Kalo in Lyon Arboretum’s own micropropagation lab has been featured for the UH News Image of the Week!
This week’s UH News Image of the Week is from University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s Jenna Watling, an educational specialist at the Lyon Arboretum.
Watling shared, “These are kalo plants growing in test tubes at UH Mānoa’s own Lyon Arboretum. The Micropropagation Lab grows not only rare and endangered plants native to Hawaiʻi, but also maintains living samples of many different kalo varieties. This is how we help preserve these kalo varieties. The amazing thing about these plants is how perfect they are in miniature—each leaf is smaller than a thumbnail! This is lauloa palakea ʻeleʻele, and in its full form, each leaf is 45–65 cm!”
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