This poster will present the results of efforts to develop a robust program for assessment of the graduate degree programs in Civil Engineering (CE) at UHM. Prior to the start of this project, CE had outdated program outcomes for MS and PhD programs that were difficult to assess and a very simple and inadequate assessment system. This project involved creation of new program-level student learning outcomes (SLOs) for both MS and PhD using better descriptions and Bloom’s taxonomy verbs and then finalization in an interactive faculty department meeting. This was followed by development of rubrics for the SLOs to be used for assessment of graduate student work. The rubrics were worked on in an interactive CE Assessment Committee meeting followed by presentation/modification in a CE Department meeting. This was followed by development and adoption of a plan for analysis of results, determination of necessary program changes and implementation of changes. The products of this project will be presented as well as lessons learned regarding the process. By Roger Babcock
Recommended Citation:
Babcock, Roger. (2014, April). MS/PhD Outcome Assessment Program Development. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.