Certificate Proposal for Provisional Status
After the authorization to plan (ATP) is approved, the unit drafts the certificate proposal for provisional status. Proposals should be submitted within one year of ATP approval. Once the final proposal is submitted by the Dean using the appropriate memo template, the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Excellence (OVPAE) will manage the remainder of the review and approval process. Please be mindful of the various deadlines that may impact the review, approval, and implementation process.
Step 1: Dean Submits Request Memo and Certificate Proposal
Dean submits the certificate proposal along with the appropriate memo template to the Director of Program Development and Review at the OVPAE via email at acadpro@hawaii.edu. OVPAE will manage the remainder of the review and approval process.
Step 2: OVPAE Reviews (including Graduate Division Review)
The OVPAE will evaluate the certificate proposal for content and format. For graduate certificates, OVPAE will send the proposal to Graduate Division for its review and approval. Graduate Division will return approved proposals to OVPAE or assist in coordinating the Faculty Senate review and approval.
Step 3: Faculty Senate Reviews
Following successful review by OVPAE (and Graduate Division for graduate programs), the proposal will be submitted to the Senate Executive Committee of the Mānoa Faculty Senate (MFS) for review and resolution of approval. For graduate certificates, the chair of the Graduate Council Program Committee will present the proposal to MFS for a resolution of approval. Upon approval, the MFS and/or Graduate Division will send the signed memo, proposal, and approved MFS resolution to the OVPAE for final review and approval.
Step 4: Provost Reviews & Approves
The Provost will evaluate the proposed action and determine if it fits within the institution’s goals and mission. Upon successful review, the Provost will approve the proposal and return to OVPAE for distribution. The Provost has the authority to approve certificate proposals for provisional status (see the routing and delegation guide for current information).
Degree Proposals for Provisional Status
After the ATP is approved, the unit drafts the degree proposal for provisional status. Degree proposals should be submitted within one year of ATP approval. Once the proposal is submitted by the Dean using the appropriate memo template, OVPAE will work with the unit to manage the remainder of the review and approval process. Please be mindful of the various deadlines that may impact the review, approval, and implementation process.
Step 1: Dean Submits Request Memo and Degree Proposal
Dean submits the degree proposal along with the appropriate memo template to the Director of Program Development and Review at the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Excellence (OVPAE) via email at acadpro@hawaii.edu. OVPAE will manage the remainder of the review and approval process.
Step 2: OVPAE Reviews (including Graduate Division Review)
The OVPAE will evaluate the proposal for content and format. For graduate programs, OVPAE will send the proposal to Graduate Division. Graduate Division will send back approved proposals to OVPAE or assist in coordinating the Faculty Senate review and approval.
Step 3: Faculty Senate Reviews
Following successful review by OVPAE (and Graduate Division for graduate programs), the proposal will be submitted to the Senate Executive Committee of the Mānoa Faculty Senate for review and resolution of approval. For graduate programs, the chair of the Graduate Council Program Committee will present the proposal to MFS for a resolution of approval. Upon approval, Graduate Division and/or Faculty Senate will send the signed memo, proposal, and approved MFS resolution to the OVPAE for final review and approval.
Step 4: Council of Chief Academic Officers Endorsement
OVPAE will present the proposal to the Council of Chief Academic Officers (CCAO) for its review and endorsement.
Step 5: Provost Reviews
The Provost will evaluate the proposed action and determine if it fits within the institution’s goals and mission.
Step 6: President, Vice President, and Student Success Committee Review
OVPAE submits the proposal to the UH Vice President for Academic Strategy and the UH President for their approval and transmittal to the Board of Regents Students Success Committee. If approved, it will be submitted to the Board of Regents.
Step 7: Board of Regents Approves
The Board of Regents has the authority to approve the degree program proposal for provisional status.