Banner & STAR Advisor Access

To request access to University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa administrative systems, including Ellucian Banner and STAR Advisor, please complete the appropriate request form(s). These forms are updated as needed, so please make sure to utilize the latest version.

If you are affiliated with another University of Hawai’i System campus, please contact your Banner Security Coordinator.


Removing Access

Banner & STAR access is only approved for employees and student assistants currently affiliated with UH Mānoa or UH System.

Departments and academic units are responsible for notifying the Office of the Registrar if any employee (including student assistants) leaves their position and/or if access is no longer needed.

Employees who change positions on campus must complete a new Banner and/or STAR Access Request and get approval from their current supervisor, director, chair, dean, and/or vice provost.


Please contact us at