
Click on the headlines for more information.

  • Complimentary Digital Subscriptions to Major News Outlets December 5, 2024

    Students, Faculty, and Staff at UHM can now access The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and The Chronicle of Higher Education.

  • Rare and Historic Maps at UHM Library December 27, 2023

    Librarians in the Asia Collection have been acquiring rare and unusual maps from antiquarian dealers with funds made available through the generosity of library donors. Numerous maps have been acquired for Northeast Asia that are in Russian, Japanese, and Chinese, which portray themes of interest to many countries – of note, is a recently purchased rare map of a Japanese castaway who lived in Russia Oranda Chikyuzu.

  • Changes to OneSearch Results December 24, 2023

    During the winter break, the UHM Library made a change to how OneSearch delivers search results to you. We changed the search results from its current "Expanded" mode to a more refined "Filtered" mode. For those who prefer the Expanded Search, the Filtered Search results can be changed to Expanded by clicking the "Expand My Results" toggle that will appear at the top of the search results on a desktop or laptop screen, or at the top of the Filter options when you click the Filter icon (shaped like a funnel). This change will only affect the "Everything" search scope, which is the default search scope. Searches using the "UHM Library" or "All UH Libraries" search scopes will be unaffected.

  • World Digital Preservation Day October 30, 2023

    The library invites you to join us in commemorating World Digital Preservation Day (WDPD) on November 2, 2023.  The purpose of this day is to “create greater awareness of digital preservation” and the benefits and opportunities of “securing a sustainable future for our digital assets.”  It is an annual event organized by the Digital Preservation Coalition

  • 200-year-old Japanese Whaling Scrolls Digitized July 7, 2023

    The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Library received two rare, and previously unknown, Japanese scrolls. They were donated by Deborah Rudolph to honor the memory of her late husband, John Harvard Hawley.

    The scrolls titled 鯨魚鑬笑録 (Geigyo ranshōroku), or “A simple overview of whaling,” were created in 1819 with the comprehensive depiction of the hunting, processing, and rendering of whales during the Edo period (1600-1868).

  • Students help to share Jean Charlot Collection in international exhibit May 23, 2023

    The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Hamilton Library was a key partner in an international exhibition in Mexico City celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Mexican Muralist Movement.

    A major holder of the works of renowned muralist, writer and former UH faculty Jean Charlot (1898–1979), Hamilton Library staff and students were involved in a year-long process to loan 25 of Charlot’s artworks for The Spirit of 22, A Century of Muralism in San Ildefonso, which opened in January 2023 at the Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso, México, D.F. The venue is the location of Charlot’s first fresco mural, started October 2, 1922 and completed January 31, 1923.

  • UH Mānoa Library hosts 2022 Pacific Rim Research Libraries Alliance October 4, 2022

    After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Library will host the Pacific Rim Research Libraries Alliance (PRRLA) Annual Meeting, October 11–13. The cooperative venture of more than 40 academic libraries in 10 countries around the Pacific Rim aims to improve access to scholarly research materials in their libraries for the region.

  • Digital collections being purchased with ARPA funds May 12, 2022

    A list of 24 digital collections purchased with ARPA funds.

  • Library Treasures Scholarships, AY 2021-2022 August 9, 2021

    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic that continues to impact our students’ lives, the University of Hawaiʻi Library at Mānoa is offering for the academic year of 2021-2022 Library Treasures Scholarships. Students in any discipline and at any level of study are invited to submit proposals of projects that involve the use of the UHM Library’s collections, and whose final outcomes will result in either research pieces or creative works. The scholarships will be given to the best proposals. One may compete individually or form a team. In the case of a team, the scholarship will be split evenly among the team members.

  • HathiTrust Extended Temporary Access Service will end on August 22, 2021 June 16, 2021

    The Library Stacks will reopen on August 23. Users will still have access to HathiTrust’s 7 million public domain titles.

  • Statement On Violence against Asian and Asian American communities March 25, 2021

    A message from the University Librarian on the recent violence against the Asian and Asian American communities.

  • Serials Reduction for 2020 December 10, 2020

    A list of journals that will not be renewed as of January 2021.

  • UHM Library is now providing a full access to The Chronicle of Higher Education July 29, 2020

    The Chronicle is the leading trade publication on issues related to the higher education. The Chronicle is published every weekday and is the top destination for news, advice, and jobs for people in academia.

  • Hamilton Library Loan Service June 26, 2020

    Hamilton Library would like to remind patrons that the InterLibrary Loan Service is currently limited due to COVID-19. Hamilton Library aims to return to "normal" InterLibrary Loan for fall semester. However, our ability to fill the requests for physical loans will depend on several factors.

  • Statement on Racial Justice June 9, 2020

    Black Lives Matter. The University of Hawaiʻi Hamilton Library stands with our black faculty, students, and all people of color across the US and Oceania. We condemn and call for an immediate end of police brutality and the dismantling of systems of oppression. We acknowledge our kuleana to one another, not only for personal care but for individual and collective action to make a difference in the world.

  • Urban Planning Emeritus Professor Shares Life’s Work May 20, 2020

    Luciano Minerbi has contributed his life’s collaborative work to the field of urban planning through education, research and community service at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, as well as in communities throughout Hawaiʻi and the Pacific region. Over the course of his 50-year career since 1969, the emeritus professor from UH Mānoa's Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DURP) has amassed a collection which he is donating and is making available for scholarly research at the UH Mānoa Library University Archives.

  • More of Hamilton’s collection is now available through Hathi Trust April 8, 2020

    HathiTrust is the largest digital library in the world. University of Hawaii is a member and students and faculty regularly have full access to the 7 million items that are in the Public Domain. HathiTrust has taken the important step and opened up copyrighted material in their digital library to member institutions with copies of those items in their physical collections. This Extended Access will endure during the COVID crisis.

  • Wong Audiovisual Center Relocating to Hamilton Library December 6, 2019

    The Wong Audiovisual Center will close December 21, 2019 for relocation to Hamilton Library. Access to the physical collection will be inaccessible for approximately three weeks. It is anticipated the collection will be available in Hamilton Library at the start of the Spring 2020 semester (January 13, 2020).

  • Library Transitions to a New Library Services Platform November 4, 2019

    On December 18, 2019, UHM Library Services and all other libraries in the UH system will go live with a new library services platform called Alma and its discovery layer called PrimoVE. The new system will replace our out-dated Voyager system and the front-end public access catalog Hawaiʻi Voyager.

  • University Librarian June 21, 2019

    The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UH Mānoa) seeks a motivated, dynamic and experienced visionary leader to serve as University Librarian. Building upon the many strengths of the University, as well as the unique attributes of Hawai‘i and its uniquely multi-cultural and diverse populations of students, faculty and staff, the successful candidate has an exciting opportunity to lead the Library in becoming a stronger intellectual presence in Hawai‘i and beyond.
    Update: Clem Guthro hired as University Librarian

  • Sinclair Library Updates June 20, 2019

    Timeline of moving Sinclair Library's music book collection to Hamilton Library.

  • Portions of Sinclair Library not accessible Saturday, October 13, 2018 October 8, 2018

    Only Sinclair Library’s Grand Lobby, Heritage Reading Room, and ITS Wong Computer Lab will be accessible on Saturday, October 13, 2018. The rest of the building will be closed due to a planned power outage. Regular access to all study spaces are scheduled to resume on Sunday, October 14, 2018.

  • New student success center planned for Sinclair Library October 3, 2018

    The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa is planning to transform Sinclair Library into a student success center. Ideally located near Campus Center and the Warrior Recreation Center, the center will provide students with a convenient and comfortable place to study and collaborate that will also include on-site student support services and academic advising. UH is asking the state Legislature for $41 million to renovate Sinclair into a state-of-the-art center to improve the student experience.

  • 2nd Treasures at UH Hamilton Library Colloquia December 27, 2017

    A diverse group of over 40 participants attended the 2nd Treasures at UH Hamilton Library Colloquia on November 1, 2017. The event was named “War, Languages, and Un/intended Consequences: from Diderot to after World War Two” and it introduced resources ranging from the 18th century encyclopedia (Diderot), to dictionaries and language learning textbooks across China, Japan, Korea, Russia, Southeast Asia, and the Philippines, as well as manuscripts and photos during the Occupation Period in Japan.

  • Pacific Collection awarded $1896 by SEED November 17, 2017

    The Pacific Collection has been awarded $1896 by the UH-M Office of Student Equity, Excellence and Diversity (SEED). The award will be used to help fund Ke Au Hou: Generations of Pacific Librarianship, an international conference that the Hawaiian & Pacific Collections are hosting in May 2018, in conjunction with the Center for Pacific Islands Studies (

  • Explore the Reef New Science & Technology Reference Exhibit November 17, 2017

    A selected collection of books, articles, maps, and Web sites from the vast and rich body of information available on coral reef ecosystems.​

  • Japanese Suicide Bombers, 1932 – Asia Collection Department Exhibit November 16, 2017

    Asia Collection Department’s new exhibit, “Japanese Suicide Bombers, 1932” has been curated by our guest curators, Dr. Hanae Kramer of UHM School of Communications and Mr. Scott Kramer. Please come and learn part of history induced by World War II.

  • Serials Reductions for 2018 November 3, 2017

    A list of journals that will not be renewed as of January 2018.

  • 2nd Treasures at UH Hamilton Library Colloquia November 3, 2017

    A diverse group of over 40 participants attended the 2nd Treasures at UH Hamilton Library Colloquia on November 1, 2017. The event was named “War, Languages, and Un/intended Consequences: from Diderot to after World War Two” and it introduced resources ranging from the 18th century encyclopedia (Diderot), to dictionaries and language learning textbooks across China, Japan, Korea, Russia, Southeast Asia, and the Philippines, as well as manuscripts and photos during the Occupation Period in Japan. Some participants commented that the event provided an opportunity to see firsthand the dynamic interactions and interwoven relationships among Asia and other parts of the world.

  • MOU Between The UHM Library and the National Museum of Japanese History (NMJH) September 9, 2017

    The UHM Library and the National Museum of Japanese History (NMJH) entered into another productive collaboration and executed an MOU on Thursday, September 7th (see the photo). UHM will loan nine primary materials from the Asia Collection’s Takazawa Collection for a special exhibit titled, “1968: A Time with Countless Questions.” The exhibit will be held from October 11 through December 10, 2017, at the NMJH in Japan. The Takazawa Collection consists of over 50,000 primary sources on social movements in Japan during the 1960s.

  • Signing Deed of gift for the Senator Daniel K. Inouye Papers August 29, 2017

    A ceremony to sign the deed of gift for the Senator Daniel K. Inouye Papers was held in the Moir Reading Room on August 29. During the ceremony a Japanese-language Bible belonging to Senator Inouye's mother was returned to the Senator's son, Ken Inouye.

  • UHM Hawaii Peace Corps Banners on display at the Library of Congress in DC May 26, 2017

    Earlier this month, Hamilton Library arranged for the Hawaii Peace Corps Banner collection to be sent to the Library of Congress in Washington DC for display during the Daniel K. Inouye Distinguished Lecture Series on May 18, 2017. This year's lecture "Inspiring a Sense of Service and Idealism" focused on public service and civic engagement, for which the Peace Corps work in Hawaii perfectly exemplifies. The event was streamed live at the Richardson School of Law. A thank-you note from Daniel K. Inouye Institute expressed "They made quite a statement as people entered the auditorium, and provided the perfect context and backdrop for our discussion."

  • The Plot of the Tale of Genji and the Emperor System Lecture February 16, 2017

    A great turnout of 80 people across the UHM campus and local community appreciated the public lecture, “The Plot of the Tale of Genji and the Emperor System,” on February 16, 2017. The lecture was delivered by Dr. Yuichiro Imanashi, a well-respected Japanese classical literature scholar and the Director-General of Japan’s foremost research institute, the National Institute of Japanese Literature (NIJL). The Library’s lecture was part of series of collaborative events involving the NIJL, the Center for Japanese Studies, the East Asian Languages & Literatures (EALL), the Honolulu Museum of Art (HoMA), and the Library. Tokiko Bazzell of the Asia Collection Department coordinated year-long preparations for the activities.

  • Preservation Steward Library MOU with US Goverment Publishing Office (GPO) February 2, 2017

    The Library has signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) to become a Preservation Steward library. We are an early participant in GPO's Federal Information Preservation Network (FIPNet), being only the third library to sign an MOA to be a preservation steward.

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