What is Interdisciplinary Studies (IS)?
An opportunity to pursue innovated fields of study that are not restricted to conventional college boundaries.
- We offer an Interdisciplinary Studies BA degree in both Pre-Designed pathways and Self-Designed Degree pathways:
- Pre-Designed Degree pathways have a flexible and diverse course of study designed by faculty experts
- Self-Designed Degree pathways have a course of study proposed and created by the student in collaboration with faculty experts
How do I become an IS major?
For New Students:
Declare IS as your major in your University Admission Application and contact an IS Advisor at isp@hawaii.edu to discuss your desired course of study.
For Current Students:
Contact an IS Advisor at isp@hawaii.edu to discuss your academic interest and the process for declaring IS as your major.
*See additional Advisor emails for specific IS programs 0n the "Contact Us" Page
Why pursue an IS BA degree?
As a UH Mānoa Student you have the chance to draw from three or more academic disciplines that work together to create a powerful learning experience and emphasize integrative learning, critical thinking, and creative problem solving.
Through the IS program students will:
- Discover the value of integrating the study of various academic disciplines suited to their life-long interests.
- Learn creative solutions to some of today's most challenging problems.
- Become interdisciplinary thinkers who analytically and creatively embrace new ideas.
- Develop collaboration skills while working with others who have different perspectives.
- Prepare for graduate and professional study, and for careers in new and emerging fields.