The Honors senior project is a two-semester project of work that you complete in the field of your major department. (Double majors can choose which department they will complete their senior project.)
For students in departments that require capstones, Honors uses the “one capstone” rule. Your major department capstone IS your Honors capstone (and vice-versa). You do not have to complete two capstones.
Students begin planning their capstone in their third (Junior) year when they begin developing a project proposal. It is highly recommended that you take Honors 495 Proposal Writing course (or a similar course in your department) to complete your proposal.
In your fourth (Senior) year, you complete your research, creative work, and writing for your project.
Types of Projects
Honors students have options for the format of their senior project.
Research Thesis: The most popular option. A single paper that investigates and answers specific questions about a theme or topic of importance in your field.
Creative Thesis: A project that uses a creative format, such as film, dance, visual arts, or other media, to explore specific themes and topics of importance in your field.
Portfolio: A collection of work that can include different lengths and formats, for example a combination of research, creative, and multimedia work. Popular with students engaged in collaborative work and practicums, for example Engineering, Education, and Business.
Key Requirements
Project proposal that is approved by your faculty mentor (end of Junior year)
Capstone classes – two consecutive semesters (6 credits). If your major department requires a capstone, then you will take 1-2 capstone classes from your major department, and the rest from Honors, to make 2 classes total.
Submit your capstone to Honors and have it approved by your faculty mentor plus one additional faculty (committee member).
Present at the Undergraduate Showcase
Sophomore Year
- Attend Honors Bridge Session (information session to get you started on project)
- Submit Department Approval Form on Mākālei portal
Junior Year
- Write proposal (recommended to take HON 495, Proposal Writing class)
- Upload proposal to Mākālei portal
- Complete form to select mentor, who will approve proposal on Mākālei
Senior Year – First semester
- Take HON 494 (Honors Workshop, 0 credits, online / asynchronous) and HON 496 or another approved senior project class
- Complete Honors senior project plan
Senior Year – Second semester
- Take HON 496 or another approved senior project class
- Complete Honors senior project completion plan
- Attend graduation info session
- Submit project to Mākālei portal
- Present research at Undergraduate Showcase