UROP offers several professional development modules for students to build additional professional and academic skills outside of their research and creative work projects.

Spring 2025 Schedule

Spring Professional Development Modules are all offered through the SURE Program.


Time and Date



Kickstarting and Managing Research and Creative Work

Tuesday, January 21 @ 3:00 P.M.Register here!
Meeting ID: 812 0347 7996
Passcode: 736006
UROP staff discuss ways students can start conducting research or creative work off on the right foot. This module covers topics such as reasons to do research or creative work, how to manage a project, how to work with a mentor, best practices for effective time management, and more.

Responsible Conduct of Research: Importance and Case Studies

Thursday, Feburary 20 @3:00 P.M.Register here!
Meeting ID: 829 4885 9090
Passcode: 146878
Attendees will be introduced to responsible conduct of research (RCR) as a standard practice for researchers and creative workers. The first part of this module covers the conceptual and practical aspects of RCR and underscores its importance to properly conducting research and creative work in all disciplines. The second part reviews case studies to illustrate the consequences of misconduct in research and creative work.

Best Practices for Oral and Poster Presentation

Oral Workshop:
Tuesday, March 11 @ 9:30 A.M.
Wednesday, March 12 @ 11:30

Poster workshop:
Tuesday, March 11 @ 2:00 P.M.
Wednesday, March 12 @ 1:30 P.M.
Register here!
Zoom link will be sent with reminder email.
UROP and Honors Program staff members will introduce students to two different formats for professional presentations: oral and poster. The discussion will cover how to design and format slides and posters, best practices for speaking to the audience, and what to expect during a Q&A session. Students will learn how to effectively create their first professional presentation and how to refine existing presentations.

Resume and Cover Letter Writing

Thursday, March 27 @ 2:30 P.M.Register here!
Meeting ID: 824 5962 7560
Passcode: 877890
Real-world professionals discuss ways to build and organize the content of impactful résumés and cover letters. Students will learn how to describe responsibilities and accomplishments, both academic and professional, as well as receive advice about formatting and presentation. The discussion will cater to students at all stages in their professional journeys, whether first-time job seekers or experienced employees.

Looking for a Job

Thursday, April 3 @ 2:30 P.M.Register here!
Meeting ID: 819 1370 1533
Passcode: 400130
Students on the verge of joining the workforce will benefit from the guidance provided in this workshop about how to clarify their career goals, match their experiences with job qualifications, and leverage their professional networks. Finding a job can feel like a daunting venture, but the right approach can ease the process and yield faster results.


Fall 2024


Time and Date



Kickstarting and Managing Research and Creative Work

Thursday, September 12 @10:30 A.M.Register here!
Meeting ID: 997 8584 7776
Passcode: 917047
UROP staff discuss ways students can start conducting research or creative work off on the right foot. This module covers topics such as reasons to do research or creative work, how to manage a project, how to work with a mentor, best practices for effective time management, and more.

Identifying and Applying to Graduate Schools

Tuesday, October 1 @ 12:00 P.M.Register here!
Meeting ID: 935 5496 6958
Passcode: 612797
A two-part module in which UROP staff first discuss basic considerations when thinking about graduate school, including the benefits and tradeoffs of entering a grad program, different program types and possible career paths, finding an advisor, and more. The second part of the discussion includes a panel of guest speakers from different disciplines who each will provide their unique perspectives and experiences on topics like why they chose their respective schools and programs, what their experience was like applying for and after finishing graduate school, what makes for successful applications, and more.

Responsible Conduct of Research

Monday, October 7 @ 2:30 P.M.Register here!
Meeting ID: 946 5008 1097
Passcode: 834542
Attendees will be introduced to responsible conduct of research (RCR) as a standard practice for researchers and creative workers. The first part of this module covers the conceptual and practical aspects of RCR and underscores its importance to properly conducting research and creative work in all disciplines. The second part reviews case studies to illustrate the consequences of misconduct in research and creative work.

Resume Writing

Wednesday, October 23 @ 1:30 P.M.Register here!
Meeting ID: 919 5780 9147
Passcode: 286168
Real-world professionals discuss ways to build and organize the content of impactful résumés and cover letters. Students will learn how to describe responsibilities and accomplishments, both academic and professional, as well as receive advice about formatting and presentation. The discussion will cater to students at all stages in their professional journeys, whether first-time job seekers or experienced employees.

Best Practices for Oral and Poster Presentation

Tuesday, October 29 @3:00 P.M.

Wednesday, October 30 @ 1:30 P.M.
Register here!UROP and Honors Program staff members will introduce students to two different formats for professional presentations: oral and poster. The discussion will cover how to design and format slides and posters, best practices for speaking to the audience, and what to expect during a Q&A session. Students will learn how to effectively create their first professional presentation and how to refine existing presentations.
Summer 2024


Module Leader(s)



Campus Plant Tour and Service Learning Opportunity

Noah EstoestaWednesday, June 5

This cohort-building module combines a tour of the UH Mānoa campus with a hands-on service opportunity for students to get acquainted with both the university and each other.

Kick-starting and Managing Research and Creative Work

Noah EstoestaThursday, June 6.

UROP staff discuss ways students can start conducting research or creative work off on the right foot. This module covers topics such as reasons to do research or creative work, how to manage a project, how to work with a mentor, best practices for effective time management, and more.

Zotero: Collect, Organize, Annotate, Cite, and Share Research

Brian RichardsonWednesday, June 12

Students are given hands-on training with Zotero, a free program that helps researchers efficiently organize and properly cite references. Attendees can expect to gain knowledge about managing and using references as one of the first steps in the responsible conduct of research. Participants are requested to bring their own computers and must have Zotero and the browser connector already installed before the event. In-person seating is limited but remote participation via Zoom will be made available.

Responsible Conduct of Research: Importance and Case Studies

Jason Yoshida and Noah EstoestaThursday, June 20

Attendees will be introduced to responsible conduct of research (RCR) as a standard practice for researchers and creative workers. The first part of this module covers the conceptual and practical aspects of RCR and underscores its importance to properly conducting research and creative work in all disciplines. The second part reviews case studies to illustrate the consequences of misconduct in research and creative work.

Panel on Identifying and Exploring Graduate Schools

Noah Estoesta, Dr. Creighton Litton, Keahiahi Long, and Dr. Mari YoshiharaThursday, June 27

A two-part module in which UROP staff first discuss basic considerations when thinking about graduate school, including the benefits and tradeoffs of entering a grad program, different program types and possible career paths, finding an advisor, and more. The second part of the discussion includes a panel of guest speakers from different disciplines who each will provide their unique perspectives and experiences on topics like why they chose their respective schools and programs, what their experience was like applying for and after finishing graduate school, what makes for successful applications, and more.

Résumé and Cover Letter Writing

Brent FujinakaWednesday, July 3

Real-world professionals discuss ways to build and organize the content of impactful résumés and cover letters. Students will learn how to describe responsibilities and accomplishments, both academic and professional, as well as receive advice about formatting and presentation. The discussion will cater to students at all stages in their professional journeys, whether first-time job seekers or experienced employees.

Best Practices for Oral and Poster Presentations

Noah EstoestaThursday, July 18

UROP and Honors Program staff members will introduce students to two different formats for professional presentations: oral and poster. The discussion will cover how to design and format slides and posters, best practices for speaking to the audience, and what to expect during a Q&A session. Students will learn how to effectively create their first professional presentation and how to refine existing presentations.

Spring 2024

Kickstarting and Managing Research and Creative Work

Length: 50 minutes
When: Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 12 p.m.
Where: Hybrid (Zoom/Moore Hall 104)

UROP staff discuss ways students can start conducting research or creative work off on the right foot. This module covers topics such as why do research or creative work, how to manage a project, how to work with a faculty mentor, best practices for effective time management, and more.

Review the slides here!

Responsible Conduct of Research – Importance and Case Studies

Length: 50 minutes
When: Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 2 p.m.
Where: Hybrid (Zoom/Moore Hall 104)

Attendees will be introduced to responsible conduct of research (RCR) as a standard practice for researchers and creative workers. This module has 2 parts. The first covers the definition of RCR and underscores why it is important in order to properly conduct research and creative work in all disciplines. The second covers real-life case studies to illustrate the consequences of misconduct in research and creative work.

Review the slides here!

Preparing an Oral Presentation

Length: 50 minutes
When: March 12, 13, and 15, 2024 (times vary; see registration page)
Where: Zoom

The Undergraduate Showcase offers workshops to help students prepare for their presentations. These workshop sessions provide individualized feedback for registered presenters to assist with their oral and/or poster presentations. These workshops are a great opportunity to share ideas or drafts of your presentation and to receive feedback from experienced presenters. See here for more information.

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