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MSW: DE Option

Master of Social Work (MSW) Program, Distance Education (DE) Option


Since 1988 the Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health has provided opportunities for residents on our neighbor islands (Hawaii Island, Kauai, Lanai, Maui, Molokai) to complete  graduate degrees in social work. In 2007, the program was switched from a traveling degree program to a distance education technology-mediated degree and has since graduated over 250 students. The DE Options (57 credit and advanced standing-30 credit programs) of the MSW Program are available to students who reside in Hawaii, Guam and the Commonwealth of the Marianas.

Classes in the DE Option are held on weeknights (Hawaii Standard Time) and delivered via online computer-based technology, most often via Zoom. All students are required to attend an E Komo Mai orientation typically scheduled the first weekend in August before they start their first Fall semester of the degree program. The E Komo Mai orientation is held  at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu, Hawaii and the goals of the orientation are to receive training, advising and other educational content.

Distance education students follow a three-year part-time (57 credit) MSW Plan (unless they are eligible for advanced standing-see below) that is also offered to campus-based students, which includes four semesters of field education (practicum). Although students can usually remain employed while enrolled in the DE option, they are expected to make arrangements with their employment to accommodate their field education schedules and course schedules.   All specializations (behavioral mental health, child and family, health, and gerontology) of the MSW Program are available via the DE Options, and students progress through the program in cohort formats of up to 30 students.

An Advanced Standing (30 credit) option is available for any applicant holding a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree from a CSWE accredited program; however the BSW degree must not have been awarded more than seven years from the time of admission into the MSW Program. Acceptance as an advanced standing student requires submission of a CAS (Centralized Application Service) application by the application deadline; and the student must have  a 3.0 overall cumulative GPA and a B- or higher in all Social Work classes; and their BSW degree must not have been awarded more than seven years from the time of admission into the MSW Program. Advanced Standing means following either a one-year (30 credit) or two-year (30 credit) plan, rather than a three-year (57 credit) program of study. The advanced standing program is available to those who reside in Hawaii, residents of Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas and meet criteria. The Thompson School is currently in discussions regarding offering the MSW degree options for those residing in American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Palau, and the Republic of the Marshall islands. Individuals connected to these locations can reach out to Theresa Kreif at or via whatsapp 8082304806 to learn more about the status of these program offerings. 

Licensure and State Authorization

Once the student has completed the Master’s of Social Work Degree program and has successfully completed the application paperwork with the State of Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, including passing the ASWB’s Master of Social Work examination, they will be eligible to obtain a state license as a Licensed Social Worker (LSW) in the State of Hawaiʻi. Additionally post MSW degree attainment, students may choose to work towards the requirements of a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health, Department of Social Work may not be able to confirm whether a particular program meets the professional licensure requirements outside of the State of Hawaiʻi and recommends that the student contact the respective professional licensing boards to determine the licensure requirements in the state in which the student intends to practice.

University of Hawaii at Manoa OVCAA Professional Licensure Disclosure 

Technology Requirements

It is essential for students enrolled in the DE option to have an updated computer and reliable, high speed access to the internet. For more specific information about software and hardware requirements, please click on this link.

For questions and more information regarding the Distance Education Option, please contact:

Department of Social Work

Distance Education Options

(808) 956-9470

For questions and more information regarding the Distance Education Option, please contact:

Department of Social Work

Distance Education Options

(808) 956-9470[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Want to apply?

Click here for MSW Application forms and instructions: MSW Application

For questions regarding the application and admissions process, please contact:

Department of Social Work

Admissions and Student Services Office

(808) 956-3833

Want more information? 

For questions and more information regarding the Distance Education Option, please contact:

Department of Social Work

Distance Education Options

(808) 956-9470[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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