Posters, Information & Reports

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Arts, Humanities & Languages | Co-Curricular & Other | Natural Sciences | Professional Schools | Social Sciences

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Undergraduate Level | Graduate Level | Institutional Level

Assessment Process

Assessment as Scholarship | Curriculum Map | Faculty Engagement | Formative Assessment | Rubric | Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) | Use of Results & Closing the Loop

Assessment Method

Capstone | Embedded Assessment | Field Experience | Interview & Focus Group | Signature Assignment | Survey

Browse all Poster Titles

Author/sDepartment/UnitPoster TitleYear
Aquino, Kamakanaokealoha and Sabellano-Tsutsui, TiareHui ʻĀina PilipiliStrengthen Ea Hawaiʻi within Social Science: An Assessment of Student Experiences2024
Aytac, Gunes and Lozanoff, ScottAnatomy, Biochemistry and PhysiologyAdvancing Anatomy Education Through Data-Driven Curriculum Development2024
Brown, Shana, Foukouna, Joseph, Jolly, Karen, Komar, Bailey, and Totani, YumaHistoryA Curricular Intervention to Build History Research Skills2024
Beaule, Christine and Paradise, RosalieGeneral Education OfficeAssessment Approaches to Diversification in General Education at UH Manoa2024
Deaton, Chanda and Saam, JulieCenter for Teaching, Learning, and AssessmentRemodel, Rebuild, Redesign: Rewriting our story for Co-curricular Assessment2024
Fuller, Amy and Denhardt, JillChemistryKukui Nut Calorimetry, Place-Based Learning in General Chemistry Lab at the University of Hawaii at Manoa2024
George, OliviaMathematicsAssessing UH-West O’ahu Provisional Accreditation of the BS-Natural Sciences Program through Faculty Engagement and Rubric Analysis: Findings and Challenges 2024
Joseph, Michiko and Spencer, LisaLibraryAre we, at UH West Oahu, meeting our Critical Thinking benchmark?2024
Lucas, ChrisCollege of EducationWayfinding Our ‘North Stars’: Arriving at One Department’s Values and Vision2024
McDaniel, ValerieSpeech-Language PathologyThe Return to 100: Overcoming Perceived Student Barriers to Passing the Speech-Language Pathology Praxis2024
Okamura, K. ʻAlohilani HNSchool for Teacher Education/Secondary ProgramE Ulu Aʻe2024
Oppegaard, BrettSchool of Communication and InformationJournalism Foundations2024
Reece, Joel and Bradshaw, CharlesHealth & Human Services, EnglishCatching the Wave of Program Assessment2024
Rombaoa Tanaka, NaomiCenter on Disability StudiesElevating Weekly Formative Assessment: Building Relationships with Students Through the Art of Active Constructive Responding2024
Shulga, Lenna, Berbekova, Adiyukh, and Seo, KwanglimSchool of Travel Industry Management>Assessing Students’ Professional Readiness in MS-TIM Program2024
Walguarnery, JustinSchool of Life SciencesAssessing Cooperative Work in Life sciences Research2024
Wong, LorrieNursingTransforming Nursing Education – AACN Essentials 20212024
Aquino, Kamakanaokealoha and Kapahua, KawenaʻulaokalāSocial SciencesIndigenous Social Sciences Curriculum: An Assessment of Undergraduate Programs in the College of Social Sciences2023
Black, Rhonda and Sara CookSpecial EducationForming shared vision through program assessment in the Special Education MEd Program2023
Brooks, Lauren and Hutchinson-Anderson, KellyChemistryCore Assessment: general education and faculty engagement2023
Carlisle, Kristy and Shirley, DavidCounseling and Human ServicesMaking Institutional Academic Assessment Work for Faculty2023
U’ilani Chow-Rule, KimberlyNAWSONHo‘okaulike: Creating Curricular Equality from a Cultural Perspective2023
Chung, Aimee and Lum, WendySocial WorkAssessment and the Competent Field Education Student: A Rubric for Learning Decolonized Social Work Practice2023
Doyle, Laura and Mains, BillSchool of EngineeringGraduate Assessment at a Predominantly Undergraduate Institution2023
Eng, Matt and Makino-Kanehiro, MegumiMānoa Advising CenterMapping Program Learning Outcomes for UNIV Exploratory Courses2023
Griswold, JenniferAtmospheric ScienceConnecting Courses to Competency: Mapping the ATMO Curriculum2023
Lin, Shu HwaFashion Design and MerchandisingFashion from Aloha Shirts2023
Odani, JeneeHNFASLearning to Teach and Assess Problem Solving in Animal Sciences2023
Quattlebaum, Thomas and Kim, CynthiaFamily Medicine and Community HealthLook and Listen: Developing Faculty Competency in Direct Observation2023
Saito-Tom, LynneObstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s HealthEnhancing Direct Observation of Medical Students during the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship2023
Sickel, Aaron and Tiffany-Kinder, RonnieElementary EducationSupporting Formative Feedback on Teacher Candidates’ Lesson Observations: The Design of a Developmental Curriculum2023
Sung, PriscillaInstitutional Research, Assessment, & Policy StudiesFrom Seedlines to Harvest: Successes and Challenges of a Grassroots Approach to Assessment2023
Wu, JingEast Asian Languages & LiteraturesImplementation of Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA) at Postsecondary Mandarin Chinese Classes2023
Arai, MeikoCenter for Teaching and Learning, Chaminade UniversityThe Road to Institutional Effectiveness: Cultivating Partnerships for General Education Assessment2021
Brown, ShanaHistoryCapstone Signature Assignment Development in a History BA Program2021
Chang, Cara; Mahi, Michelle; and Nakamitsu, KazukoLanguage Arts, Leeward Community CollegeAssessment across the Disciplines: Increasing Faculty Engagement in Assessment2021
Crowther, Dustin; Gilliland, Betsy; Harsch, Kenton; Isbell, Daniel; and Gochenouer, CariSecond Language StudiesOral Communication for Language Teachers: Assessment Rubric Development2021
Das, PriyamUrban and Regional PlanningAssessing the Planning Practicum: Lessons for Engaged Scholarship2021
Drexel, April AH; Ka'aloa, Piʻilani; OʻNeill Keawe, Lia; and Long, KeahiahiHawaiʻinuiākea/Hawaiian StudiesKumu, Kuleana, Kaona: Assessing Multiple Viewpoints2021
Gochenouer, Cari and Beaule, ChristineGeneral Education OfficeStrength in Numbers: Facilitating Faculty Learning Communities for General Education Student Learning Outcomes Assessment2021
Hirata, Dorothy; Chuang, Laura; Parcon, Matt; Swift, Alice; and Yamada, MarisaInformation Technology ServicesUH Online 5-Week Professional Development (PD) Program Evaluation and Iterative Improvements2021
Ho, Kacie; Jun, Soojin; and Li, YongHuman Nutrition, Food and Animal SciencesAssessing Written Communication Skills across Food Science Courses with a Common Rubric2021
Nakamatsu, Nicole; Torigoe, Trevor; Mikami, Brandi; Thompson, Jesse D.; Rettenmeier, Christopher; Lozanoff, Beth K.; Kaya, Brock; Smith, Alice; Lee, U-Young; Aytac, Gunes; and Lozanoff, Scott K.Anatomy, Biochemistry & Physiology, John A. Burns School of MedicineCross-Cultural Classroom: Assessing Student Opinion of Online, Case-Based Learning Modules, Utilizing MRI and XR Technology, in American and Turkish Medical Students2021
Ogawa, MBInformation and Computer SciencesCurricular Assessment for Improved Sequenced Learning2021
Pagkalinawan, LeticiaIndo-Pacific Languages and LiteraturesDevelopment of a Signature Assignment in Filipino Cultural Courses2021
Rath, Richard and Hasager, UllaEthnic StudiesAssessing Civic and Community Engagement in Ethnic Studies2021
Shen, Howard C.; McAssey, Edward; and Muszynski, Michael G.School of Life SciencesEstablishing an Assessment Plan for the Undergraduate Molecular and Cell Biology Curriculum to Achieve Program Permanence at UHM2021
Sickel, Jamie and Plamann Wagoner, KaraCenter for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology, Kapi‘olani Community CollegeIntegrated Planning for Student Success: Kapi‘olani Community College’s Continuous Improvement Journey2021
Stephens-Chu, Maura; Hill, Yao Z.; Aune, Krystyna; and Maeda, JulienneAssessment and Curriculum Support Center & Graduate DivisionAdvanced Degree Institutional Learning Achievement Investigation: Methods and Opportunities for Action2021
Stopa, Justin E.; Cheung, Kwok Fai; and Nosal, Eva-MarieOcean and Resources EngineeringAutomation of Student Learning Assessment for the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)2021
von Doetinchem, SandraOutreach College, Continuing & Professional ProgramsIncorporating Learning Outcome Assessments into Noncredit Education: A Novel Approach2021
Walguarnery, Justin; Morden, Clifford; and Drake, DonaldSchool of Life SciencesLife Sciences Uniting in Assessing Student Writing2021
Wang, Haidan; Jiang, Song; Jiang, Li; and Yue, Ming-BaoEast Asian Languages & LiteraturesCreating a Rubric of Critical Thinking for Writing Intensive Courses2021
Berez-Kroeker, Andrea; Drager, Katie; and McDonnell, BradleyLinguisticsOverhauling the comprehensive exam in the Department of Linguistics: First steps2019
Buente, Wayne; Kim, Ji Young; Bergstrom, Kelly; Buskirk, Patricia; Kramer, Hanae; Moody, Marc; Neo, Rachel; and Schimmel, Scott CommunicationsAdvancing Learning in the Communication BA through ePortfolios2019
Esquivel, Monica and Lau, TinaDieteticsStreamlining student learning outcome assessment through ePortfolios in Dietetics Program2019
Fong, Sheri and Wong, VanessaJohn A. Burns School of Medicine, or JABSOMContent Maps of Health Care Problems in the Pre-clerkship Curriculum: Monitoring Themes, Gaps, Redundancies and Accreditation Requirements2019
Goo-Yoshino, Shari and Taniguchi, LisaCommunication Sciences and DisordersUsing a Systematic Process to Develop a Method for Assessment of Professionalism in Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Students2019
Guidry, Michael and Hill, YaoGlobal Environmental ScienceImproving Oral Communication of Undergraduate Research Results2019
Julien-Chinn, FrancieSchool of Social WorkStrengthening the Child and Family Specialization Curriculum through Developing Standard, Explicit, and Sustainable Assessments and Outcomes2019
Kishida, Jennifer and Guo, JingSchool of Social WorkImproving Qualifying Exam Performance—From Assessment Data to Curriculum Alignment2019
Kurasaki, RyanMolecular Biosciences & BioEngineeringEngineering Design: Effecting Program Change from Course Innovation2019
Lau, Melinda and Ching, PennyDental HygienePediatric Dental Care Curriculum Component Integrated in the Existing Dental Hygiene Program2019
Maemori, Kathy and Chinen, VernaCommunication Sciences and DisordersStandardizing admission process to defy the “crystal ball” in student selection to Communication Sciences and Disorders’ Master Program2019
Nishimura, Stephanie and Omori, JillJohn A. Burns School of Medicine, or JABSOMJABSOM Medical Education: A Systematic Review Process for a Medical Education Curriculum2019
Ryan, Cari and Beaule, ChristineGeneral EducationDeveloping an Alignment Framework to Support General Education2019
Smith, Celia and Lemus, JudyMarine BiologyRevising the oral comprehensive exam in the UHM Marine Biology Graduate Program2019
Van Duser, KyleFirst year ProgramsScholarships as a Retention Tool2019
Yang, Seung; Chen, Jessie; and Litton, CreightonUndergraduate Research Opportunities ProgramUsing Data to Promote Awareness of and Participation in Undergraduate Research & Creative Works2019
Zaleski, HalinaAnimal SciencesUsing Field Supervisor Evaluations for Assessment2019
Cook, LysandraSpecial EducationCourse Series Alignment: Examining a Three Course Sequence2017
Crow, Susan;Litton, Creighton; Oleson, Kirsten; and Vaughan, MehanaNatural Resources & Environmental ManagementA Collaborative Assessment Process for Sustained Curriculum Improvement in Natural Resources and Environmental Management2017
Das, Priyam and Das, AshokUrban & Regional PlanningAn Assessment-Informed Collaborative Initiative: Curriculum Mapping for PhD Program Improvement2017
Dovermann, HeinerMathematicsDepartment of Mathematics Program Assessment via Exam2017
Guidry, Michael and Tsang, TiffanyOceanographyAssessment in Paradise: Using Data to Drive Undergraduate Geoscience Initiatives and Programmatic Changes2017
Hawaii Interprofessional Education Working Group (Ng-Osorio, Jacqueline)NursingWorking Across Professions to Develop the Interprofessional Education Curriculum Pathway2017
Hill, Yao, Z.Assessment OfficeExcellent Uses of Assessment Results: A UH Manoa Showcase2017
Institutional Learning Objectives Committee (Winter, Jenifer; Pascua, Anita; Post, Sarah; and Stitt-Bergh, Monica)Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic AffairsThe Institutional Learning Objectives and Undergraduate Assessment2017
Jiang, Song; Wu, Jing; Riggs, Reed; and Ding, YijunEast Asian Languages & LiteraturesImplementation of Integrated Performance Assessments (IPA) in Beginning Level Chinese Language Classes2017
Johnson, Shannon L.Come Back to Manoa, Outreach CollegeAssessing the Come Back to Manoa Program: Why Seniors Leave and How to Help them Graduate2017
Lower, Amy E.Communication Sciences & DisordersUse of a Weighted Curriculum Map for Programmatic Improvements in Communication Sciences and Disorders2017
Mathews, Geoffrey S.Physics & AstronomyEngaging science faculty in program assessment – planting seeds and cultivating growth2017
Miranda, Jessica L. W.Dean’s Office, College of EducationProgram Completion and Mentor Surveys as Indirect Evidence of Learning: From Development to Use2017
Nelson, Scot C.Tropical Plant & Soil SciencesNew Grading Rubrics for Signature Assignments: Tropical Agriculture and the Environment2017
Osada, Kristine M.and Ching, PennyDental HygieneFrom revising program SLOs to a culture of open communication in Dental Hygiene2017
Park, Mee-JeongEast Asian Languages & LiteraturesMerging graduate degree programs with the Program Assessment tool set2017
Sakaguchi, Ann, M.and Peterson, Christian, E.AnthropologyThe Anthropology PhD Dissertation Defense Rubric: Enhancing Student Learning2017
Vincent, Wendi, V.General EducationAdopting a New Assessment Approach: Using SALG to Evaluate General Education Learning Outcomes2017
Bingham, J.P.Molecular Biosciences and BioengineeringEstablishing Signature Assessment For Graduate Programs: The use of the MS. and PhD. proposal as a tool for evaluating Graduate Program performance2016
Boulos, DanAcademy for Creative MediaRubrics to Curriculum Map: Assessment Tools Inform ACM Curriculum Plans2016
Fialkowski, M. Kainoa; Esquivel, Monica; and Novotny, RachelHuman Nutrition, Food and Animal SciencesFostering Grant Writing Skills: A Student Learning Objective of the Intercollege Nutrition PhD Program2016
Institutional Learning Objectives CommitteeOffice of the Vice Chancellor for Academic AffairsInstitutional Learning Objectives (ILOs): Shaping the Mānoa experience, adding meaning, quality and integrity to the Mānoa undergraduate degree2016
Hong, Seunghye; Morelli, Paula; and Kishida, JenniferMyron B. Thompson School of Social WorkArticulating Social Work PhD program rubrics into a sustainable assessment2016
Hadwick, RobinShidler College of BusinessFrom Rigorous Data Collection to Meaningful Results: Closing the Loop at Shidler2016
Jiang, Hong and Szuster, BrianGeographyRethinking the Discipline and Student’s Learning Goal2016
Johnson, Shannon L.Come Back to Mānoa, Outreach CollegeDeveloping and Assessing the Come Back to Manoa Program: Why Seniors Leave and How to Help them Graduate2016
Kraft-Terry, Stephanie D.BiologyCollaborative Curricular Improvement Guided by Assessment2016
Lower, AmyCommunication Sciences and DisordersClinical Remediation Plan Processes in CSD2016
Martel, Stephen J.Geology and GeophysicsA time-effective and fair way to collect assessment data2016
Miranda, Jessica L.College of Education, Dean’s OfficeUtilizing Common Goals and Assessments Across Programs for Improvement2016
Ng-Osorio, JacquelineNursingBeginning Journey of an Assessment Coordinator Affecting Change2016
Sandlin, M’Randa R.; Spafford, Helen; and Hill, YaoDepartment of Tropical Plant and Soil SciencesAn Interactive Approach to Curriculum Mapping2016
Takanishi, Stacey M.Institute for Teacher Education, ElementaryCurriculum Mapping for Program Assessment and Improvement2016
Tse, AliceNursingEvidence-Based Rubric Development for the Nursing PhD Program2016
Walsh, Julie and Rensel, JanCenter for Pacific Islands StudiesYeah, WRITE! New Disciplinary Writing Curriculum As Outcome of Assessment Cycle2016
Wiltshire, John C.Ocean and Resources Engineering, SOESTDeveloping Additionally Improved Rubrics Following a Very Successful ABET Accreditation of the Ocean and Resources Engineering Department2016
Winter, Jenifer S.; Kurihara Kramer, Hanae; Buente, Wayne; Amaral Buskirk, Patricia; Kim, Ji Young; and Kawamoto, KevinCommunicationsCommunication MA Curriculum Assessment2016
Arboleda, Pia and Parba, JaysonFilipinoFilipino Program Assessment Project2015
Branner, MarkTheatre and DanceUsing the Invisible to Make Visible2015
Brier, David J. and Lebbin, Vicky K.Library ServicesInformation Literacy Across the Curriculum2015
Caparoso, Jenna T.Assessment OfficeFactors and Experiences that Help and Hinder Undergraduate Student Learning2015
Chun, Robyn; Sheehey, Patricia; and Yamashita, LynnEarly Childhood EducationRevisiting the Plan B Capstone of the MEd ECE Program2015
Donachie, StuartMicrobiologyAssessment in the Department of Microbiology: Zero to…2015
Fialkowski, M. Kainoa and Novotny, RachelNutritionIntegrated Monitoring and Evaluation in the Intercollege Nutrition PhD Program2015
Godinet, Meripa; DeMattos, Michael; and Hong, SeunghyeSocial Work(Un)common core competencies2015
Jernigan, Kay and Sora, WendyManoa Career CenterManoa Works2015
Johansen, Morgen and Edwards, TamaraPublic AdministrationLeading The Way To Accreditation With Assessment2015
Joyce, Barbara and Sevier, HollySociologyUH Manoa Sociology Department: Undergraduate Assessment in Action 2015
Kraft-Terry, Stephanie D.BiologyCollaborative program assessment utilizing an undergraduate capstone course 2015
Lin, Shu-HwaFashion Design and ManagementThe Assessment of Fashion Design Merchandising Program2015
Lopez, LeslieCenter for Teaching ExcellenceStudent nominated online teaching awards at Manoa: What student satisfaction surveys tell us2015
Nakaoka, Denise and Libarios, NikiCOE Student Academic ServicesEngaging in Self-Reflection: Using Assessment to Inform Retention Academic Advising Practices2015
Nguyen, Hannah-Hanh D.ManagementAssessing Students’ Business Ethics Using a Web-based 3-D Game2015
Pang, AdamLearning Assistance CenterAssessment: Informing Co-curricular Programming from Past to Present to Future2015
Ranker, Tom A.BotanyAdvancing Program Assessment Beyond the Curriculum Map: Recent Progress in the Department of Botany2015
Robinson, Scott D.Institute for Teacher EducationAssessing MEdT Teacher Candidates’ Leadership and Collaboration2015
Sheehey, Patricia H. and Jenkins, AmeliaSpecial EducationIA Process for Facilitating Program Improvement: Is There a Data Analysis Process That’s Faculty Friendly?2015
Shiroma, Kiana Y.; Tagalicod, Rayna; and Kiyabu, ReidManoa Sophomore ExperienceManoa Sophomore Experience: An Example of Successful Data-Driven Programming 2015
Spafford, Helen; Amore, Teresita; Kaufman, Andrew; Nelson, Scot; Leonhardt, Kenneth; Yost, Russell; and Wieczorek, AniaPlant and Environmental Protection SciencesDesigning a new program from the SLO up2015
Sylwester, Bonnie and Harsch, KentonSecond Language StudiesStriving for Useful and Sustainable Outcomes Assessment2015
Twomey, SarahCurriculum StudiesAssessment for PhD Curriculum Improvement from A Faculty Perspective2015
Van Duser, KyleFirst Year ProgramsLearning Through Community: Best Practices and Assessment2015
Wang, HaidanEALL, ChineseWriting rubric development and collaborative assessment work in the Chinese program 2015
Yamamoto, Kathryn K.Kinesiology Rehabilitation ScienceMoving Forward with Fieldwork Assessment!2015
Ziehm, Scott; LaVasseur, Sandra; and Mark, DebraNursingDirect Measures of Doctoral Student Learning Supporting On-time Graduation2015
Babcock, RogerCivil and Environmental Engineering GraduateMS/PhD Outcome Assessment Program Development2014
Bustria, Allison; Mitchell, Craig; and Smoke, AnneSpark M. Matsunaga Institute for Peace and Conflict ResolutionStarting the Curricular Conversation through Mapping: A Curriculum Review of the Graduate Certificate in Conflict Resolution2014
Cook, Angelie and Van Duser, KyleFirst-Year ProgramsAssessment of ACE Learning Communities 20132014
Crookes, GrahamSecond Language StudiesClassroom Assessment – Implications for Program Assessment2014
Goodyear, NoePolitical ScienceLearning Outcome Driven Curricular Improvement – An Example from Political Science2014
Hill, YaoAssessment OfficeBuilding and Sustaining Assessment Leaders: A Successful Model at UHM2014
Hwang, JoyceSchool of Travel Industry ManagementHow TIM School Began and Progressed with Program Assessment2014
Jiang, SongChinese BA, East Asian Languages and LiteratureImproving Oral Proficiency in Chinese Using Simulated OPI Assessment2014
Kong, Dong-KwanKorean Flagship MA, East Asian Languages and LiteraturesFlagship Rubric for Oral Performance2014
Kramer, Hanae Kurihara and Winter, Jenifer SunriseSchool of CommunicationsEncouraging Civic Engagement Among Undergraduates2014
Lopez, LeslieCenter for Teaching ExcellenceDesign Based Research Approach for Faculty Development on Innovative Classrooms2014
Lua, Alfred; Wen, Aida; Yee, Misty; Stitt-Bergh, Monica; Bell, Christina; Kasuya, Richard; Sakai, Damon; and Masaki, KamalDepartment of Geriatric Medicine, John A. Burns School of MedicineCurriculum Mapping of Geriatric Medicine Core Competencies in the Preclinical Problem-Based Learning Curriculum at the John A Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawai‘i2014
Ma, DavidCivil and Environmental Engineering BAAssessing Math, Science & Engineering Skills in Civil Engineering2014
McKimmy, Paul and Togashi, GentaCollege of EducationKAPA Academic Program Assessment System (Technology Solutions for Program Assessment)2014
Miranda, JessicaCollege of EducationMeasuring Our Success2014
Moffett, Joel; Boulos, Dan; Misawa, AnneAcademy for the Creative ArtsCollaborative Rubric Development for Program Improvement2014
Sang Yee Cheon and Sumi ChangKorean Flagship BA, East Asian Languages and LiteraturesKorean Flagship BA Program Assessment Results & Curricular Improvement2014
Takahashi, Lorey K.PsychologyDepartment of Psychology Undergraduate Assessment Plan2014
Winter, Jenifer Sunrise; Buente, Wayne; Dalisay, Francis; Kramer, Hanae Kurihara; and Buskirk, Patricia AmaralSchool of CommunicationsCommunication BA Curriculum Assessment Using e-Portfolios2014
Zaleski, Halina M.; Hester, Maya; McNeill, Britt; and Toyama, FayeHuman Nutrition, Food, and Animal SciencesIntegrating Teaching and Extension: Swine Production2014
Adams, Paul L.; Lowe, Marlene P.; Stitt-Bergh, Monica A.Assessment OfficeAnnual Reports: Assessment Status Across Campus2009
Arno, AndrewAnthropology, College of Social SciencesPilot Test of an Assessment Method2009
Bingham, RuthPre-Health / Pre-Law Advising CenterPre-Health / Pre-Law Advising Center2009
Bruland, Holly Huff; Henry, JimEnglish, College of Languages, Linguistics and LiteratureThe UH Writing Mentors Program: Multi-Perspectival Assessment2009
Chang, SandraDepartment of Tropical Medicine, Medical Microbiology & Pharmacology, John A. Burns School of MedicineAssessment & Revision of Core Curriculum in Tropical Medicine2009
Chantiny, Martha; Frost, Wil; Grosenheider, Alan; Jordan, Allie; Tillinghast, BethLibrary and Information Science Program, Information and Computer Sciences, College of Natural SciencesStudent Achievement Is Our Goal!2009
Chun, Maria B.J. Ph.D.; Young, Keane G.M. B.S.; Takanishi, Danny M. Jr., M.D.FACS Surgery, John A Burns School of MedicineThe Development of a Cultural Standardized Patient Exam for a General Surgery Residency Program2009
Cuizon-Garcia, Rena; Franchini, Nick; Goodman, Crystal; Hamada, Kay; Higa, Lynne; Ishiwata, Cathy; Kirk-Kuwaye, Mike; Lee, Mary; Legaspi, Sheryl; Nishida, DawnArts & Sciences Student Academic ServicesAssessment for Advising2009
Duesterhaus, Bob; Kirk-Kuwaye, ChrisStudent Life & Development Student AffairsLEVELS OF LEADERSHIP: Developing Strategies for Improving Competency in Three Core Learning Outcomes2009
Heberle, MarkEnglish, College of Languages, Linguistics and LiteratureHow Well are First-Year Students Composing? Assessing the Foundations in Written Communication Program2009
Hwang, Joyce; Lohmann, Gui; Uyeno, Russell; Wen, Ivan; Liu, JuanitaTravel Industry ManagementTIM School’s Assessment Process2009
Lee, Sang-Hyop; Kwak, Sally; Sherstyuk, EkaterinaEconomics, College of Social SciencesUHM Department of Economics’ Assessment Experience2009
Menor, Joseph Jr.Biology, College of Natural SciencesB.S. Marine Biology Proposed Program SLOs and Assessment2009
Nejhad, Mehrdad GhasemiMechanical Engineering, College of EngineeringABET (Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology) Assessment Tools2009
Nicholson, Peter; Clapp, CarlAthletics DepartmentStudent-Athletics Academic Performance2009
Ranker, Tom A.Botany, College of Natural SciencesProgram Assessment – Department of Botany2009
Riggs, H. Ronald; Ooi, PhillipCivil and Environmental Engineering, College of EngineeringAssessment of Program Outcomes2009
Schoonmaker, JaneOceanography, SOESTThe Global Environmental Science Senior Research Thesis: A Locus for Program Level Learning Outcome Assessment2009
Sweeton, NickStudent Housing ServicesStudent Housing Services Annual Assessment, 2009-20102009
Takahashi, Lorey K.; Choo, Mei SzePsychology, College of Social SciencesAssessing the Department of Psychology Undergraduate Program2009
Vinson, Ellen & Chismar, WilliamShidler School of BusinessAssessment at The Shidler School of Business2009
Zaleski, Halina M. Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human ResourcesUsing Internship Supervisor Evaluations for Program Assessment2009
Abarca, Thora; Frost, Wil; Hanson, Margot; Nahl, Diane; Roddy, Kevin; Au, Lari-anne; Gmelin, Michael; Matsukawa, Norma; Peterson, Ellen; Severns,  TaraUniversity of Hawaii Libraries Information Literacy CommitteeAssessing Information Literacy Online2008
Abe, Harriet; Feeney, Paulette; Horn, Nena; Wakayama, Lei; Okinaga, CarolynOutreach CollegeGrowing an Assessment: Focus Groups2008
Andrade, Carlos; Kaaloa, Piilani; Freitas, KoniaKamakakuokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies, Hawai‘inuiākea School of Hawaiian KnowledgeKamakakuokalani Curriculum Concept Map Exercise2008
Auman, AnnSchool of Communications, College of Social SciencesAssessing a New Journalism Curriculum: Evaluating Team-Teaching Models in a Media Convergence Curriculum 2004-20072008
Aune, KellyDepartment of Speech, College of Arts and HumanitiesAssessment of Retention of Content from Required Courses Using Comparison Groups2008
Bruland, Holly Huff; Clayton, Erica ReynoldsDepartment of English, College of Languages, Linguistics, and LiteratureHow Well are First-Year Students Composing? Assessing the Foundations in Written Communication Program2008
Davis, John; Watanabe, Yukiko; Kondo‐Brown, KimiCollege of Languages, Linguistics, and LiteratureEnhancing Evaluation of CLLL Programs: Developing an Online Student Exit Survey System2008
Davis, Larry; Harsch, KentonDepartment of Second Language Studies, College of Languages, Linguistics, and LiteratureOutcomes Assessment of, by, and for the People: SLOs in the English Language Institute2008
Dovermann, HeinerDepartment of Mathematics, College of Natural SciencesAn Overview of Assessment in the Math Department2008
Henry, JimDepartment of English, College of Languages, Linguistics, and LiteratureAssessing Mentoring in First Year Composition: A Tool to Boost Retention?2008
Hoover, MayaDepartment of Music, College of Arts and HumanitiesCreating a Successful Assessment Plan in the Fine Arts: Assessment Trials, Tribulations, and Successes of a Music Department2008
Nejhad, Mehrdad GhasemiDepartment of Mechanical Engineering. College of EngineeringABET (Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology) Assessment Tools2008
Riggs, H. Ronald; Ooi, PhillipDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of EngineeringAssessment of Program Outcomes2008
Sasaki, Galen; Macchiarulo, LucaDepartment of Electrical Engineering, College of EngineeringAssessment Processes for the Department of Electrical Engineering2008
Somogyi‐Zalud, Emese; Faran, Diane A.; Bell, Christina L.; Masaki, Kamal H.Division of Palliative Medicine, Department of Geriatric Medicine, University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of MedicineAssessment in Palliative Medicine2008
Stockert, Nancy; Harms, JoanUniversity Health Services and Office of the Vice Chancellor for StudentsLogic Models as a Tool to Plan and Manage Assessment2008
Takeuchi, Leilani; Yoshida, Tiffany; Guirao, ShantalFirst Year Programs, Undergraduate EducationFirst Year Success: Evaluating a Peer-Led Learning Community Program2008
Tiles, MaryDepartment of Philosophy, College of Arts and HumanitiesKeeping Program Assessment Simple2008
Woodruff, Rosemarie; Pang, AdamLearning Assistance Center, Undergraduate EducationEmpirically Based Assessment2008
Yontz, ValerieDepartment of Public Health Sciences, Office of Public Health StudiesPracticum Assessment from the Department of Public Health Sciences2008