
You may pick up a physical copy of the Lyon Arboretum brochure and trail map when you check in at our Visitors Center upon arrival.

Plant enthusiasts may also be interested in our interactive map of the living plant collections.

You can view or download our current trail guide here (PDF).

Map of the lower Arboretum grounds

Map of the upper and lower Arboretum grounds

View a larger version of the map of the upper and lower grounds by clicking here

Lyon Arboretum Points of Interest

  1. ʻAihualama Falls – Flows best when it rains
  2. Vanilla Valley – Look on the trees to find this culinary orchid
  3. “Haunted” Seismograph Station – Decommissioned in 1974 and a little spooky!
  4. Economic Garden – Economically important plants
  5. Haukulu Restoration Forest – Plants native to Hawaiʻi
  6. Royal Palms – An impressive grove designated as Exceptional Trees
  7. Harold L. Lyon Memorial – Memorial to the Arboretum’s founder
  8. Cycad Forest – Are those palms? No, the ancestors of these unique cone-bearing plants thrived among dinosaurs
  9. Inspiration Point – Scenic overlook of Mānoa Valley
  10. Ginger Collections – Beehives, dancing ladies, shells, and torches, see these seasonal blooms from May to September
  11. Bromeliad Garden – Pineapple is a member of this plant family.

Please note: Not all trails are well marked or maintained, and not all trails are depicted on this map.

Information Assistance

If you need assistance accessing any of the information on our website or in our documents, please call our Main Office at (808) 988-0456.