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May 1, 2020


As we work toward a successful close of the academic year in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, we also wanted to honor the efforts invested by many members of our campus community regarding Phase 2 of the proposed University of Hawaii at Manoa reorganization.

An in-person campus feedback session was originally planned for the end of March, but that was obviously impossible in the current environment. We have also decided to defer all formal consultation on the proposed reorganization until Fall.

So we are now releasing an annotated slide deck describing the work over the past year along with draft functional statements. We know you are busy, but we hope you will be able to find time to review where we are and provide your input to shape the next steps of the process prior to formal consultation in the Fall.

This annotated slide deck reviews the background, objectives and principles along with the proposed functional concepts and structures for the Mānoa units that will report directly to the President and Provost.

We hope to receive significant feedback by May 31, 2020, to guide our work over the summer to develop a formal comprehensive proposal for consultation in the Fall. Nevertheless, we will continue to consider feedback received over the summer.

On behalf of the Mānoa Design Team and the five Functional Design Teams that have developed this, we appreciate your time in reviewing the direction we have set out. We look forward to reviewing your feedback on the structures and functions as we prepare to work over the summer to better position UH Manoa for success in these unprecedented times.

The slide deck, draft functional statements and online feedback form are all available at:

UH Mānoa Campus Design Team and UH Mānoa Cabinet:

Michael Bruno, Provost
Sandy French, Interim VC Administration
Chip Fletcher, Associate Dean, SOEST
Jan Gouveia, VP Administration
Lori Ideta, Interim VC Students
Christine Sorensen Irvine, Professor and former SEC chair
Velma Kameoka, Interim VC Research
David Lassner, UH President
Laura Lyons, Interim Dean LLL and Interim Associate VC Academic Affairs
Garret Yoshimi, CIO and VP Information Technology

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