Poster Exhibit Information by Year (including reports)
2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2009 | 2008
Reports by Year
2023 | 2021 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014
Browse Posters by Category
Program Type
Arts, Humanities & Languages | Co-Curricular & Other | Natural Sciences | Professional Schools | Social Sciences
Assessment Level
Undergraduate Level | Graduate Level | Institutional Level
Assessment Process
Assessment as Scholarship | Curriculum Map | Faculty Engagement | Formative Assessment | Rubric | Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) | Use of Results & Closing the Loop
Assessment Method
Capstone | Embedded Assessment | Field Experience | Interview & Focus Group | Signature Assignment | Survey
Browse all Poster Titles
Author/s | Department/Unit | Poster Title | Year |
Aquino, Kamakanaokealoha and Sabellano-Tsutsui, Tiare | Hui ʻĀina Pilipili | Strengthen Ea Hawaiʻi within Social Science: An Assessment of Student Experiences | 2024 |
Aytac, Gunes and Lozanoff, Scott | Anatomy, Biochemistry and Physiology | Advancing Anatomy Education Through Data-Driven Curriculum Development | 2024 |
Brown, Shana, Foukouna, Joseph, Jolly, Karen, Komar, Bailey, and Totani, Yuma | History | A Curricular Intervention to Build History Research Skills | 2024 |
Beaule, Christine and Paradise, Rosalie | General Education Office | Assessment Approaches to Diversification in General Education at UH Manoa | 2024 |
Deaton, Chanda and Saam, Julie | Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment | Remodel, Rebuild, Redesign: Rewriting our story for Co-curricular Assessment | 2024 |
Fuller, Amy and Denhardt, Jill | Chemistry | Kukui Nut Calorimetry, Place-Based Learning in General Chemistry Lab at the University of Hawaii at Manoa | 2024 |
George, Olivia | Mathematics | Assessing UH-West O’ahu Provisional Accreditation of the BS-Natural Sciences Program through Faculty Engagement and Rubric Analysis: Findings and Challenges | 2024 |
Joseph, Michiko and Spencer, Lisa | Library | Are we, at UH West Oahu, meeting our Critical Thinking benchmark? | 2024 |
Lucas, Chris | College of Education | Wayfinding Our ‘North Stars’: Arriving at One Department’s Values and Vision | 2024 |
McDaniel, Valerie | Speech-Language Pathology | The Return to 100: Overcoming Perceived Student Barriers to Passing the Speech-Language Pathology Praxis | 2024 |
Okamura, K. ʻAlohilani HN | School for Teacher Education/Secondary Program | E Ulu Aʻe | 2024 |
Oppegaard, Brett | School of Communication and Information | Journalism Foundations | 2024 |
Reece, Joel and Bradshaw, Charles | Health & Human Services, English | Catching the Wave of Program Assessment | 2024 |
Rombaoa Tanaka, Naomi | Center on Disability Studies | Elevating Weekly Formative Assessment: Building Relationships with Students Through the Art of Active Constructive Responding | 2024 |
Shulga, Lenna, Berbekova, Adiyukh, and Seo, Kwanglim | School of Travel Industry Management | >Assessing Students’ Professional Readiness in MS-TIM Program | 2024 |
Walguarnery, Justin | School of Life Sciences | Assessing Cooperative Work in Life sciences Research | 2024 |
Wong, Lorrie | Nursing | Transforming Nursing Education – AACN Essentials 2021 | 2024 |
Aquino, Kamakanaokealoha and Kapahua, Kawenaʻulaokalā | Social Sciences | Indigenous Social Sciences Curriculum: An Assessment of Undergraduate Programs in the College of Social Sciences | 2023 |
Black, Rhonda and Sara Cook | Special Education | Forming shared vision through program assessment in the Special Education MEd Program | 2023 |
Brooks, Lauren and Hutchinson-Anderson, Kelly | Chemistry | Core Assessment: general education and faculty engagement | 2023 |
Carlisle, Kristy and Shirley, David | Counseling and Human Services | Making Institutional Academic Assessment Work for Faculty | 2023 |
U’ilani Chow-Rule, Kimberly | NAWSON | Ho‘okaulike: Creating Curricular Equality from a Cultural Perspective | 2023 |
Chung, Aimee and Lum, Wendy | Social Work | Assessment and the Competent Field Education Student: A Rubric for Learning Decolonized Social Work Practice | 2023 |
Doyle, Laura and Mains, Bill | School of Engineering | Graduate Assessment at a Predominantly Undergraduate Institution | 2023 |
Eng, Matt and Makino-Kanehiro, Megumi | Mānoa Advising Center | Mapping Program Learning Outcomes for UNIV Exploratory Courses | 2023 |
Griswold, Jennifer | Atmospheric Science | Connecting Courses to Competency: Mapping the ATMO Curriculum | 2023 |
Lin, Shu Hwa | Fashion Design and Merchandising | Fashion from Aloha Shirts | 2023 |
Odani, Jenee | HNFAS | Learning to Teach and Assess Problem Solving in Animal Sciences | 2023 |
Quattlebaum, Thomas and Kim, Cynthia | Family Medicine and Community Health | Look and Listen: Developing Faculty Competency in Direct Observation | 2023 |
Saito-Tom, Lynne | Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health | Enhancing Direct Observation of Medical Students during the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship | 2023 |
Sickel, Aaron and Tiffany-Kinder, Ronnie | Elementary Education | Supporting Formative Feedback on Teacher Candidates’ Lesson Observations: The Design of a Developmental Curriculum | 2023 |
Sung, Priscilla | Institutional Research, Assessment, & Policy Studies | From Seedlines to Harvest: Successes and Challenges of a Grassroots Approach to Assessment | 2023 |
Wu, Jing | East Asian Languages & Literatures | Implementation of Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA) at Postsecondary Mandarin Chinese Classes | 2023 |
Arai, Meiko | Center for Teaching and Learning, Chaminade University | The Road to Institutional Effectiveness: Cultivating Partnerships for General Education Assessment | 2021 |
Brown, Shana | History | Capstone Signature Assignment Development in a History BA Program | 2021 |
Chang, Cara; Mahi, Michelle; and Nakamitsu, Kazuko | Language Arts, Leeward Community College | Assessment across the Disciplines: Increasing Faculty Engagement in Assessment | 2021 |
Crowther, Dustin; Gilliland, Betsy; Harsch, Kenton; Isbell, Daniel; and Gochenouer, Cari | Second Language Studies | Oral Communication for Language Teachers: Assessment Rubric Development | 2021 |
Das, Priyam | Urban and Regional Planning | Assessing the Planning Practicum: Lessons for Engaged Scholarship | 2021 |
Drexel, April AH; Ka'aloa, Piʻilani; OʻNeill Keawe, Lia; and Long, Keahiahi | Hawaiʻinuiākea/Hawaiian Studies | Kumu, Kuleana, Kaona: Assessing Multiple Viewpoints | 2021 |
Gochenouer, Cari and Beaule, Christine | General Education Office | Strength in Numbers: Facilitating Faculty Learning Communities for General Education Student Learning Outcomes Assessment | 2021 |
Hirata, Dorothy; Chuang, Laura; Parcon, Matt; Swift, Alice; and Yamada, Marisa | Information Technology Services | UH Online 5-Week Professional Development (PD) Program Evaluation and Iterative Improvements | 2021 |
Ho, Kacie; Jun, Soojin; and Li, Yong | Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences | Assessing Written Communication Skills across Food Science Courses with a Common Rubric | 2021 |
Nakamatsu, Nicole; Torigoe, Trevor; Mikami, Brandi; Thompson, Jesse D.; Rettenmeier, Christopher; Lozanoff, Beth K.; Kaya, Brock; Smith, Alice; Lee, U-Young; Aytac, Gunes; and Lozanoff, Scott K. | Anatomy, Biochemistry & Physiology, John A. Burns School of Medicine | Cross-Cultural Classroom: Assessing Student Opinion of Online, Case-Based Learning Modules, Utilizing MRI and XR Technology, in American and Turkish Medical Students | 2021 |
Ogawa, MB | Information and Computer Sciences | Curricular Assessment for Improved Sequenced Learning | 2021 |
Pagkalinawan, Leticia | Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures | Development of a Signature Assignment in Filipino Cultural Courses | 2021 |
Rath, Richard and Hasager, Ulla | Ethnic Studies | Assessing Civic and Community Engagement in Ethnic Studies | 2021 |
Shen, Howard C.; McAssey, Edward; and Muszynski, Michael G. | School of Life Sciences | Establishing an Assessment Plan for the Undergraduate Molecular and Cell Biology Curriculum to Achieve Program Permanence at UHM | 2021 |
Sickel, Jamie and Plamann Wagoner, Kara | Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology, Kapi‘olani Community College | Integrated Planning for Student Success: Kapi‘olani Community College’s Continuous Improvement Journey | 2021 |
Stephens-Chu, Maura; Hill, Yao Z.; Aune, Krystyna; and Maeda, Julienne | Assessment and Curriculum Support Center & Graduate Division | Advanced Degree Institutional Learning Achievement Investigation: Methods and Opportunities for Action | 2021 |
Stopa, Justin E.; Cheung, Kwok Fai; and Nosal, Eva-Marie | Ocean and Resources Engineering | Automation of Student Learning Assessment for the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) | 2021 |
von Doetinchem, Sandra | Outreach College, Continuing & Professional Programs | Incorporating Learning Outcome Assessments into Noncredit Education: A Novel Approach | 2021 |
Walguarnery, Justin; Morden, Clifford; and Drake, Donald | School of Life Sciences | Life Sciences Uniting in Assessing Student Writing | 2021 |
Wang, Haidan; Jiang, Song; Jiang, Li; and Yue, Ming-Bao | East Asian Languages & Literatures | Creating a Rubric of Critical Thinking for Writing Intensive Courses | 2021 |
Berez-Kroeker, Andrea; Drager, Katie; and McDonnell, Bradley | Linguistics | Overhauling the comprehensive exam in the Department of Linguistics: First steps | 2019 |
Buente, Wayne; Kim, Ji Young; Bergstrom, Kelly; Buskirk, Patricia; Kramer, Hanae; Moody, Marc; Neo, Rachel; and Schimmel, Scott | Communications | Advancing Learning in the Communication BA through ePortfolios | 2019 |
Esquivel, Monica and Lau, Tina | Dietetics | Streamlining student learning outcome assessment through ePortfolios in Dietetics Program | 2019 |
Fong, Sheri and Wong, Vanessa | John A. Burns School of Medicine, or JABSOM | Content Maps of Health Care Problems in the Pre-clerkship Curriculum: Monitoring Themes, Gaps, Redundancies and Accreditation Requirements | 2019 |
Goo-Yoshino, Shari and Taniguchi, Lisa | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Using a Systematic Process to Develop a Method for Assessment of Professionalism in Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Students | 2019 |
Guidry, Michael and Hill, Yao | Global Environmental Science | Improving Oral Communication of Undergraduate Research Results | 2019 |
Julien-Chinn, Francie | School of Social Work | Strengthening the Child and Family Specialization Curriculum through Developing Standard, Explicit, and Sustainable Assessments and Outcomes | 2019 |
Kishida, Jennifer and Guo, Jing | School of Social Work | Improving Qualifying Exam Performance—From Assessment Data to Curriculum Alignment | 2019 |
Kurasaki, Ryan | Molecular Biosciences & BioEngineering | Engineering Design: Effecting Program Change from Course Innovation | 2019 |
Lau, Melinda and Ching, Penny | Dental Hygiene | Pediatric Dental Care Curriculum Component Integrated in the Existing Dental Hygiene Program | 2019 |
Maemori, Kathy and Chinen, Verna | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Standardizing admission process to defy the “crystal ball” in student selection to Communication Sciences and Disorders’ Master Program | 2019 |
Nishimura, Stephanie and Omori, Jill | John A. Burns School of Medicine, or JABSOM | JABSOM Medical Education: A Systematic Review Process for a Medical Education Curriculum | 2019 |
Ryan, Cari and Beaule, Christine | General Education | Developing an Alignment Framework to Support General Education | 2019 |
Smith, Celia and Lemus, Judy | Marine Biology | Revising the oral comprehensive exam in the UHM Marine Biology Graduate Program | 2019 |
Van Duser, Kyle | First year Programs | Scholarships as a Retention Tool | 2019 |
Yang, Seung; Chen, Jessie; and Litton, Creighton | Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program | Using Data to Promote Awareness of and Participation in Undergraduate Research & Creative Works | 2019 |
Zaleski, Halina | Animal Sciences | Using Field Supervisor Evaluations for Assessment | 2019 |
Cook, Lysandra | Special Education | Course Series Alignment: Examining a Three Course Sequence | 2017 |
Crow, Susan;Litton, Creighton; Oleson, Kirsten; and Vaughan, Mehana | Natural Resources & Environmental Management | A Collaborative Assessment Process for Sustained Curriculum Improvement in Natural Resources and Environmental Management | 2017 |
Das, Priyam and Das, Ashok | Urban & Regional Planning | An Assessment-Informed Collaborative Initiative: Curriculum Mapping for PhD Program Improvement | 2017 |
Dovermann, Heiner | Mathematics | Department of Mathematics Program Assessment via Exam | 2017 |
Guidry, Michael and Tsang, Tiffany | Oceanography | Assessment in Paradise: Using Data to Drive Undergraduate Geoscience Initiatives and Programmatic Changes | 2017 |
Hawaii Interprofessional Education Working Group (Ng-Osorio, Jacqueline) | Nursing | Working Across Professions to Develop the Interprofessional Education Curriculum Pathway | 2017 |
Hill, Yao, Z. | Assessment Office | Excellent Uses of Assessment Results: A UH Manoa Showcase | 2017 |
Institutional Learning Objectives Committee (Winter, Jenifer; Pascua, Anita; Post, Sarah; and Stitt-Bergh, Monica) | Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs | The Institutional Learning Objectives and Undergraduate Assessment | 2017 |
Jiang, Song; Wu, Jing; Riggs, Reed; and Ding, Yijun | East Asian Languages & Literatures | Implementation of Integrated Performance Assessments (IPA) in Beginning Level Chinese Language Classes | 2017 |
Johnson, Shannon L. | Come Back to Manoa, Outreach College | Assessing the Come Back to Manoa Program: Why Seniors Leave and How to Help them Graduate | 2017 |
Lower, Amy E. | Communication Sciences & Disorders | Use of a Weighted Curriculum Map for Programmatic Improvements in Communication Sciences and Disorders | 2017 |
Mathews, Geoffrey S. | Physics & Astronomy | Engaging science faculty in program assessment – planting seeds and cultivating growth | 2017 |
Miranda, Jessica L. W. | Dean’s Office, College of Education | Program Completion and Mentor Surveys as Indirect Evidence of Learning: From Development to Use | 2017 |
Nelson, Scot C. | Tropical Plant & Soil Sciences | New Grading Rubrics for Signature Assignments: Tropical Agriculture and the Environment | 2017 |
Osada, Kristine M.and Ching, Penny | Dental Hygiene | From revising program SLOs to a culture of open communication in Dental Hygiene | 2017 |
Park, Mee-Jeong | East Asian Languages & Literatures | Merging graduate degree programs with the Program Assessment tool set | 2017 |
Sakaguchi, Ann, M.and Peterson, Christian, E. | Anthropology | The Anthropology PhD Dissertation Defense Rubric: Enhancing Student Learning | 2017 |
Vincent, Wendi, V. | General Education | Adopting a New Assessment Approach: Using SALG to Evaluate General Education Learning Outcomes | 2017 |
Bingham, J.P. | Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering | Establishing Signature Assessment For Graduate Programs: The use of the MS. and PhD. proposal as a tool for evaluating Graduate Program performance | 2016 |
Boulos, Dan | Academy for Creative Media | Rubrics to Curriculum Map: Assessment Tools Inform ACM Curriculum Plans | 2016 |
Fialkowski, M. Kainoa; Esquivel, Monica; and Novotny, Rachel | Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences | Fostering Grant Writing Skills: A Student Learning Objective of the Intercollege Nutrition PhD Program | 2016 |
Institutional Learning Objectives Committee | Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs | Institutional Learning Objectives (ILOs): Shaping the Mānoa experience, adding meaning, quality and integrity to the Mānoa undergraduate degree | 2016 |
Hong, Seunghye; Morelli, Paula; and Kishida, Jennifer | Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work | Articulating Social Work PhD program rubrics into a sustainable assessment | 2016 |
Hadwick, Robin | Shidler College of Business | From Rigorous Data Collection to Meaningful Results: Closing the Loop at Shidler | 2016 |
Jiang, Hong and Szuster, Brian | Geography | Rethinking the Discipline and Student’s Learning Goal | 2016 |
Johnson, Shannon L. | Come Back to Mānoa, Outreach College | Developing and Assessing the Come Back to Manoa Program: Why Seniors Leave and How to Help them Graduate | 2016 |
Kraft-Terry, Stephanie D. | Biology | Collaborative Curricular Improvement Guided by Assessment | 2016 |
Lower, Amy | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Clinical Remediation Plan Processes in CSD | 2016 |
Martel, Stephen J. | Geology and Geophysics | A time-effective and fair way to collect assessment data | 2016 |
Miranda, Jessica L. | College of Education, Dean’s Office | Utilizing Common Goals and Assessments Across Programs for Improvement | 2016 |
Ng-Osorio, Jacqueline | Nursing | Beginning Journey of an Assessment Coordinator Affecting Change | 2016 |
Sandlin, M’Randa R.; Spafford, Helen; and Hill, Yao | Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences | An Interactive Approach to Curriculum Mapping | 2016 |
Takanishi, Stacey M. | Institute for Teacher Education, Elementary | Curriculum Mapping for Program Assessment and Improvement | 2016 |
Tse, Alice | Nursing | Evidence-Based Rubric Development for the Nursing PhD Program | 2016 |
Walsh, Julie and Rensel, Jan | Center for Pacific Islands Studies | Yeah, WRITE! New Disciplinary Writing Curriculum As Outcome of Assessment Cycle | 2016 |
Wiltshire, John C. | Ocean and Resources Engineering, SOEST | Developing Additionally Improved Rubrics Following a Very Successful ABET Accreditation of the Ocean and Resources Engineering Department | 2016 |
Winter, Jenifer S.; Kurihara Kramer, Hanae; Buente, Wayne; Amaral Buskirk, Patricia; Kim, Ji Young; and Kawamoto, Kevin | Communications | Communication MA Curriculum Assessment | 2016 |
Arboleda, Pia and Parba, Jayson | Filipino | Filipino Program Assessment Project | 2015 |
Branner, Mark | Theatre and Dance | Using the Invisible to Make Visible | 2015 |
Brier, David J. and Lebbin, Vicky K. | Library Services | Information Literacy Across the Curriculum | 2015 |
Caparoso, Jenna T. | Assessment Office | Factors and Experiences that Help and Hinder Undergraduate Student Learning | 2015 |
Chun, Robyn; Sheehey, Patricia; and Yamashita, Lynn | Early Childhood Education | Revisiting the Plan B Capstone of the MEd ECE Program | 2015 |
Donachie, Stuart | Microbiology | Assessment in the Department of Microbiology: Zero to… | 2015 |
Fialkowski, M. Kainoa and Novotny, Rachel | Nutrition | Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation in the Intercollege Nutrition PhD Program | 2015 |
Godinet, Meripa; DeMattos, Michael; and Hong, Seunghye | Social Work | (Un)common core competencies | 2015 |
Jernigan, Kay and Sora, Wendy | Manoa Career Center | Manoa Works | 2015 |
Johansen, Morgen and Edwards, Tamara | Public Administration | Leading The Way To Accreditation With Assessment | 2015 |
Joyce, Barbara and Sevier, Holly | Sociology | UH Manoa Sociology Department: Undergraduate Assessment in Action | 2015 |
Kraft-Terry, Stephanie D. | Biology | Collaborative program assessment utilizing an undergraduate capstone course | 2015 |
Lin, Shu-Hwa | Fashion Design and Management | The Assessment of Fashion Design Merchandising Program | 2015 |
Lopez, Leslie | Center for Teaching Excellence | Student nominated online teaching awards at Manoa: What student satisfaction surveys tell us | 2015 |
Nakaoka, Denise and Libarios, Niki | COE Student Academic Services | Engaging in Self-Reflection: Using Assessment to Inform Retention Academic Advising Practices | 2015 |
Nguyen, Hannah-Hanh D. | Management | Assessing Students’ Business Ethics Using a Web-based 3-D Game | 2015 |
Pang, Adam | Learning Assistance Center | Assessment: Informing Co-curricular Programming from Past to Present to Future | 2015 |
Ranker, Tom A. | Botany | Advancing Program Assessment Beyond the Curriculum Map: Recent Progress in the Department of Botany | 2015 |
Robinson, Scott D. | Institute for Teacher Education | Assessing MEdT Teacher Candidates’ Leadership and Collaboration | 2015 |
Sheehey, Patricia H. and Jenkins, Amelia | Special Education | IA Process for Facilitating Program Improvement: Is There a Data Analysis Process That’s Faculty Friendly? | 2015 |
Shiroma, Kiana Y.; Tagalicod, Rayna; and Kiyabu, Reid | Manoa Sophomore Experience | Manoa Sophomore Experience: An Example of Successful Data-Driven Programming | 2015 |
Spafford, Helen; Amore, Teresita; Kaufman, Andrew; Nelson, Scot; Leonhardt, Kenneth; Yost, Russell; and Wieczorek, Ania | Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences | Designing a new program from the SLO up | 2015 |
Sylwester, Bonnie and Harsch, Kenton | Second Language Studies | Striving for Useful and Sustainable Outcomes Assessment | 2015 |
Twomey, Sarah | Curriculum Studies | Assessment for PhD Curriculum Improvement from A Faculty Perspective | 2015 |
Van Duser, Kyle | First Year Programs | Learning Through Community: Best Practices and Assessment | 2015 |
Wang, Haidan | EALL, Chinese | Writing rubric development and collaborative assessment work in the Chinese program | 2015 |
Yamamoto, Kathryn K. | Kinesiology Rehabilitation Science | Moving Forward with Fieldwork Assessment! | 2015 |
Ziehm, Scott; LaVasseur, Sandra; and Mark, Debra | Nursing | Direct Measures of Doctoral Student Learning Supporting On-time Graduation | 2015 |
Babcock, Roger | Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate | MS/PhD Outcome Assessment Program Development | 2014 |
Bustria, Allison; Mitchell, Craig; and Smoke, Anne | Spark M. Matsunaga Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution | Starting the Curricular Conversation through Mapping: A Curriculum Review of the Graduate Certificate in Conflict Resolution | 2014 |
Cook, Angelie and Van Duser, Kyle | First-Year Programs | Assessment of ACE Learning Communities 2013 | 2014 |
Crookes, Graham | Second Language Studies | Classroom Assessment – Implications for Program Assessment | 2014 |
Goodyear, Noe | Political Science | Learning Outcome Driven Curricular Improvement – An Example from Political Science | 2014 |
Hill, Yao | Assessment Office | Building and Sustaining Assessment Leaders: A Successful Model at UHM | 2014 |
Hwang, Joyce | School of Travel Industry Management | How TIM School Began and Progressed with Program Assessment | 2014 |
Jiang, Song | Chinese BA, East Asian Languages and Literature | Improving Oral Proficiency in Chinese Using Simulated OPI Assessment | 2014 |
Kong, Dong-Kwan | Korean Flagship MA, East Asian Languages and Literatures | Flagship Rubric for Oral Performance | 2014 |
Kramer, Hanae Kurihara and Winter, Jenifer Sunrise | School of Communications | Encouraging Civic Engagement Among Undergraduates | 2014 |
Lopez, Leslie | Center for Teaching Excellence | Design Based Research Approach for Faculty Development on Innovative Classrooms | 2014 |
Lua, Alfred; Wen, Aida; Yee, Misty; Stitt-Bergh, Monica; Bell, Christina; Kasuya, Richard; Sakai, Damon; and Masaki, Kamal | Department of Geriatric Medicine, John A. Burns School of Medicine | Curriculum Mapping of Geriatric Medicine Core Competencies in the Preclinical Problem-Based Learning Curriculum at the John A Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawai‘i | 2014 |
Ma, David | Civil and Environmental Engineering BA | Assessing Math, Science & Engineering Skills in Civil Engineering | 2014 |
McKimmy, Paul and Togashi, Genta | College of Education | KAPA Academic Program Assessment System (Technology Solutions for Program Assessment) | 2014 |
Miranda, Jessica | College of Education | Measuring Our Success | 2014 |
Moffett, Joel; Boulos, Dan; Misawa, Anne | Academy for the Creative Arts | Collaborative Rubric Development for Program Improvement | 2014 |
Sang Yee Cheon and Sumi Chang | Korean Flagship BA, East Asian Languages and Literatures | Korean Flagship BA Program Assessment Results & Curricular Improvement | 2014 |
Takahashi, Lorey K. | Psychology | Department of Psychology Undergraduate Assessment Plan | 2014 |
Winter, Jenifer Sunrise; Buente, Wayne; Dalisay, Francis; Kramer, Hanae Kurihara; and Buskirk, Patricia Amaral | School of Communications | Communication BA Curriculum Assessment Using e-Portfolios | 2014 |
Zaleski, Halina M.; Hester, Maya; McNeill, Britt; and Toyama, Faye | Human Nutrition, Food, and Animal Sciences | Integrating Teaching and Extension: Swine Production | 2014 |
Adams, Paul L.; Lowe, Marlene P.; Stitt-Bergh, Monica A. | Assessment Office | Annual Reports: Assessment Status Across Campus | 2009 |
Arno, Andrew | Anthropology, College of Social Sciences | Pilot Test of an Assessment Method | 2009 |
Bingham, Ruth | Pre-Health / Pre-Law Advising Center | Pre-Health / Pre-Law Advising Center | 2009 |
Bruland, Holly Huff; Henry, Jim | English, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature | The UH Writing Mentors Program: Multi-Perspectival Assessment | 2009 |
Chang, Sandra | Department of Tropical Medicine, Medical Microbiology & Pharmacology, John A. Burns School of Medicine | Assessment & Revision of Core Curriculum in Tropical Medicine | 2009 |
Chantiny, Martha; Frost, Wil; Grosenheider, Alan; Jordan, Allie; Tillinghast, Beth | Library and Information Science Program, Information and Computer Sciences, College of Natural Sciences | Student Achievement Is Our Goal! | 2009 |
Chun, Maria B.J. Ph.D.; Young, Keane G.M. B.S.; Takanishi, Danny M. Jr., M.D. | FACS Surgery, John A Burns School of Medicine | The Development of a Cultural Standardized Patient Exam for a General Surgery Residency Program | 2009 |
Cuizon-Garcia, Rena; Franchini, Nick; Goodman, Crystal; Hamada, Kay; Higa, Lynne; Ishiwata, Cathy; Kirk-Kuwaye, Mike; Lee, Mary; Legaspi, Sheryl; Nishida, Dawn | Arts & Sciences Student Academic Services | Assessment for Advising | 2009 |
Duesterhaus, Bob; Kirk-Kuwaye, Chris | Student Life & Development Student Affairs | LEVELS OF LEADERSHIP: Developing Strategies for Improving Competency in Three Core Learning Outcomes | 2009 |
Heberle, Mark | English, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature | How Well are First-Year Students Composing? Assessing the Foundations in Written Communication Program | 2009 |
Hwang, Joyce; Lohmann, Gui; Uyeno, Russell; Wen, Ivan; Liu, Juanita | Travel Industry Management | TIM School’s Assessment Process | 2009 |
Lee, Sang-Hyop; Kwak, Sally; Sherstyuk, Ekaterina | Economics, College of Social Sciences | UHM Department of Economics’ Assessment Experience | 2009 |
Menor, Joseph Jr. | Biology, College of Natural Sciences | B.S. Marine Biology Proposed Program SLOs and Assessment | 2009 |
Nejhad, Mehrdad Ghasemi | Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering | ABET (Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology) Assessment Tools | 2009 |
Nicholson, Peter; Clapp, Carl | Athletics Department | Student-Athletics Academic Performance | 2009 |
Ranker, Tom A. | Botany, College of Natural Sciences | Program Assessment – Department of Botany | 2009 |
Riggs, H. Ronald; Ooi, Phillip | Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering | Assessment of Program Outcomes | 2009 |
Schoonmaker, Jane | Oceanography, SOEST | The Global Environmental Science Senior Research Thesis: A Locus for Program Level Learning Outcome Assessment | 2009 |
Sweeton, Nick | Student Housing Services | Student Housing Services Annual Assessment, 2009-2010 | 2009 |
Takahashi, Lorey K.; Choo, Mei Sze | Psychology, College of Social Sciences | Assessing the Department of Psychology Undergraduate Program | 2009 |
Vinson, Ellen & Chismar, William | Shidler School of Business | Assessment at The Shidler School of Business | 2009 |
Zaleski, Halina M. | Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources | Using Internship Supervisor Evaluations for Program Assessment | 2009 |
Abarca, Thora; Frost, Wil; Hanson, Margot; Nahl, Diane; Roddy, Kevin; Au, Lari-anne; Gmelin, Michael; Matsukawa, Norma; Peterson, Ellen; Severns, Tara | University of Hawaii Libraries Information Literacy Committee | Assessing Information Literacy Online | 2008 |
Abe, Harriet; Feeney, Paulette; Horn, Nena; Wakayama, Lei; Okinaga, Carolyn | Outreach College | Growing an Assessment: Focus Groups | 2008 |
Andrade, Carlos; Kaaloa, Piilani; Freitas, Konia | Kamakakuokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies, Hawai‘inuiākea School of Hawaiian Knowledge | Kamakakuokalani Curriculum Concept Map Exercise | 2008 |
Auman, Ann | School of Communications, College of Social Sciences | Assessing a New Journalism Curriculum: Evaluating Team-Teaching Models in a Media Convergence Curriculum 2004-2007 | 2008 |
Aune, Kelly | Department of Speech, College of Arts and Humanities | Assessment of Retention of Content from Required Courses Using Comparison Groups | 2008 |
Bruland, Holly Huff; Clayton, Erica Reynolds | Department of English, College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature | How Well are First-Year Students Composing? Assessing the Foundations in Written Communication Program | 2008 |
Davis, John; Watanabe, Yukiko; Kondo‐Brown, Kimi | College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature | Enhancing Evaluation of CLLL Programs: Developing an Online Student Exit Survey System | 2008 |
Davis, Larry; Harsch, Kenton | Department of Second Language Studies, College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature | Outcomes Assessment of, by, and for the People: SLOs in the English Language Institute | 2008 |
Dovermann, Heiner | Department of Mathematics, College of Natural Sciences | An Overview of Assessment in the Math Department | 2008 |
Henry, Jim | Department of English, College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature | Assessing Mentoring in First Year Composition: A Tool to Boost Retention? | 2008 |
Hoover, Maya | Department of Music, College of Arts and Humanities | Creating a Successful Assessment Plan in the Fine Arts: Assessment Trials, Tribulations, and Successes of a Music Department | 2008 |
Nejhad, Mehrdad Ghasemi | Department of Mechanical Engineering. College of Engineering | ABET (Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology) Assessment Tools | 2008 |
Riggs, H. Ronald; Ooi, Phillip | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering | Assessment of Program Outcomes | 2008 |
Sasaki, Galen; Macchiarulo, Luca | Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering | Assessment Processes for the Department of Electrical Engineering | 2008 |
Somogyi‐Zalud, Emese; Faran, Diane A.; Bell, Christina L.; Masaki, Kamal H. | Division of Palliative Medicine, Department of Geriatric Medicine, University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine | Assessment in Palliative Medicine | 2008 |
Stockert, Nancy; Harms, Joan | University Health Services and Office of the Vice Chancellor for Students | Logic Models as a Tool to Plan and Manage Assessment | 2008 |
Takeuchi, Leilani; Yoshida, Tiffany; Guirao, Shantal | First Year Programs, Undergraduate Education | First Year Success: Evaluating a Peer-Led Learning Community Program | 2008 |
Tiles, Mary | Department of Philosophy, College of Arts and Humanities | Keeping Program Assessment Simple | 2008 |
Woodruff, Rosemarie; Pang, Adam | Learning Assistance Center, Undergraduate Education | Empirically Based Assessment | 2008 |
Yontz, Valerie | Department of Public Health Sciences, Office of Public Health Studies | Practicum Assessment from the Department of Public Health Sciences | 2008 |