Q Who should apply for RAPS/Honors?
RAPS and Honors students are motivated, bright, and engaged. Applicants to both programs are looking for an academically rigorous undergraduate program that embraces interdisciplinary, critical thinking, and experiential and original scholarship. Students furthermore build community and demonstrate leadership through their academic and service activities.
Q Do I have to be accepted to UHM Honors before I apply for a Regents and Presidential Scholarship?
No, you do not need to be accepted to Honors first. Students typically apply for Honors at the same time that they apply for a RAPS scholarship. This allows for the Honors onboarding process to be successfully completed in time for Fall course registration. In some cases, students apply for Honors and complete their interview and onboarding after they are awarded a RAPS scholarship. It is highly recommended that students apply to Honors prior to May 1 if they expect to attend on a RAPS scholarship. Students who apply after this date may experience delays in course registration.
Q Do I have to an UHM Honors student to be a Regents and Presidential Scholarship?
Yes, students who accept a RAPS scholarship must join the Honors program. Joining Honors is a separate application from RAPS and this must be fully completed, including an interview.
Q Are the applications for Honors and RAPS the same?
No. There are separate applications and you must complete both.
- Prospective Students page – to start your Honors application
- Regents and Presidential Scholarships – to start your RAPS application
Q How can I connect with other RAPS students?
The UHM RAPS Club offers a variety of social and service activities to RAPS students. Visit their Instagram page or email honraps@hawaii.edu to get more information.
Q What are the RAPS service/engagement requirements?
Each RAPS recipient is expected to undertake and document 10 hours of service and engagement each semester. Service hours are student initiated, can be community- or UHM-based, and occur during Fall and Spring semester enrollment. Honors envisions “service” as meaningful, unpaid engagement work that is focused on benefiting and helping UHM or local community entities who advocate for the greater good. This type of service and volunteering can strengthen civic engagement and foster a sense of connection and belonging.
Examples include:
- Volunteering for the UHM Undergraduate Showcase at the end of each Fall or Spring semester
- Participating in activities organized by the UHM RAPS Club or another UHM registered independent organization
- Volunteering for engagement activities organized by offices in the Division of Student Success
- Getting involved with student governance, peer support, or other campus groups
- Looking to opportunities offered by the Office of Civic and Community Engagement