JABSOM was honored to host representatives of the Fukuoka Prefectural Assembly during their annual visit to Honolulu, their “sister city”, this month. At a meeting on August 4, 2022, the Fukuoka visitors exchanged ideas with JABSOM faculty and students on One Health educational initiatives for a wide range of learners. “One Health” is a concept that addresses issues relating to the interconnections between human, animal, and environmental health from an interdisciplinary perspective. Representatives of the Fukuoka Prefectural Assembly included Dr. Isao Kurauchi, Dr. Shoji Akita, Mr. Kunihiro Matsumoto, Mr. Iwami Haratake, Mr. Tokuhiro Kabashima, and their staff. JABSOM participants in the meeting were Dr. Sandra Chang, Professor, Tropical Medicine and faculty adviser for the One Health Interest Group and Certificate of Distinction; Dr. Jourdan McMillan, One Health Instructor, Tropical Medicine; and Mr. Sameer Kejriwal, second year JABSOM medical student and founder of the One Health Interest Group.
Dr. Isao Kurauchi, Chairperson of the Advancement of Kyushu Association, and President of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association, discussed Fukuoka’s commitment and progress in educating their citizens on the importance of One Health. Dr. Kurauchi recalled his participation in the historical New York Symposium in 2004 which led to the formulation of the “Manhattan Principles” delineating global priorities for an international, interdisciplinary approach to combat threats to the health of life on Earth. These principles became the foundation for the 2016 Fukuoka Declaration to implement the One Health concept. The Fukuoka Declaration has been approved by members of the World Veterinary Association, World Medical Association, the Japan Medical Association, and the Japan Veterinary Medical Association.
Medical students visiting Dr. Kurauchi at the Hilton Hawaiian Village: Sameer Kejriwal, Dr. Kurauchi, ZoeAnn Kon.
JABSOM participants presented and discussed UH Manoa and JABSOM One Health initiatives including the new Dean’s Certificate of Distinction in One Health for medical students, the One Health Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Certificate for undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students, and new courses in One Health for undergraduate, graduate and medical students.
Plans are currently under way for the 21st Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations (FAVA) Congress whose theme will be “The One Health Approach from Asia”. This conference, chaired by Dr. Kurauchi, will be held on November 11-13, 2022 in Fukuoka, Japan.