Welcome to the Financial Literacy Program
Aloha! Welcome to the Financial Literacy Program at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. Since 2006, we have helped to build the financial capacity of our community so that our families can live responsibly, improve their economic opportunities, and obtain a desirable quality of life. This would have not been possible without the support of UH faculty, staff, student leaders, and financial professionals in the state!
Currently, this program is no longer active. This site is an information-only site. Please refer to the presentations and resources tab for more information and helpful guides on making informed financial decisions.
Who are we?
We are a free service that helps UH students to make informed financial decisions for college and beyond.
What do we offer?
- Presentations & Workshops
- Online Resources
- Special Events
- Resource Tables
Tax Preparation
Unfortunately, we will no longer be able to offer assistance with tax preparation.
For assistance in preparing your tax returns, you can visit the following sites:
- If your income is below a certain limit, and you want to file online for free, go to: myfreetaxes.com
- If you would like to help in-person for free, go to: www.hawaiitaxhelp.org.
- For a list of free tax sites open to the public, click here.
Saturdays, February 19 - March 26, 2022 from 9 - 11 AM via Zoom
Law School is offering Business Boot Camp II for the next six Saturdays from 9-11AM. They include this Saturday’s session which is free to everyone. The topics are: “Developing Financial and Business Literacy & An Overview of the Richardson School of Law Business Law Curriculum.”
Future topics (for a $25.00 fee though) include Financial Management – Managing Credit Card Debt & How to Read Financial Statements (2/26), Bankruptcy Law (3/5), and Real Estate Finance & Basic Taxation Association Concepts (3/12).
Register here!