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June 25, 2020

Aloha UH Mānoa community,

UH Mānoa students, faculty, staff, administrators and other interested campus community members are invited to participate in a live stream forum with Provost Michael Bruno on Thursday, July 2 from 2 to 4 p.m. The discussion will focus on the upcoming fall semester and the plans that will be implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The fall semester plans are scheduled to be announced on Tuesday, June 30.

The forum can be watched live on the UH Mānoa YouTube channel and questions for Provost Bruno can be submitted prior and during the event. Email your questions to and please use your email account as only questions submitted by UH students and employees will be accepted. The video of the forum will be posted on UH News by Monday, July 6.

Thank you,
UH Office of Communications

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