- Item 1: Transaction Type
- Item 2: Course Subject and Number
- Item 3: Existing Full Course Title
- Item 4: Effective Term & Year of Change
- Item 5: Existing Honors Counterpart
- Item 6: Existing Cross-Listed Course(s)
- Item 7: General Education (Gen Ed) Designation
- Item 8: Existing Blanket Statement
- Item 9: Other Requested Changes
- Items 10a & b: Description & Justification of Change(s)
- Item 11: Syllabus Attached
- Item 12: List other UH departments and campuses that have been consulted
- Item 13: Cross-listed Department(s)/Honors Program
- Item 14: Requested By
UHM-2 forms are used to modify or retire (formerly delete) existing courses. UHM-2 forms may also be used to add a new course that will be cross-listed with an existing course or to create an honors version of an existing course. With the exception of alpha courses, cross-listed courses, and courses with an honors counterpart, only one course should be listed per form.
Confirm existing course information by checking your previously-submitted UHM-1 and/or UHM-2 forms. The UHM Catalog might not contain the most up-to-date information if changes were made after the Catalog was printed.
The following list can tell you where information can be found in Banner.
- Course Number (for a list of courses existing in Banner or to see what course numbers are in use for a certain subject) – SCACRSE, Enter course subject in Subject field, [Tab] to Course field, click black triangle button next to Course field.
- Frequency – SCADETL, Options pull-down menu, select Course Description
- Offering Status – SCACRSE, [CTRL]+[Page down], Status field
- Full Course Title (if Full Course Title is different from Banner Course Title) – SCASYLB. Older courses may not have Full Course Title entered in SCASYLB. In these cases, refer to the Catalog.
- Banner Course Title – SCACRSE, Course Title field.
- Grade Option – SCACRSE, Options pull-down menu, select Grading Mode
- Diversification, Foundations, Hawaiian/Second Language designation– SCADETL, Options pull-‐down menu, select Course Degree Attributes
- Contact Hours – SCACRSE, [CTRL]+[Page down], Hours box, Contact field
- Number of Credits – SCACRSE, [CTRL]+[Page down], Hours box, CEU or Credit field
- Repeat Limit – SCACRSE, [CTRL]+[Page down], Repeat Details box, Limit field
- Credit Limit – SCACRSE, [CTRL]+[Page down], Repeat Details box, Maximum Hours field
- Schedule Type – SCACRSE, Options pull-down menu, select Schedule Type
- Co-requisite Course(s) – SCADETL, [CTRL]+[Page down], Corequisite Course field
- Major Restrictions – SCARRES, [CTRL]+[Page down], Field of Study Restrictions field
- Class Standing Restrictions – SCARRES, Options pull-down menu, select Course Class Restrictions
- Prerequisite Courses – SCADETL, Options pull-down menu, select Course Description
- Minimum Required Grade for Prerequisites – check UHM Catalog (if not in Catalog, check with Registrar’s Office). This option is not listed for each course in the UHM Catalog but might be stated as a Blanket statement.
- Blanket statements – check UHM Catalog (not in Banner)
- Catalog Description – SCADETL, Options pull-down menu, select Course Description
- Cross-listed/Honors Courses – SCADETL, [CTRL]+[Page down], Equivalent Course field. Note: This field also lists courses that are considered equivalent but are not cross-listed (e.g. past course numbers if course was renumbered).
On each Banner screen enter: (1) Course subject in the Subject field; (2) Course number in Course field; and (3) Appropriate term code in the Term field. If you do not know the term code, click the black triangle next to the Term field then Valid Terms for Course link to view the available codes.
Item 1: Transaction Type
Check the appropriate box to indicate a modification or retirement (formerly deletion) of the course.
Item 2: Course Subject and Number
Enter the course subject and number as it currently exists.
- To create a new course that will be cross-listed with an existing course, enter the course subject and number of the existing course. You will specify the new course in Box 9m.
- To create an honors course, enter the course subject and number of the existing non-honors counterpart course. You will specify the new honors course in Box 9m.
- For alpha courses:
- You may list more than one alpha on a form if the requested change will be the same for each alpha. Be sure to specifically list each alpha that will be affected by the change request (e.g., CRS 123 (alpha): b, c, d, e, f). Do not simply write “(alpha).”
- If different alphas will be updated differently, submit a separate UHM-2 form for each applicable alpha.
Item 3: Existing Full Course Title
Enter the existing full course title. The full course title can be found in the Banner form SCASYLB, if the full course title is different from Banner course title. Some older courses may not have the full course title entered in SCASYLB. In these cases, refer to the Catalog.
Item 4: Effective Term & Year of Change
Mark the term and year requested (Fall-FA, Spring-SP, Summer-SU). UHM-2 forms must be submitted by October 15 for a Summer or Fall effective term and by March 15 for a Spring effective term.
Late change requests may result in discrepancies between the actual course and what is printed in the Catalog and other publications. It is the department’s responsibility to ensure that all affected parties (e.g., Mānoa Advising Center, major advisers, faculty, students) are notified and aware of any changes and their effective date. Departments are advised to keep records of any discrepancies for future reference.
Changes to a course once registration has started are not permitted.
Item 5: Existing Honors Counterpart
List existing honors counterpart (“A” alpha). If none, write “none.” Changes requested on the form will be applied to both the regular course and its honors counterpart. The Honors Program will need to sign Box 13.
To create an honors counterpart for an existing course, check Box 9m and fill out the Proposed Data field to indicate the new honors course. The Honors Program must sign Box 13, and a syllabus for the Honors course must be submitted with the UHM-2 form.
Item 6: Existing Cross-Listed Course(s)
List existing cross-listed course(s). If none, write “none.” Existing cross-listed courses can be found in the Banner form SCADETL, Equivalent Course field. Note: This field may also list courses that are considered equivalent but are not cross-listed courses (e.g., honors counterpart, past course numbers if the course was renumbered).
- Requested changes will be applied to all cross-listed courses of a cross-listed group except for course retirements. Separate UHM-2 forms are NOT required to modify each of the cross-listed courses.
- Changes must be approved by the cross-listed department(s) and their Dean(s) in the signature portion of the form.
- To remove a cross-listing, also fill out Box 9m on the UHM-2 form.
- To add a cross-listing, you will use Box 9m.
- To retire cross-listed courses, you must submit a separate UHM-2 form for each course to be deleted.
Item 7: General Education (Gen Ed) Designation
7a. Existing Gen Ed Diversification, Foundations, or HSL Designation
Enter existing General Education designation, if any. (Note: Do not include Focus designations.) If none, write “none.” Designations can be found in the Banner form SCADETL, Options pull-down menu, select Course Degree Attributes.
UHM-2 forms for all undergraduate courses will be reviewed by the Mānoa General Education Office to reconfirm designation status. Changes to a course may result in the revocation of, or change to, existing designations.
7b. If adding/changing a Gen Ed designation, please indicate requested designation
Choices are: DA, DH, DL, DS, DB, DP, DY, DB+DY, DP+DY, FGA, FGB, FGC, FQ, FW, or HSL. Requests will be reviewed by the appropriate General Education faculty board. To request a Foundations designation (FW, FQ, or FGA, FGB, or FGC), a separate proposal must also be submitted to the General Education Office. A course’s Gen Ed designation (except for Focus) can be found in the Banner form SCADETL, Options pull-down menu, Course Degree Attributes.
See the Gen Ed Diversification, Foundations, or Hawaiian/Second Language Designation entry in the UHM-1 section for more information.
Item 8: Existing Blanket Statement
If none, write “none.” To add or modify a blanket statement, please submit a memo. If the new/modified blanket statement conflicts with any existing prerequisites, UHM-2 forms must also be submitted for each of the affected courses to resolve the conflict.
Item 9: Other Requested Changes
Indicate requested changes by checking all applicable boxes. Complete the appropriate Existing and Proposed Data for each requested change.
- Existing Data
Use Banner to confirm existing data and then enter the information.
- Proposed Data
Enter the information as you would like it to appear AFTER the change is made. Do not use this field to describe the change. Box 10a, Description of Change(s) and Box 10b, Justification of Change(s), should be used to describe the change(s) and the rationale for them. Ex: You are changing a course title from “Field Practices in Science” to “Field Practices.” In the Proposed Data box write “Field Practices.” In Box 10a (Description of Change) describe the change by writing “delete ‘in Science’ from course title.” In Box 10b (Justification of Change) provide the reason for the change: “The change allows for more general field practices.”
Change Type:
9a. Course Subject and/or Number
Check this box to renumber a course. See the UHM-1: Item 1: Course Subject and UHM-1: Item 1: Course Number entries in the UHM-1 section for information on course subjects and numbers.
If other courses list the old course number as a prerequisite, co-requisite, etc., submit separate UHM-2 forms to update those other courses as well. Departments must notify other offices/departments that may need to update their course information.
When a course is renumbered (or the subject is changed), the old and new course are set as equivalents to each other in Banner for the appropriate time periods. They will then be accepted interchangeably to facilitate accurate prerequisite, repeat limit, and credit limit checking.
Changing a Non-alpha Course to an Alpha Course
If each alpha to be created will be a new course (none will be equivalent to the original non-alpha course):
- Submit a UHM-2 form for the original course (ABC 123)
- List the original course + “alpha” in the Proposed Data field. Also list the individual alphas that you want to be created. (Ex: ABC 123 (alpha): B,C,D,E).
- The title of the new alpha course (and each of the new alphas) must follow the alpha course title format described in the Alpha Course Titles section. Update the course title on the UHM-2 form if necessary.
- Update the Catalog description as needed. All alphas created for this course will share this same description.
- Make note in the Justification for Change(s) field that UHM-1 forms to create each alpha will be submitted.
- Submit a separate UHM-1 form for each alpha to be created. Again, the title for each alpha must meet the alpha course title format. The Catalog description should be the same for each alpha, as noted on the UHM-2 form (discussed above).
If the original, non-alpha course will become one of the new alphas (Ex. ICS 101 will become ICS 101B):
- Submit a UHM-2 form with the original course number (ICS 101) listed under Existing Data and the new alpha (ICS 101B) under Proposed Data.
- Change the course title as needed to meet the alpha course title format.
- Change the course description as needed. (All additional alphas created will share the same course description.)
- Submit separate UHM-1 forms to create additional alphas as needed, being sure to use the alpha course title format.
- Submit the UHM-2 form for the original course together with the UHM-1 forms creating each alpha so that they will be reviewed at the same time.
Renumbering & Articulation within the UH System
If the renumbering will affect transfer courses from other UH System campuses, the affected campuses should be notified and consulted (a one-year advance notification may be required per UH Executive Policy 5.209). List the offices consulted in Box 12 on the UHM-2 form. Attach additional sheets if needed.
9b. Course Title (Full Course Title & Banner Course Title)
To change the title of a course, be sure to update both the Full and Banner Course Titles. Title information can be found in the following Banner forms: Full Course Title – SCASYLB (if Full Course Title is different from Banner Course Title); Banner Course Title – SCACRSE.
See the UHM-1: Item 5: Course Title entry in the UHM-1 section for guidelines.
9c. Frequency
The options for frequency designations are: Fall, Spring, Summer, and Alternate years. Select all that apply. Frequency information that is entered in the Catalog as part of the course description can be found in the Banner form SCADETL, Options pull-down menu, Course Description.
See the UHM-1: Item 3: Frequency entry in the UHM-1 section for more information.
9d. Offering Status
Choices for offering status are: Regular and Experimental. The Banner form SCACRSE, Course Details block, Status field will tell you if a course is “Regular” or “Experimental.” Note: Experimental courses are not listed in the UHM Catalog.
See the UHM-1: Item 4: Offering Status entry in the UHM-1 section for more information.
9e. Grade Option(s)
Grade option choices are: Letter grade, CR/NC (Credit/No credit), Audit, Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (500, 700, 800 only), and Honors (Medicine only). Grade options can be found in the Banner form SCACRSE, Options pull-down menu, Grading Mode.
See UHM-1: Item 6: Grade Option in the UHM-1 section for guidelines.
9f. Contact Hours/Number of Credits/Repeat Limit/Credit Limit
The contact hours (per semester), number of credits, repeat limit, and credit limit are related. A change to one field may require changes to another. Consequently, if you change any of these fields, you must list all four (contact hours, number of credits, repeat limit, and credit limit) in the Existing and Proposed Data sections, even if some of those will not change. Contact hours, number of credits, repeat limit, and credit limit can be found in the following Banner forms:
- Contact Hours – SCACRSE, Hours box, Contact field
- Number of Credits – SCACRSE, Hours box, CEU or Credit field
- Repeat Limit – SCACRSE, Repeat Details box, Limit field
- Credit Limit – SCACRSE, Repeat Details box, Maximum Hours field
See the UHM-1: Item 9: Contact Hours, Item 10: Number of Credits, Item 11: Repeat Limit, and Item 12: Credit Limit entries in the UHM-1 section for more information.
9g. Schedule Type
You may select from the following Schedule Types (definitions): Clinical Instruction (CLN), Directed Reading & Research (DRR), Fieldwork (FLD), Individual Instruction (INV), Laboratory (LAB), Lecture (LEC), Lecture/Discussion (LED), Lecture/Laboratory (LEL), Practicum (PRA), Seminar (SEM), Studio (STU), or Thesis (THE). A course’s current Schedule Type(s) may be viewed in the Banner form SCACRSE, Options pull-down menu, Schedule Type.
See the UHM-1: Item 13: Schedule Type entry in the UHM-1 section for more information.
9h. Major Restrictions/Banner Codes of Acceptable Majors
A course’s major restrictions can be viewed in the Banner form SCARRES, Major Restrictions field. Note: Major restrictions submitted via the Scheduling Office each semester will not be noted in this field, only permanent restrictions that were requested via a UHM form.
Departments that make changes to their major restrictions via UHM-2 forms should check the schedule sent to them each semester by the Scheduling Office to make sure that the major restrictions are correctly listed.
Changes to major restrictions MUST indicate the appropriate Banner major code(s) for the new restrictions. See the UHM-1: Item 16: Major Restrictions entry in the UHM-1 section for information.
9i. Class Standing Restrictions
A course’s class standing restrictions can be viewed in the Banner form SCARRES, Options pull-down menu, Course Class Restrictions. Note: Class restrictions submitted via the Scheduling Office each semester will not be noted in this field, only permanent restrictions that were requested via a UHM form.
Departments that make changes to their class standing restrictions via UHM-2 forms should check the schedule sent to them each semester by the Scheduling Office to make sure that the class standing restrictions are correctly listed.
See the UHM-1: Item 15: Class Standing Restrictions entry in the UHM-1 section for guidelines.
9j. Co-requisite Course(s)
A course’s co-requisites can be viewed in the Banner form SCADETL, Co-requisite Course field.
Failure to offer a co-requisite in a particular semester is not justification to remove the co-requisite on a temporary basis (i.e., without submitting a UHM-2 form).
See the UHM-1: Item 14: Co-requisites entry in the UHM-1 section for more information.
9k. Prerequisite Course(s)/Prerequisite Grade Requirement
A course’s prerequisites may be found in the Banner form, SCADETL, Options pull-down menu, Course
Description. Because prerequisite courses and prerequisite grade requirements are related, if you propose a change to either of these fields, you must provide information for both fields in both the Existing and Proposed Data sections, even if some of the information will not change. Requested prerequisites should not conflict with any existing applicable blanket statements.
See the UHM-1: Item 17: Prerequisites entry in the UHM-1 section for more information.
9l. Catalog Description
The catalog description can be viewed in the Banner form, SCADETL, Options pull-down menu, Course Description. Changes will be noted in the printed Catalog according to the deadlines specified in the UHM-1: Item 18: Catalog Description entry in the UHM-1 section. Catalog descriptions in Banner and MyUH will be updated for the term requested on the UHM-2 form.
When requesting a change to the following fields, you do not also need to check box 9l to update that information in the catalog description; the Catalog Office will note the change if appropriate.
- Frequency
- Grading option(s)
- Repeatability
- Prerequisites
- Co-requisites
- Cross-listed courses
- Major restrictions
- Class restrictions
- General Education designation (Catalog description should reflect the designation’s hallmarks.)
9m. Cross-listed/Honors Course(s)
Cross-listed Course(s)
If two existing courses are to be cross-listed, their information must match. If the course to be added as a cross-listing is a new course, it will be created based upon information on file for the existing approved course listed in Box 1. A separate UHM-1 is not needed. Any other changes on the UHM-2 form will be applied to all courses in the cross-listed group.
The cross-listed department(s) must sign Box 13 and their Dean(s) must sign the “Approved By” section on the bottom of the form.
See the UHM-1: Item 21: Cross-Listed Courses entry in the UHM-1 section for more information on cross-listed courses.
Honors Courses
When adding a new honors course, the course will be created based upon information on file for the existing approved course listed in Box 1. A separate UHM-1 form is not required. Any other changes on the UHM-2 form will be applied to both the existing approved course and the honors course. Submit a syllabus for the new honors course with your UHM-2 form. The Honors Program must sign Box 13.
For more information on honors courses, see the UHM-1: Item 21: Honors Courses entry in the UHM-1 section.
Items 10a & b: Description & Justification of Change(s)
Describe all change(s) you are requesting and provide a rationale for each request, including a description of how the modified course is linked to learning outcomes of the degree program. Attach a syllabus for the modified course specifying student learning objectives for the course. Syllabi are required for all courses except for “~99” courses. Identify additional resources (if any) required to teach the modified course. If the modified course is, or will be, a major or degree requirement of another academic unit, specify the affected unit and fill out Box 12. Attach additional sheets as needed.
Item 11: Syllabus Attached
A syllabus is required for all courses except for retirements or directed reading/research courses numbered ~99.
Item 12: List other UH departments and campuses that have been consulted
If your requested change(s) will affect other departments/offices/campuses (e.g., other departments requiring or offering a prerequisite to one of your courses, other campuses offering the course, etc.), please notify those parties of your proposed change(s) and indicate which offices/campuses you consulted with. If no other departments/offices/campuses will be affected, put “n/a.” Executive Policy 5.209 requires that UHM consult with UH campuses that will be affected by the modification.
Item 13: Cross-listed Department(s)/Honors Program
Cross-listed departments and/or the Honors Program must sign Box 12 when appropriate. Additionally, cross-listed departments’ Deans must sign the “Approved By” section of the form.
Item 14: Requested By
The Chair or Director of the department requesting the changes must certify that the student learning objectives of this modified course are consistent with the learning objectives of each program under which the course is listed and must sign the form before routing it for approval.