Mānoa Campus Life

Student Support

Make the most of your time at Mānoa by familiarizing yourself with the campus and participating in the many social events that the university offers.

Student Housing and Dining

UH Mānoa Student Housing Services provides students with on-campus residence in the residence halls and apartments. They also assist with family housing, conference housing, and residential learning programs. Residential dining services offers on-campus meal plans and catering services for events. Check out the campus retail dining locations, where food is never more then a few steps away.

Campus Center

At the middle of UH Mānoa, the Campus Center is the primary location for meetings, dining, entertainment, and campus events for the Mānoa community.

Get Acquainted: First-Year Students

The first year at Mānoa can sometimes be intimidating for most freshman students. To help alleviate first-year anxieties, Mānoa has specific programs to help students get acquainted with the new environment.

Entertainment and Athletics

There is always something to do in Mānoa, such as visiting the campus art gallery, watch a production at Kennedy Theatre, or attend student or athletic events.

Commuter Services and Alternate Transportation

Commuter Services provides information on parking regulations, visitor parking, parking maps, and parking citations. While on campus, take advantage of the free Mānoa shuttle services that provides transportation throughout UH Mānoa.