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Year 2023
- A Burdened Workforce: Exploring Burnout, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Among Child Welfare Caseworkers in the Era of COVID-19
Children and Youth Services Review. March 2023
High turnover rates in child welfare are a significant problem, and while it is known that burnout contributes to turnover, it is unclear which specific types of burnout are most responsible for workers leaving. The study analyzed data from 258 child welfare case workers during the COVID-19 pandemic to determine how personal, work-related, and client-related burnout, as well as job satisfaction, impacted their intentions to stay in the field. (Francie Julien-Chinn)
- Community Resilience and Cultural Responses in Crisis: Lessons Learned from Pacific Islander Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States
Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. February 2023
This research essay synthesizes literature on Pacific Islander community responses and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic in the USA. Using thematic analysis, the study identifies multiple efforts to address the pandemic, including grassroots approaches, government responses, inter-sector collaboration, and research. Results highlight the importance of culturally and linguistically responsive outreach and messaging, partnership, engagement, and capacity building, and changes in research and policy approaches to promote health equity. (Meripa Godinet, Rachel Burrage)
- Grandparenting Among Māoris of New Zealand: Reflecting on Meanings
Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology. February 2023
This article explores the meaning and roles of grandparenting among Māori grandparents in New Zealand as a way to highlight the importance of grandparents across cultures. Using a phenomenology approach, the study examines the experiences of 17 Māori grandparents living in intergenerational homes. The research identifies five themes that illustrate the meaning of grandparenting from the perspective of Māori grandparents, including cultural responsibilities, support and resources, sociopolitical and economic challenges, the current state of elders’ roles in the family, and benefits and rewards. (Meripa Godinet, Rachel Burrage)
Year: 2022
- Social Work in Hawai‘i: A Workforce Profile
- Women are the Thread: Keetoowah Elders’ Experiences of Becoming a Mother
Culture, Health & Sexuality. December 2022
This research essay uses the Story Inquiry method to explore the experiences of Indigenous mothers in the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee tribe. The study emphasizes the effects of colonization and historical trauma on Indigenous practices surrounding motherhood and the disconnection from traditional birthing practices, emphasizing the resilience and persistence of the Keetoowah community and the importance of female kin relationships in shaping experiences of motherhood. The study calls for healthcare approaches that incorporate cultural traditions and more culturally informed perinatal care to better support Indigenous mothers. (December Maxwell)
- Social Work in Action: Advocacy and Community Building to Address Filipino Behavioral Health
Hawaii Journal of Health and Social Welfare. December 2022
Filipino culture celebrates the bayanihan spirit, a community coming together to help each other in times of need. The present is such a time, with the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately impacting Filipinos, and anti-Asian violence also targeting the community. This article highlights research and community-based efforts to address the lack of attention paid to Filipino mental health and substance use conditions, and to destigmatize behavioral health. (Clifford Bersamira)
- Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms Among People from the Micronesian Region
Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work. December 2022
People from the Micronesian region represent one of the fastest-growing migrant groups in the U.S., but little is known about their mental health. Research on 486 Micronesians living in Hawaii explored demographics, immigration-related variables, and connections to the Micronesian community and their association with anxiety and depression. The study found that interventions that enhance cultural pride and connection may be effective in supporting Micronesians at risk for or experiencing anxiety. (Rebeca Stozer, Theresa Kreif)
- Hate Crimes Against LGBT People: National Crime Victimization Survey, 2017-2019
PLOS ONE. December 2022
This study examines the prevalence and characteristics of violent hate crime victimization of LGBT people in the United States compared to non-LGBT hate crime victims and LGBT victims of violent non-hate crime using pooled data from the National Crime Victimization Survey. Results show that LGBT people are more likely to be victims of hate crimes related to sexual orientation or gender bias and experience adverse physical and psychological effects. (Rebeca Stozer)
- Older Adults, Protective Factors, and Opportunities to Promote Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Hawaii Journal of Health and Social Welfare. August 2022
This article highlights the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on older adults, who are more vulnerable due to pre-existing medical conditions, social isolation, and loneliness and examines the mental and physical health impacts of the pandemic on this population by identifying protective factors, such as emotional regulation, resiliency, and technology use, that can mitigate the negative impacts. The role of community-based organizations in identifying and tailoring technology-based solutions to meet the needs of older adults is also emphasized. The essay concludes that targeted interventions that promote wellbeing among older adults are critical for maintaining their physical, social, and mental health during the pandemic and beyond. (Sophia Kim, Yeonjung Jane Lee)
Year: 2021
- Insights in Public Health Interdisciplinary Student Team from University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa in the HI-EMA Community Care Unit: Identifying Needs in the Pandemic and Learning Together
Hawaii Journal of Health and Social Welfare. February, 2021
This article describes the experience of the Interdisciplinary Student Team from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UH Mānoa) who responded as part of the Hawai‘i Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA) Community Care Team in summer 2020. (Robin G. Arndt)
- Developing a culturally responsive dementia storybook with Native Hawaiian youth
Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Education, April, 2021
Similar to the nation’s majority and racial/ethnic minority populations, Native Hawaiian families provide the bulk of care to loved ones with dementia. Limited research has focused on youth caregivers, who are largely invisible to the eldercare service system.
(Colette V. Browne, Shelley Muneoka, Rachel Burrage, Yeonjung Jane Lee, Noreen K. Mokuau, Kathryn L. Braun)
- Beyond trauma: Decolonizing understandings of loss and healing in the Indian residential school system of Canada
Journal of Social Issues, June 2021.
Using thematic analysis, this study draws on survivor testimonies from one residential school to explore how their descriptions of the effects and healing from IRS abuses differ from psychocentric understandings of trauma and loss. Results indicate that survivors describe IRS effects in sociocentric, ecocentric, and cosmocentric terms more so than psychocentric ones and place deep importance on healing through connection to family, culture, and community. (Rachel Burrage)
- Women’s employment, work-life balance policies, and inequality across the life course: a comparative analysis of Japan, Sweden and the United States
Journal of Women & Aging, June, 2021
Using OECD and other big data sets, we examine the patterns of women’s employment over the life course in Japan, Sweden and the United States, as three illustrated cases of welfare states with different nation’s work-life balance policies. (Jing Guo, Colette V. Browne)
- Multi-Level Governance, Policy Coordination and Subnational Responses to COVID-19: Comparing China and the US
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, April,2021
The study adopted the multi-level governance theory for a comparative analysis of how the structure and modes of policy coordination shaped subnational policy responses to COVID-19 in Hubei Province, China, and New York State, USA. (Jing Guo)
- Examining Housing Environments and Health Status of Older Adults with Physical Disabilities in South Korea
Journal of Aging & Social Policy, February 2021
The present study examined the relationships between housing environments and health and well-being among older adults with physical disabilities in South Korea.(Seunghye Hong)
- Understanding the connection between the ‘Āina, strengths, and houselessness among previously homeless Native Hawaiian and Micronesian families
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, April, 2021
Houselessness in Hawai‘i is a structural public health concern, and strategies are needed to address the issue. Using a strength-based approach, this study sought to examine protective factors within a family resilience framework for formerly homeless Native Hawaiian and Micronesian families.(Francie Julien-Chinn)
- Perceptions of agency leadership and intent to stay: an examination of turnover in the child welfare workforce
Journal of Public Child Welfare, February 2021
Retention of the child welfare workforce is an ongoing challenge. In this study, we evaluate the association between child welfare workers’ perceptions of agency leadership and their intent to remain at their agencies. (Francie Julien-Chinn)
- Neighborhood Social Cohesion and the Health of Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Older Adults
Journal of Gerontological Social Work, May 2021
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander (NHPI) older adults experience various social and health challenges. There is a growing literature linking neighborhood conditions with health, yet few have focused on NHPI older adults. (Yeonjung Jane Lee, Kathryn L. Braun, Seunghye Hong, Colette V. Browne)
- Emerging disparities of the COVID-19 pandemic among older adults in rural Hawai‘i
Journal of Rural Mental Health, January 2021
Kūpuna (older adults in the Hawaiian language) in Hawai‘i experience unique challenges related to health disparities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The case of Hawai‘i can provide insights into the understanding of health interventions for other remote communities. (Yeonjung Jane Lee)
- Factors Associated with Mental Health Help-Seeking Among Asian Americans: a Systematic Review
J Racial Ethn Health Disparities, June 2021
The aim of the current systematic review was to identify protective and risk factors of mental health help-seeking patterns among the disaggregated Asian Americans and to classify types of help. (Sophia Kim, Yeonjung Jane Lee)
Year 2020
- Evaluation of distance facilitation and technology in an interprofessional simulation exercise
Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, July, 2020.
This paper explores two objectives: (1) effectiveness of interprofessional education facilitators utilizing distance technology to facilitate and debrief an interprofessional exercise with students located on the islands Oahu and Hawai’i Island (Hilo), and (2) impact of technology on the simulation experience for facilitators and students. (Robin G. Arndt)
- Hawaii Emergency Management Agency Community Based Organizational Capacity and Needs for COVID-19 Response and Recovery Survey Full Report
ESF-8 Community Care and Outreach Unit, June, 2020.
A survey of community-based health and social service entities was conducted across the State. The CCO Unit community advisory group reviewed the report and provided additional feedback and recommendations that triangulate with the findings of the report. This report represents the final analysis of Phase 1 of this project.(Robin G. Arndt)
- An evaluation of an interprofessional simulation training session on end-of-life-care conversations in the intensive care unit
Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, December, 2020
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the influence of a simulation training program on interprofessional learners’ confidence and self-efficacy in conducting family meetings focused on end-of-life care in an intensive care unit. (Robin G. Arndt)
- Are Policy Strategies to Address the Opioid Epidemic Partisan? A View from the States
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, April 2020
In contrast to the Affordable Care Act, some have suggested the opioid epidemic represents an area of bipartisanship. This raises an important question: to what extent are Democrat-led and Republican-led states different or similar in their policy responses to the opioid epidemic? (Clifford Bersamira)
- Social Work in Action: How the Hawai‘i CARES Program Aims to Strengthen Addiction Treatment Through a Social Work Lens
Hawai’i Journal of Health & Social Welfare, January 2020
Substance use disorders (SUDs) are a major issue both nationally and in Hawai‘i. The United States is in the midst of an opioid crisis that claims the lives of approximately 192 people a day. (Clifford Bersamira)
- Roles for social work and other professions in support of recovery-oriented addiction policies and services
The Routledge Handbook of Social Work and Addictive Behaviors, April, 2020
Adoption of recovery-oriented values and involvement of persons in recovery in the process provides many opportunities for social workers and other professionals: providing support for peer service delivery, grassroots advocacy, and facilitating policy and systems change in recovery-oriented system transformation. (Clifford Bersamira)
- Migration and resilience in Native Hawaiian elders
Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, June 2020
Using focused ethnography, Native Hawaiian elders living away from Hawai‘i for 30+ years were recruited through Hawaiian organizations and word-of-mouth and interviewed by teleconferencing on reasons for migrating, experiences on the Continent, and resilience. (Kathryn L. Braun, Colette V. Browne, Shelley Muneoka, Rachel Burrage, Noreen K. Mokuau)
- Fluid Identities and Decolonizing Conceptions: The What, Who, and How of Women’s Activism and Age
The Gerontologist, June 2020
Critical Interventions on Aging, Gender and Social Change with anticipation and some surprise. Anticipation because, although numerous gerontology, feminist, and other scholars have investigated the ways in which gender, class, race, sexuality, and geography combine to influence people’s mobilizations against injustice, fewer have considered how age and aging intersect with systems of power and process. (Colette V. Browne)
- A culturally informed scoping review of Native Hawaiian mental health and emotional well-being literature
Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, June 2020
This study combines scoping review methodology with culturally informed inclusion criteria in order to identify and synthesize literature on Native Hawaiian mental health and psychological well-being that is grounded in Native Hawaiian understandings of well-being. (Rachel Burrage)
- “Togetherness:” the role of intergenerational and cultural engagement in urban American Indian and Alaskan Native youth suicide prevention
Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, June 2020
In a collaborative study with an Urban Indian Health Organization (UIHO) and a University, we conducted six talking circles over three years with American Indian and Alaskan Native (AI/AN) elders, adults, and youth to examine perceptions of suicide and suicide prevention strategies within their community. (Rachel Burrage)
- Youth Leaving Institutional Care in China: Stress, Coping Mechanisms, Problematic Behaviors, and Social Support
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 2020
The study aims to provide an initial depiction of youth aging out of institutional care in China. Services for children cared for in state child welfare institutes have been improving in the past decades in China. (Jing Guo)
- Intimate partner violence victimization among college students with disabilities: Prevalence, help-seeking, and the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and intimate partner violence victimization
Children and Youth Services Review, March, 2020.
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a major public health issue. Almost one third of college students in the U.S. experience IPV victimization.(Seunghye Hong)
- Gender Differences in Intimate Partner Violence Victimization, Help-Seeking, And Outcomes Among College Students
Advances in Social Work, July, 2020
Many college students experience intimate partner violence (IPV). Although receiving help from formal and informal sources may ameliorate possible negative impacts of IPV victimization, the outcomes of help-seeking are not always positive.(Seunghye Hong)
- The role of self-rated mental health in seeking professional mental health services among older Korean immigrants
Journal of Aging and Mental Health, April, 2020
Focusing on older Korean immigrants, the present study examined linkages among mental distress, self-rated mental health (SRMH), and the use of professional mental health services. (Seunghye Hong)
- Cumulative Violence Exposure and Alcohol Use Among College Students: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Dating Violence
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, August, 2020
Multiple types of childhood adversities are risk factors for dating violence among college-age youth and in turn, dating violence is associated with alcohol use. This work quantitatively examines associations of childhood adversity and dating violence with alcohol use among college students using a cumulative stress approach.(Seunghye Hong)
- Social Work in Action: Aloha E Dean Mokuau: Mai Ka Ho’oku’i A Ka Hālāwai. From Zenith to Horizon
Hawaii J. Health Soc. Welf. Aug, 2020
Dean Noreen Mokuau retires this year after a decade of service as Dean of the Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work (MBTSSW) and after nearly 40 years of service to the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM). As a Native Hawaiian woman, she is committed to education that is anchored in excellence and founded in the unique attributes of Hawai‘i and the Pacific-Asia region. (Theresa Kreif, Kathryn L. Braun).
- What are the effects of colorectal cancer screening interventions among Asian Americans? A meta-analysis
Ethnicity & Health, January, 2020
The purpose of this study was to report the results of a meta-analysis conducted on the effects of CRC screening interventions. (Sophia Kim)
- The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Vulnerable Older Adults in the United States
Journal of Gerontological Social Work, June 2020
As it continues to spread around the world, resulting in a pandemic, COVID-19 disproportionately impacts aging populations. In the United States, 8 out of 10 deaths have been those who are aged 65 years and older. (Yeonjung Jane Lee)
- The Association Between Oral Health and Food Avoidance Among Older Adults in the United States
Public Health in Practice, November 2020
Oral health is associated with food avoidance among older adults. Geriatric health care professionals can consider oral health as a potential risk/protective factor for food avoidance. Oral health promotion programs need to consider nutritional support for older adults with negative oral health conditions. (Yeonjung Jane Lee)
- The Cognitive Health of Older Adults in Hawai‘i: Implications for Social Work
Hawai‘i Journal of Health & Social Welfare, April 2020.
Why is cognitive impairment a critical issue to the state of Hawai‘i? At an individual level, older adults are at risk of losing independence and quality of life. At a societal level, caregiving and economic burdens challenge us to identify the protective and risk factors of cognition (Yeonjung Jane Lee)
- Beyond bath bombs: Partner’s response to postpartum depression
Journal of Family Studies, September, 2020.
Postpartum depression (PPD) can have multiple impacts on the mother, child development, and family. PPD severity is also influenced by social support, including partner support. (December Maxwell)
- Wearing a Happy mask: Mother’s expressions of suicidality with postpartum depression
Social Work in Mental Health,June, 2020
Currently, the leading cause of maternal death after the birth of a child is suicide; the psychache or intolerable psychological pain that precedes suicide may have been exacerbated by PPD. (December Maxwell)
- Short story of a lonely guy: A qualitative thematic analysis of involuntary celibacy using Reddit
Sexuality & Culture, March 2020
The goal of this research was to use the “r/Braincels” Subreddit to answer the research question “what are the shared experiences, sentiments, and expressions of people who self-define as incels?” (December Maxwell)
- Safety for native women: An indigenous first analysis of Violence Against Women Act- Title IX
Advances in Social Work, January, 2020
American Indian/Native American (AI/NA) women are disproportionately affected by intimate partner violence (IPV). The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) of 2013 included new provisions under the Title IX Safety for Indian Women. (December Maxwell)
- Unique Characteristics of Bias Crimes Committed by Males or Females in the United States
Journal of Hate Studies, December 2020.
Despite increased research on women’s criminal offending patterns, research on women’s involvement in bias crimes is almost nonexistent. (Rebecca Stotzer, Meripa Godinet)
- “Message” crimes: Understanding the community impacts of bias crime.
J. Sternberg (Ed.), Perspectives on hate: How it originates, develops, manifests, and spreads, 2020.
Bias-based violence has been a consistent part of the human experience, but only since the late 20th century have bias crimes been recognized as a unique type of crime in many legal and social systems with unique impacts. (Rebecca Stotzer)
- Social Work in Action: Social Connectedness and Homelessness Amidst a Pandemic: Are the Social Impacts of Quarantine on Homeless Populations Being Adequately Addressed?
Hawaii J Health Soc Welf . 2020 Nov
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have been undoubtedly great; from health and economic outcomes, to the areas of social functioning and daily life that have drastically changed. (Amanda C. Yoshioka-Maxwell)
- Exploring the relationship between foster care experiences and social network engagement among a sample of homeless former foster youth
Children and Youth Services Review, September 2020
Recent research has begun to demonstrate high rates of poor behavioral health outcomes among homeless former foster, but with relatively little attention in the scientific literature. (Amanda C. Yoshioka-Maxwell)
Year 2019
- Engaging a Community Chaplaincy Resource for Interprofessional Health Care Provider Training in Facilitating Family Decision Making for Children at End-of-Life
Hawaii J Med Public Health, June 2019
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the influence of a simulation training program on interprofessional learners’ confidence and self-efficacy in conducting family meetings focused on end-of-life care in an intensive care unit. (Robin G. Arndt)
- Medicaid coverage in substance use disorder treatment after the affordable care act
Journal of Subst Abuse Treat, July, 2019
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) prompted sweeping changes to Medicaid, including expanding insurance coverage to an estimated 12 million previously uninsured Americans, and imposing new parity requirements on benefits for behavioral health services, including substance use disorder treatment.(Clifford Bersamira)
- Changes in State Technical Assistance Priorities and Block Grant Funds for Addiction After ACA Implementation
Am J Public Health. 2019 Jun
To assess states’ provision of technical assistance and allocation of block grants for treatment, prevention, and outreach after the expansion of health insurance coverage for addiction treatment in the United States under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).(Clifford Bersamira)
- Healthy Life Expectancy in 2010 for Native Hawaiian, White, Filipino, Japanese, and Chinese Americans Living in Hawai’i
Asia Pac J Public Health, October, 2019
Healthy life expectancy (HALE) varies substantially among countries, regions, and race/ethnicities. Utilizing the Sullivan method, this article examines HALE for Native Hawaiian, White, Filipino, Japanese, and Chinese Americans living in Hawai’i, the United States. (Colette V. Browne, Kathryn L. Braun)
- Examining long-term service and support needs and preferences of Native Hawaiian elders: A mixed-method approach.
Journal of Aging and Health, July 2019.
The Native Hawaiian population experiences numerous disparities in health and income. Using a mixed-method research (MMR) design, we summarize findings from three phases of an MMR approach used to uncover kūpuna (elder) long-term service and support (LTSS) needs and care preferences. (Colette V. Browne, Kathryn L. Braun, Noreen Mokuau)
- American Indian historical trauma: Anti Colonial prescriptions for healing, resilience, and survivance
American Psychologist, 2019
The American Indian historical trauma (HT) concept is an important precursor to racial trauma (RT) theory that reflects the distinct interests of sovereign Indigenous nations but shares much of the same promise and challenge. (Rachel Burrage)
- The impact of historical trauma on health outcomes for indigenous populations in the USA and Canada: A systematic review
American Psychologist, 2019
In this systematic review of the health impacts of IHT, 32 empirical articles were identified that statistically analyzed the relationship between a measure of IHT and a health outcome for Indigenous samples from the United States and Canada.(Rachel Burrage)
- Native Hawaiian Interdisciplinary Health Program: Decolonizing Academic Space, Curriculum, and Instruction
A Global Journal of Social Work Analysis, 2019
The rupturing of current colonial practices that inhibit the learning of both the Indigenous student and the [often] non-Indigenous instructor; confronting the positionality of the instructor as purveyor of white western hegemony; and creating new subjectivities for both instructors and students through reflective learning, engaged dialogue, and mentorship. (Michael DeMattos)
- Community Demand, Academic Partnership, and the Birth of the Bachelor of Social Work Program Distance Education Option
Hawaii J Med Public Health. June, 2019.
Social Work in Action is a solicited column from the social work community in Hawai‘i. It is edited by HJMPH Contributing Editor Sophia Kim PhD, of the Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa. (Michael DeMattos)
- Factors Contributing to Substance Misuse Treatment Completion among Native Hawaiians, Other Pacific Islanders, and Asian Americans
Substance Use and Misuse, 2020
This study examined predictors of SATC among and within Asian, NHOPI, and White racial groups. (Meripa Godinet)
- Transnational Pacific Islanders: Implications for Social Work
Social Work. April, 2019
The Pacific Islander American racial group is smaller in terms of numbers relative to other racial groups and yet one of the fastest-growing in the United States.(Meripa Godinet, Noreen Mokuau)
- Examining risk and protective factors of problem gambling among college students in South Korea
Children and Youth Services Review, October, 2019
This study examines the effects of risk and protective factors on problem gambling among college students. (Seunghye Hong, Sophia Kim)
- Building learning cultures in the child welfare workforce
Children and Youth Services Review, April, 2019
Creating organizational change, including implementing evidence based practices, requires agencies to have supportive learning cultures. (Francie Julien-Chinn)
- Exploring the Consequences of Major Lifetime Discrimination, Neighborhood Conditions, Chronic Work, and Everyday Discrimination on Health and Retirement
Journal of Applied Gerontology, December, 2019
This study examines the associations of multiple forms of perceived discrimination and negative neighborhood conditions with mental health and retirement age. (Yeonjung Jane Lee)
- Qualitative, Interpretive Metasynthesis of Women Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy
Journal of Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. November, 2019
To describe the perspectives of women who experienced intimate partner violence (IPV) during pregnancy through a qualitative, interpretive metasynthesis.(December Maxwell)
- Living in domestic violence shelters: A qualitative interpretive meta-synthesis of women’s experiences
The British Journal of Social Work, June, 2019
Intimate partner violence (IPV) shelters are a critical resource for women experiencing IPV. Shelters can provide survivors a safe location separated from their partners to allow them to seek assistance and make choices about the future of their relationship.(December Maxwell)
- Cathartic ink: A qualitative examination of tattoo motivations for survivors of sexual trauma.
Deviant Behavior, January ,2019
The current study advances the extant literature by qualitatively examining a group of self-identified survivors of sexual violence and their motivations for obtaining tattoos. Results of our study indicate that survivors of sexual violence seek out tattoo as a non-traditional form of healing.(December Maxwell)
- Developing networks in disempowered communities: Experiencing hardships while focusing on opportunities
Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, April, 2019
This study aims to present an evaluation and the process steps of a community-based initiative (CBI) consisting of a group of organizations that work to enhance the lives of boys and men of colour. (December Maxwell)
- He Ala Kuikui Lima Kānaka: The Journey Toward Indigenizing a School of Social Work
Intersectionalities: A Global Journal Of Social Work Analysis, Research, Polity, And Practice, 2019
This article focuses on decolonizing, or specifically Indigenizing, a school of social work that has a stated focus on Native Hawaiians, other Pacific Islanders, and Asian populations in the Pacific region. (Mary Ono)
- Social Work in Action Hā Kūpuna: Telling Stories of Challenge and Resilience Through Data
Hawaii J Health Soc Welf., October, 2019
In 2019, Hā Kūpuna published their most recent study in the Journal of Aging and Health. The article highlighted the benefits of using a mixed methods approach of both qualitative and quantitative research to best uncover and understand aging issues faced by Native Hawaiian elders. (Shelley Muneoka, Colette V. Browne)
- Campus-level variation in the prevalence of student experiences of relationship and sexual violence
Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 2019.
This study examines campus-level factors that influence rates of sexual assault and intimate partner violence among college students. (Rebecca Stotzer)
- Research Brief: Bias Against Micronesians in Hawai‘i. University of Hawai‘i, Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work
University of Hawaii, February, 2019
A recent study conducted by the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa Myron B. ThompsonSchool of Social Work, in partnership with the WeAre Oceania(a project of Partners In Development Foundation),examined the relationship between experiencing bias or discrimination and the impact of those experiences on an individuals’ ability to acculturate and adapt to their new home in Hawai‘i. (Rebecca Stotzer)
- Exploring the Relationship Between Foster Care Experiences and HIV Risk Behaviors Among a Sample of Homeless Former Foster Youth
AIDS Behav. 2019 Mar
In the current study, data were collected from 184 youth at drop-in centers in Los Angeles using behavioral health questionnaires to explore the relationships between specific aspects of foster care experiences and engagement in HIV-risk behaviors.(Amanda C. Yoshioka-Maxwell)
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