Basic Steps (see below for details)
- Make sure your project has all required sections
- Format and paginate your project correctly
- Save it as a .pdf and give it the correct file name
- Upload it to the Honors Mākālei Portal
Order of sections in your thesis or portfolio
Please see the Formatting Guide below for templates and specific examples of sections.
Not all projects have tables and figures, appendices or figures, or special terms, so these sections are “if needed.”
- Cover page: Center aligned, no page number.
- Acknowledgements: Paginated using lower-case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, etc.). Thank your mentor and committee member(s) individually.
- Abstract or keywords: A short summary of your project with a maximum 250 words. Paginated in lower-case Roman numerals. Include two to three keywords at the bottom of the page in bold.
- Table of contents
- List of Tables and/or Figures: If needed. The list must refer to correct captions/titles of figures and page numbers. Paginated in lower-case Roman numerals.
- Main body of text, which can be divided into chapters or sections, as appropriate to your discipline. Students should check with their Faculty Mentor for further direction on this.
- Appendices or figures, if not included in main body of text. If needed.
- Glossary of special terms. If needed.
- Works Cited / Bibliography
Formatting Your Project
Written portions of projects should be formatted as follows:
- All pages single sided
- 1-inch margins on all sides of page
- 12-point font
- All pages double spaced (single-spaced for any block quotations)
- All pages numbered, except for special pages described below (cover page, etc.)
- References / citation style: Follow the established style manual in your discipline, which may be one of the main styles (APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA, etc.) or one appropriate to your discipline.
Saving and uploading your project to Honors Mākālei portal
- Your file must be saved in .pdf format
- The title of your file must be in this format: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_SENIORPROJECT.pdf. Example: Roosevelt_Eleanor_SENIORPROJECT.pdf
- Upload the file to the Mākālei Portal
Senior Honors Project Formatting Guide
For a title page template and examples of each of the sections discussed above, please read or download the Senior Honors Project Formatting Guide. You may also find it helpful to consult finished Honors projects from your specific discipline or department. Past Honors thesis project can be found in our ScholarSpace Repository.