Sponsored by the Vice Provost for Academic Excellence

Co-Directors Shana Brown, Honors; Amy Schiffner, Interdisciplinary Studies

For inquiries or more information: email tfp@hawaii.edu

The Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Excellence, in partnership with Honors and Interdisciplinary Studies, invites applications to the Excellence in Teaching Fellows Program (TFP).

The TFP is a funded opportunity for tenure-track and tenured faculty from any discipline or home department. The program provides an opportunity for faculty to practice interdisciplinary teaching and develop ways to foster active learning, while attracting new students to their courses and potentially boosting enrollment.

Faculty participating in the TFP will be given the opportunity to pair a 200-level course (or section of a course) with courses in Honors and Interdisciplinary Studies. All SSH will remain with the faculty instructor and home department, and Honors and IS will promote the courses to our students.

Participating courses or sections will be given a Writing Intensive focus hallmark, if they don’t already have that designation.

Benefits for faculty

  • Opportunity to teach small courses, focusing on interdisciplinary methods & active learning
  • Engage with highly-motivated and well-prepared students
  • Access professional development funds
  • Orientation event for new & returning faculty

Selected faculty will receive $500.00 in professional development funds each semester for participating, and will participate in an orientation event to discuss ways to encourage study participation and foster active learning and interdisciplinary approaches in their teaching.

How to get involved:

  1. Send email of inquiry to tfp@hawaii.edu.
  2. Either department chairs or faculty may inquire; best that both people are cc’d on the email.
  3. Include a current syllabus of the proposed course for pairing.
  4. Selected courses will be paired at the soonest availability, per usual UHM course scheduling procedures.

Selection criteria:

  • Priority for new / first-time participants in the program
  • Faculty are eligible to teach two courses within a three-year period

Questions regarding the program should be sent to tfp@hawaii.edu