Hawaii Branch – American Society for Microbiology Spring Meeting

The Spring 2015 meeting of the Hawaii Branch of the American Society for Microbiology was held on April 25, 2015 at Treetops Restaurant. Keynote Speaker for the meeting was Dr. Stuart P. Donachie, Associate Professor in the Department of Microbiology who spoke on “Microbial Diversity I Hawaii: Travails and Triumphs.” Oral and poster research presentations were presented by undergraduate, MS and PhD students from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa (UHM), University of Hawai’i at Hilo (UHH), and Chaminade University (CU).  Travel awards were awarded to Blake Ushijima (to attend the General ASM meeting) and Nelson Lazaga (to attend the American Society for Virology meeting). Students receiving special recognition for their research presentations were:

Poster Presentation Awardees:

Undergraduate Category M.S. Category Ph.D. Category
1st – Carissa Nakao (UHM) 1st – Christopher Yakym (UHH) 1st – Kelsey Roe (UHM)
2nd – Jasmine Tyson (UHM) 2nd – Han Ha Youn (UHM) 2nd – Yukie Lloyd (UHM)
3rd – Shayne Rasay (UHM) 3rd – Vanda Koko (UHM)


Oral Presentation Awardees:

Undergraduate Category M.S. Category (3-way tie) Ph.D. Category
1st – Daisy Maher (UHH) 1st – Sylvia Beurmann (UHM) 1st – Hsin-I Tong (UHM)
2nd – James Carrillo (UHM) 1st – Orion Rivers (UHM) 2nd – Nelson Lazaga (UHM)
1st – Alanna Tseng (UHM) 3rd – Christina Runyon (UHM)

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Photos provided by Alanna Tseng.