This poster presents the process and results of an institutional assessment project that investigated advanced degree program learning achievement through a meta-analysis of the 2018-2020 program assessment reports. Our analysis shows a high level of learning achievement at the advanced degree level with 95% to 97% of students also meeting expectations of Institutional Learning Objectives (ILO). It also reveals certain challenges relating to the quality of program assessment and achievement results identified in some reports. We provide recommendations for programs to overcome these challenges in future assessment activities. Additionally, the poster highlights our communication and collaboration strategies among key constituencies on campus in an effort to enhance the quality of graduate program learning assessment. These include multiple presentations to the Graduate Council, reaching out to individual programs to provide assistance, and offering collaborative public workshops with invited guest speakers from excellent programs. By Maura Stephens-Chu, Yao Z. Hill, Krystyna Aune, and Julienne Maeda
Recommended Citation:
Stephens-Chu, M., Hill, Y.Z., Aune, K., & Maeda, J (2021, April). Advanced degree institutional learning achievement investigation: Methods and opportunities for action. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.