Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy

In addition to the general eligibility requirements, you must be making SAP toward a degree or certificate in order to receive financial assistance from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. Semesters in which a student did not receive financial aid are included in our review in determining SAP for financial aid eligibility. Failure to meet these standards may impact your future eligibility for financial aid. This policy provides for the consistent application of standards to all students within categories of students, e.g., full-time, part-time, undergraduate, and graduate students, and University educational programs. The standards you must adhere to are as follows:

Qualitative Grade Point Average (GPA) Standards

Undergraduate students

  • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 or as required by the student’s specific program of study.
  • Cumulative GPA includes all undergraduate courses attempted at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa only and does not include transferred courses.
  • Courses in the Course Program of Study (CPoS) and non-CPoS courses are calculated.

Graduate students

  • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or as required by the student’s specific program of study.
  • Cumulative GPA includes all graduate-level courses attempted once admitted into a degree-seeking program at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.

Please Note: All repeat courses are calculated into the financial aid cumulative GPA

Programs GPA
Undergraduate 2.0
Undergraduate College of Education 2.75
Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Science 2.50
Graduate Masters 3.0
Graduate PhD 3.0
Law School 2.0
Medical School As defined by Medical School

Quantitative (Pace) Standards

  • All students must pass at least 67% of all credits attempted during their academic career at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.
  • All accepted transfer credits are included in the pace calculation, both as attempted as well as completed credits.
  • Required remedial courses will count towards pace calculations.
  • All repeat, transfer, withdrawn, administrative withdrawn, and no credit courses are part of this calculation.

The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa calculates the pace at which you are progressing by dividing the cumulative number of hours you have successfully completed by the cumulative number of hours you have attempted.

Pace = Cumulative number of hours (credit hours) that you have successfully completed /

Cumulative number of hours (credit hours) that you have attempted

The following courses do not count as completed units in the SAP calculation:

  • Audit (L)
  • Incomplete (I)
  • Failed (F)
  • No Credit (NC)
  • No Grade (NG)
  • Not Reported (NR)
  • Withdrawn (W)
  • Administrative Withdrawn

Please Note: Repeat coursework will be counted in credits attempted and earned. Administrative Withdrawals will be counted in credits attempted. Credit-hours from other institution(s) that are in the student information system are counted as both attempted and completed hours.

Maximum Timeframe

To quantify academic progress, the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa must set a maximum timeframe in which you are expected to finish a program. All repeat, transfer, withdrawn, administrative withdrawn, and no credit courses are part of this calculation. Accumulation of excess units may result in failing to meet SAP timeframe standards. Excess units are defined below:

Programs Maximum
Undergraduate 180 credits attempted
Second Bachelors 90 credits attempted
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Elementary Education 47 credits attempted
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Elementary and Multilingual Learning 51 credits attempted
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Secondary Education (Music and PE majors complete additional content credits) 54 credits attempted
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Special Education 50 credits attempted
Graduate Masters 150% of minimum program credits attempted
Graduate PhD 14 full-time semesters
Law School 89 credits attempted
Medical School 12 full-time semesters

Example of Maximum Timeframe Standards:

The following is an example of how an undergraduate student might fail to meet timeframe standards:

Degree credit requirements 150% Cumulative SAP Status
120 180 181 Maximum Timeframe

Period of Evaluation

SAP will be reviewed after the Spring semester of each year for successful completion of SAP standards. For financial aid eligibility, terms are defined as fall, spring, and summer.

Students Ineligible for Financial Aid

At the conclusion of the Spring semester, our office will determine students’ continued eligibility for the upcoming semester, typically the following summer or fall semester. Students who do not meet qualitative and/or quantitative standards are not eligible for financial aid and will be placed on financial aid suspension. Notification of financial aid suspension will be emailed to the student’s email address approximately 2-4 weeks after grades are posted. As long as you are in suspension status, you are not eligible for federal/state or certain institutional financial aid funds. All financial aid offers will be cancelled upon non-compliance of the SAP Policy.

Consortium Agreements, Study Abroad, and Independent Study may result in a delay of our office’s determination of your financial aid eligibility until UH Mānoa reviews these grades.

Reinstatement of Financial Aid Eligibility

If you lose aid eligibility because you are not meeting SAP standards, you may regain eligibility in one of the following ways:

  1. Use your own financial resources while attending the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. Should you later meet our SAP standards, you may request a review of your financial aid eligibility.
  2. Submit a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal Form and include the following:
    • Extenuating circumstances, such as serious personal illness or injury, death or illness of a family member, unexpected employment or work issues or other extenuating circumstances, which prevented you from meeting UH Mānoa’s Financial Aid SAP.
    • Changes that occurred which will allow you to meet SAP requirements.
    • Provide supporting documents of your extenuating circumstances.
    • What corrective action you have taken or will take to improve your performance.
    • If the appeal is for maximum timeframe, our office may request an academic graduation plan of the remaining course requirements and/or information on your transfer credits (if applicable).
  3. Once we receive all items requested, a decision will be reached within 4-6 weeks to approve/deny your reinstatement appeal. You will be notified via email at your address of the results. For students whose SAP appeal is approved, a SAP Academic Plan will be sent to you. You will need to review this plan with your academic advisor and submit this form to the Financial Aid Services. You will be offered financial aid for the following term subject to the availability of funds
  4. A student on financial aid probation will be reviewed at the end of each term to ensure conditions (requirements) provided in the SAP Academic Plan are being met. Should you fail to meet the conditions (requirements) of the SAP Academic Plan at the conclusion of the semester, your financial aid will be cancelled for the upcoming term(s).
  5. We understand there are unforeseen situations so we allow a maximum of two appeals with different extenuating circumstances for an undergraduate or graduate degree.

Academic Level

The following grade level progression will be used for undergraduate programs:

Class Level Credit Hours Range
Freshman 0-29.99 semester credit hours earned
Sophomore 30-59.99 semester credit hours earned
Junior 60-89.99 semester credit hours earned
Senior 90 or more semester credit hours earned