Security Assessment and Emergency Plan Reviews

Security assessment and emergency plan reviews are performed by a DPS officer from our Crime Prevention Unit and our Emergency Management Coordinator, who will evaluate the physical security, emergency precaution information, and environmental considerations that may affect the safety of a particular building (e.g., exterior lighting, trees/bushes). In addition, DPS will review departmental and building emergency plans and procedures in preparation for and response to the threats of a natural disaster (e.g., hurricane, earthquake, tsunami, flooding) or potential public health incident (viral outbreak, pandemic). DPS will interview a few members of each department to discuss general safety procedures in the office. The whole process is relatively quick and easy for each participating department or building.

Once information is compiled and reviewed, DPS will create a security assessment, which will include customized recommendations. Utilizing established federal guidelines and industry best practices, DPS assists in the development of departmental procedures and emergency plans to ensure standardization and use of common terminology to meet UHM and UH System guidance and directives.

To request a Site Assessment or Emergency Plan Review for your department or building, contact our Crime Prevention Unit at