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The bold items are considered the minimum topics to be addressed and included in all course syllabi.

Department Name

Course Number and Title

Semester and Year


Contact information:

Office location:

Office hours (add regularly posted office hours at times convenient for students):

I.     Course description

II.    Course Information, Policies and Resources

  1. Focus designation and hallmarks (if relevant)
  2. Attendance policy: (Text to Be Used) Students who are enrolled in this course, but never attend will be flagged by the course instructor for non-participation before the last day to add/drop (for 100% tuition refund) deadline. Flagged students will be administratively dropped by the Office of the Registrar. Any changes to a student’s enrollment status may affect financial aid eligibility and can result in the return of some of all of federal student financial aid. (specify for your course; may also be covered under Grading section)
  3. Use of Internet, mobile devices, and social media (specify for your course, if allowed)
  4. Statement on Disability: KOKUA Program (text to be used) If you have a disability and related access needs, please contact the KOKUA Program (Office for Students with Disabilities) at 956-7511,, or go to Room 013 in the Queen Lili‘uokalani Center for Student Services. Please know that I will work with you and KOKUA to meet your access needs based on disability documentation. Kokua’s services are confidential and offered free of charge.
  5. Academic Integrity and Ethical Behavior: Office of Student Conduct (recommended text) Cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty are not permitted within this course and are prohibited within the System-wide Student Conduct Code (EP 7.208). Examples include: fabrication, falsification, cheating, plagiarism, and use of improper materials. Any incident of suspected academic dishonesty will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct for review and possible adjudication. Additionally, the instructor may take action in regards to the grade for the deliverable or course as they see fit.
  6. Office of Title IX:  (808) 956-2299 / /
  7. Department of Public Safety: (808)956-6911 (Emergency) / (808)956-8211 (Non-Emergency)
  8. UH System Basic Needs (text to be used) include food and housing, childcare, mental health, financial resources and transportation, among others. Student basic needs security is critical for ensuring strong academic performance, persistence and graduation and overall student well being. If you or someone you know are experiencing basic needs insecurity, please see the following resources: UH System Basic Needs
  9. Student Success Resources: The Division of Student Success (DSS) houses student support services to build success inside and outside the classroom. If you want learning assistance, academic advising, career resources and guidance, counseling, family and relationship support, identity-based support, services for underrepresented groups, health and wellness services, opportunities for leadership growth, and community engagement, you will find this and more in DSS, (808) 956-3290,

See Selected Campus Resources for additional resources Faculty members can include into their syllabus

III.     Course Content and Learning Objectives

  1. Course Content
  2. Institutional Learning Objectives (undergraduate or advanced degree)
  3. Program/Course Learning Objectives

IV.     Required Texts and Readings

Books have been ordered through the bookstore or the student will not be expected to buy books, or language about where they can buy books, etc.

  1. Library resources, as appropriate

V.    Course Assignments, Evaluation and Grading

(Students should have information about course assignments, assessment procedures, and grading. This information should be provided in syllabi when classes begin)

  1. Assignments (requirements, expectations, percentage of final grade, indicate whether or not all assignments must be completed in order to receive a passing grade)
  2. Assessment of work (guidelines, rubrics, checklists, etc.)
  3. Attendance/Participation expectation
  4. Grading (letter grade, credit/no credit CR/NC, incomplete I, as applicable) 
100A+73 – 76C
93 – 99A70 – 72C-
90 – 92A-67 – 69D+
87 – 89B+63 – 66D
83 – 86B60 – 62D-
80 – 82B-<59F
77 – 79C+
Recommended +/- Grading Scale
90 – 100A
80 – 89B
70 – 79C
60 – 69D
Recommended A-F Grading Scale

VI.    Calendar

WeekTopicReadings, Assignments, Due Dates
*Course calendar and content may be subject to change.

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UHM) TITLE IX SYLLABUS INFORMATION

UHM is committed to providing a learning, working and living environment that promotes personal integrity, civility, and mutual respect and is free of all forms of sex discrimination and gender-based violence, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. If you or someone you know experiences any of these, UHM has staff and resources on campus to support and assist you. Staff also can direct you to resources in the community. Here are some:

If you wish to remain ANONYMOUS, speak with someone CONFIDENTIALLY, or would like to receive information and support in a CONFIDENTIAL setting, contact: (* Confidential Resource)  

Counseling & Student Development Center* (808) 956-7927 •

Office of Gender Equity* (808) 956-9499 • 

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ+) Center (808) 956-9250 • 

Respondent Support (808) 956-4392 •

Student Parents at Mānoa (SP@M)* (808) 956-8059 •

UH Confidential Advocacy*  •

University Health Services Mānoa* (808) 956-8965 •  
If you wish to REPORT an incident of sex discrimination or gender-based violence including sexual assault, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, domestic violence, dating violence or stalking as well as receive information and support, contact:  

Director and Title IX Coordinator
Hawaiʻi Hall 124
2500 Campus Road
Honolulu, HI 96822
(808) 956-2299

As a member of the University faculty, I am required to immediately report any incident of sex discrimination or gender-based violence to the campus Title IX Coordinator. Although the Title IX Coordinator and I cannot guarantee confidentiality, you will still have options about how your case will be handled.  My goal is to make sure you are aware of the range of options available to you and have access to the resources and support you need. For more information regarding sex discrimination and gender-based violence, the University’s Title IX resources and the University’s Policy, EP 1.204, go to: