• Tips
    • Work closely with your faculty mentor
    • Provide advanced notice for your faculty mentor (e.g., minimum two weeks advanced notice when requesting for application review and Project Mentor Form submission)
    • Thoroughly review the UROP application guidelines in full (even if you are a repeat applicant or have a group member who is)
    • Utilize resources provided by UROP, including sample budget tables, rubrics, etc.
    • Plan ahead and work on training/research compliance as early as possible (earlier than you might imagine)
    • Attend an Information Session
    • Email urop@hawaii.edu with any questions
    • Review the Funding Recipient and the Completion sections to learn about what happens if applicants are accepted for funding
  • Common mistakes that disqualify an application in the preliminary review stage include:
    • Going over the word count limit
    • Graduating in the application semester
    • Proposing to conduct all or most of the research/creative work in the application semester (i.e. timeline must consist of at least one semester or summer following the application semester)
    • Requesting for more funding than the allowed amount
    • Group applicants omitting individual budgets
  • Common mistakes that may not disqualify an application but could reduce chances of getting funding
    • Providing insufficient justification for a budget item
    • Not itemizing each item in the Budget Table (each budget line should consist of one item or one line item in a receipt)
    • Omitting a Stipend Table (when requesting for a stipend)
    • Omitting a Summary Table
    • Providing a Budget Table that does not fit within a Word document with 1-inch margins all around
    • Miscalculating the total budget amount.
    • Providing inconsistent budget calculations across the Project Funding Application, Applicant Information Form, Budget Table, and Summary Table
    • No or inadequate clarification of stipend overlap, if any
    • Providing insufficient details/not fully answering a question (e.g., training/research compliance, previous application history, etc.)
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