To: Vice Chancellors, Deans and Directors
From: David Lassner, Interim Chancellor and President
Subject: 2019 University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Chancellor’s Awards for Outstanding Service
January 14, 2019
The Mānoa Chancellor’s Awards for Outstanding Service recognizes sustained and exceptional leadership of employees and their service to their offices, their departments and the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UHM). The 2018 recipients were Ms. Gina Bagarino for the Civil Service award; Mr. Jameson Ramelb for the Buildings and Grounds Maintenance award; Mr. Marcus Hayden for the Administrative, Professional and Technical (APT) award; and Ms. Valerie Yontz for the Faculty Specialist award. The recipients were honored for their exceptional accomplishments and contributions at the UH Mānoa Awards Reception in April 2018.
At this time, I invite you to submit your 2019 nominations for an outstanding Civil Service, Buildings and Grounds Maintenance, APT or Faculty Specialist employee. One recipient for each category will be selected and will receive a monetary gift of $1,000 and a certificate of recognition at a special ceremony to take place at the end of the Spring 2019 semester. In addition, the recipients will automatically be nominated for the 2020 Governor’s Award for Distinguished State Service.
Updated criteria for the 2019 Awards selection process of the nominees and the nomination form are posted on the Mānoa Chancellor’s Office website at Eligibility Requirements. Please share the information with your respective department personnel and encourage them to nominate one of our many outstanding UH Mānoa team members!
The deadline for submitting nominations is Friday, February 15, 2019. Please send completed nomination forms to
The Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Service Committeec/o UHM Office of the Chancellor
Hawai‘i Hall 202
Attention: Sandy Shitanishi or
Please contact Sandy Shitanishi at (808-956-7488, should you need further information.