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University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Program Approval & Review

To add/remove/modify courses, see Course Actions


OVPAE: Program modifications
(for program modifications to concentrations, minors, majors, and certificates)

October 15 (to be approved for the next academic year and effective in fall).
March 15 for consideration of a spring effective date (Important: a spring effective date may not be approved for some types of changes).

OVPAE: New programs

Given the levels of approvals needed for new programs, the recommendation is to consult and submit to OVPAE as soon as possible. The exception is for a new minor: units should submit the action memo to create a new minor by October 15 (to be approved for the next academic year and effective in fall).

Mānoa Faculty Senate
(approval required for degree and certificate proposals for provisional status)


OVPAE must complete its review and submit to the Faculty Senate no later than March to ensure adequate time for Faculty Senate review and approval before the end of the academic year. Proposals not reviewed by Faculty Senate will be considered in the next academic year.

UH Officers and Council of Chief Academic Officers
(Officer’s approval and CCAO endorsement required for degree and certificate (a) authorization to plan, (b) provisional status, and (c) established status)


OVPAE must complete its review, secure Provost’s endorsement, and submit to the UH Officers and CCAO at least three weeks prior to the CCAO meeting.

Board of Regents and the Student Success Committee
(BOR approval SSC endorsement required for degree proposals for provisional status and for established status)


OVPAE must finalize the materials, secure Provost’s approval, and submit to the BOR at least one month prior to the SSC meeting.