Mānoa Reorganization Update
The Board of Regents approved a new leadership structure for the UH Mānoa effective April 1, 2019. This was Phase 1 of a new structure in which the president and chancellor positions were recombined into a single position that serves as CEO of both the UH system and Mānoa. In addition, a new provost position was created to serve as the full chief academic officer with full responsibility for education, research and student success across all academic units. The provost serves as a deputy to the president in leading UH Mānoa, and an officer of the UH System.
With this approval, Phase 2 of the Mānoa reorganization is underway which will further define the leadership, concepts and functional statements for the campus. Five functional teams were developed, working closely with representatives from governance groups in addition to faculty, staff and administration.
This site contains information and updates regarding the Mānoa reorganization, and the new leadership and campus structure.
Current update
April 9, 2021: The approval of Phase 2 of the UH Mānoa administration reorganization proposal has been posted on the April 15, 2021 BOR agenda.
November 19, 2020: The proposal is now ready and has been sent for formal consultation to UH Mānoa governance groups, HGEA, UHPA and UPW.
October 30, 2020: Update on UH Mānoa Phase 2 administrative reorganization.
September 30, 2020: The proposal will be ready for consultation in October.
September 4, 2020: The proposed reorganization feedback link is now closed.
May 1, 2020: An update on the functional concepts and structures for the Mānoa units reporting to the President and Provost has been posted. We seek to obtain significant online feedback by May 31, 2020. Additional feedback received over the summer will also be considered. Committees will be working over the summer on a formal proposal, and all formal consultation is deferred until the beginning of the Fall 2020 semester.
- Annotated slide deck for the Mānoa Reorganization Phase 2 Update April 2020 (PDF)
- Draft Mānoa Reorganization Phase 2 – Functional Statements April 2020 (PDF)
- Current Office of the President and Office of the Provost functional statements (effective July 1, 2019)
May 2019 – Spring 2020: Functional Teams met, finalized and completed draft designs.
April 2019: Functional Team co-leads and members identified.
Tentative Timeline
- Spring 2021
After conclusion of formal consultation, submit proposal to Board of Regents. Full Implementation to follow.