Phase 1
Around September 2016, a design team was convened to recommend an improved administrative structure for UH Mānoa. The design team focused on how to improve effectiveness and clarify responsibility in achievement of UH Mānoa’s strategic goals and statewide needs. After multiple discussions with campus governance groups, open campus forums, online feedback and meetings with students, faculty and staff, a new leadership structure for UH Mānoa was recommended by the president.
On March 28, 2019, the Board of Regents approved a new leadership structure for the UH Mānoa effective April 1, 2019. This was the first phase of a new structure in which the president, David Lassner, is the CEO for UH system and Mānoa. This is similar to the role of the UH President through most of the 1980s through 2001. With this approval, there was no longer a separate UH Mānoa chancellor position.
In addition, the Board of Regents approved the president’s recommendation to create a UH Mānoa provost to serve as the full chief academic officers, a deputy to the president in leading UH Mānoa, and an officer of the UH System. Michael Bruno was approved as the campus provost.
With this new structure, two vice presidents also were designated in hybrid roles. Vice President for Administration Jan Gouveia, and Vice President for Information Technology, Garret Yoshimi, continue to be responsible for the provision of various functions and services for UH Mānoa in addition to UH System. Together with President Lassner and Provost Bruno, these vice presidents work alongside Interim Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Laura Lyons, Interim Vice Chancellor of Students Affairs Lori Ideta, Vice Chancellor of Research Velma Kameoka, Interim Vice Chancellor of Administration, Finance and Operations Sandy French and Assistant Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management Roxie Shabazz and comprise the Mānoa cabinet which have been meeting since April 2019 on weekly basis.
Phase 2
Five large functional areas were originally presented in 2018 as part of the proposal for the new leadership structure. With the approval of Phase 1 of the reorganization, five functional teams were established and began their more detailed work to develop concepts and functional statements for the second phase.
Each team is co-led by one or more of the original design team members. Representatives were invited from the governance groups to participate on one of the five teams. The teams were formed in early spring 2019 and have been meeting and working since Phase 1 was approved. The committee leads, its members and the functional objectives are as follows: