Assessment of Program Outcomes

The poster describes the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering’s process of assessing program outcomes. The steps in the assessment process are first described followed by a list of program outcomes. Only direct modes of assessment are used. The frequency of assessment is tabulated. The poster then expands on the use of performance appraisal in select courses, which represents a relatively new mode of assessment that the department has recently adopted. Performance appraisal is performed once every three years per outcome and is advantageous in that it can be used as a vehicle to involve more faculty members and facilitate faculty buy-in to the assessment process. Detailed is the schedule involved in the performance appraisal assessment process along with a sample scorecard and a sample evaluation of one outcome. The sample scorecard contains the concepts that were evaluated along with the performance criteria. After one cycle of assessment of using performance appraisal, the Department is interested to know whether the changes implemented will result in any program improvement. It is envisioned this continual process of assessment will lead to continuous quality improvement.

The poster describes the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering’s process of assessing program outcomes. The steps in the assessment process are first described followed by a list of program outcomes. Only direct modes of assessment are used. The frequency of assessment is tabulated. The poster then expands on the use of performance appraisal in select courses, which represents a relatively new mode of assessment that the department has recently adopted. Performance appraisal is performed once every three years per outcome and is advantageous in that it can be used as a vehicle to involve more faculty members and facilitate faculty buy-in to the assessment process. Detailed is the schedule involved in the performance appraisal assessment process along with a sample scorecard and a sample evaluation of one outcome. The sample scorecard contains the concepts that were evaluated along with the performance criteria. After one cycle of assessment of using performance appraisal, the Department is interested to know whether the changes implemented will result in any program improvement. It is envisioned this continual process of assessment will lead to continuous quality improvement. By H. Ronald Riggs & Phillip Ooi

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Recommended Citation:
Riggs, H., Ooi, P. (2009, December). Assessment of Program Outcomes. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.