.

In compliance with Public Law 114-315 Section 404, UH Mānoa reports graduation and program completion dates for students who use VA education benefits.