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Student wearing commencement attire with a big shaka

May 1, 2023

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Mānoa Opportunities

NIWC Internship Fall 2023 Extended Application Deadline

The University of Hawaʻi’s Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Cybersecurity Internship has extended its application deadline for Fall 2023. The internship, taught by NIWC instructors, offers a salary of $20 per hour for 240 hours of work (~15 hours per week). Interested applicants can apply by today, and finalists will be informed by May 10th.

$10,000 for Nutritional Study/Research

The Roth-Vegetarian Endowed Scholarship assists students who are studying nutrition or are engaged in study or research directly related to fostering vegetarian nutritional habits and practices. Preference is given to graduate students, but undergraduate seniors may apply. Candidates must be a practicing vegetarian. Award will be between $5000-$10,000 for the 2023-2024 school year. Application is available via the STAR Scholarship site using keyword “Roth”. Deadline is May 7, 2023.

PACE is accepting applications for the 2023 Summer Startup Launchpad

The Pacific Asian Center for Entrepreneurship is now accepting applications for the 2023 Summer Startup Launchpad program. This program helps teams of students validate their business ideas through customer discovery using the lean startup methodology. Teams must consist of at least one UH student, attend sessions in-person, and be open to feedback from mentors and peers. The program is free to participate in and the deadline to apply is May 7th. Eligibility criteria, program expectations, and the schedule can be found at

Native American Graduate Fellowship for Healthcare

The Udal Native American Graduate Fellowship recognizes outstanding Native American and Alaska Native graduate students who are currently pursuing advanced degrees in healthcare related fields (e.g. M.S., Ph.D., M.D.) and who have demonstrated a commitment to Native health care. Two fellowships of $25,000 each will be awarded for 2023-2024. Application deadline is May 19, 2023.

NSF SSTEM Scholarship Program

The NSF S-STEM STRIDE program is open to undergraduates and graduates in Biology. It aims to develop their awareness and skills in data science techniques through tuition support and professional development. No prior coding or math experience is necessary.

Recruiting Student Participants for Economic Experiments

Researchers study economic decision-making in a computer lab on campus or online. Earn money just for showing up on time, then earn more based on your decisions during the experiment! Participants make individual or group choices, which determine their payoffs. These experiments are fun and educational, and no prior knowledge of economics is required! Duration: 1 to 3 hours. All experiments have been approved by the Human Studies Program. To participate, register at: When you register, you will be automatically notified of upcoming experimental sessions and can reserve space in these sessions. For more information, see this UH News story. Additional questions? Email

Extended Loanable Technology Loans Over the Summer

Hamilton Library is accepting requests for items from its loanable technology collection to be used in summer research projects. The collection has over 200 different items and can be borrowed for an extended period. Interested parties can submit a request form with project details to

Apply to Become a Learning Assistant

The Learning Assistant Program is accepting applications for Fall 23. Undergraduates can apply for various courses in subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Math, and Physics, through the UHM LA Program website. Applicants can select up to three courses and are advised to read the individual course proposals to understand the responsibilities and time commitments associated with each course.

2023-2024 Society of Asian Art of Hawaiʻi Scholarship

The Society of Asian Art of Hawai’i, Inc. promotes the pursuit of higher education by awarding scholarship grants to deserving Hawai’i college or university students studying Asia-related art courses at Hawai’i institutions of higher learning. Awards will vary between $1,000 to $4,000. Applicants must be a registered student at time of application and plan to take academic coursework pertinent to Asia-related art during each semester of 2023-2024. Deadline is June 30, 2023.

Recruiting for the Hawaiʻi MCH LEND Program

Join the Hawaiʻi Maternal and Child Health Leadership Education program for Fall 2023 to Spring 2024. Open to grad and doctoral students, professionals, self-advocates, and family advocates who aim to improve services for children with developmental disabilities. All disciplines are welcome, and a stipend will be provided. Find the application under “Application Information” on the program’s website. Contact Kristiann Miyamoto at or 808-369-1240 for more info.

Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans

The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans honors the contributions of immigrants and their children to the United States. Each year, this highly competitive fellowship awards 30 students who are supported in their graduate education experience and receive financial support up to $90,000 for two years. Deadline to apply for the 2024 competition is October 26, 2023. Students can sign up for our upcoming virtual sessions here and watch recorded sessions here.

OPEN NOW! RISE student housing applications

The newest student housing project for the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, RISE, is taking applications for openings for this upcoming fall semester. The project going up at the corner of University Avenue and Metcalf Street is on time and scheduled to open in August. Space is limited so students are urged to apply soon. Apply online now

Presentation Funding for Undergraduate Students ($2000–$5000)

The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) coordinates and promotes research and creative work opportunities for UH MĀNOA undergraduate students in all disciplines. UROP invites students who are conducting or have conducted faculty-mentored research or creative work to submit a proposal for Presentation Funding, which provides funds to present their project or work at a local, national, or international conference/event, either in-person or virtually. UROP strongly encourages interested students to apply three months prior to the event. Register to attend information sessions to learn more and learn about other opportunities offered by UROP!


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