Schedule Type Definitions

The University of Hawai‘i Schedule Type Standardization Committee developed the following definitions to standardize Schedule Type codes used across UH System campuses. The following definitions are from the "Recommendations to Standardize Schedule Type Codes" memo dated 1/29/2021 from the Schedule Type Standardization Committee and the Institutional Research, Analysis, and Planning Office. These will be implemented effective with Summer 2022 course schedules at UH Mānoa.

  • Clinical Instruction (CLN) -- Method of instruction where students perform skills in work settings. The faculty member's contact hours are determined by the number of hours the faculty member supervises the students in the clinical setting or supervises the clinical instructor.  New; suggested for courses based primarily in clinical settings.
  • Credit By Exam (EXM) -- Used for credit awarded for mastery of course content demonstrated by successfully passing a comprehensive examination designed to serve as the scholastic equivalent of a course or via the submission of a portfolio. No class meeting times, or locations are assigned. Administration of the exam or review of the portfolio is coordinated via the designated campus office.
  • Directed Reading & Research (DRR) -- Instructor and one or more students engage in individualized guided study around a particular topic and has an associated teaching equivalency. Faculty who are responsible for such courses may include these responsibilities in assessment documents as service to their department.
  • Fieldwork (FLD) -- Opportunity to apply theory/pedagogy in an active, practical learning environment under the supervision of a faculty member or experienced professional/practitioner. This includes practical work such as research conducted in a natural environment or student teaching in a classroom.  New; suggested for student teaching and site-based research experiences. 
  • Individual Instruction (INV) -  One-on-one instruction in music (a musical instrument or voice), theater (acting, direction, or design) or dance.  New; suggested for individual instruction in musical instruments or voice. 
  • Laboratory (LAB) -- Labs require special purpose equipment for student participation, experimentation, observation, or practice in a field of study. Labs may involve discussion of a forthcoming lab or review, of a completed lab session.
  • Lecture (LEC) -- Organized instruction where the faculty presents information and leads discussions.
  • Lecture/Discussion (LED) -- A lecture class where the faculty present information and lead in-depth, iterative discussions around a specific content area.
  • Lecture/Lab (LEL) -- A lecture class (organized instruction where the faculty presents information and leads discussions) combined with student participation, experimentation, observation, or practice in a field of study. Labs or lecture/labs may involve discussion of a forthcoming lab or review of a completed lab session.
  • Practicum Instruction (PRA) -- Opportunity for students to gain experience in an organizational setting such as business, service organization or governmental agency, under faculty supervision of the student taking the professionals or experienced practitioner's input into consideration. The faculty member's contact hours are determined by the number of hours the faculty member supervises the students or supervises the instructor.
  • Seminar (SEM) -- A class where an instructor and a group of students engage in active discussion about a particular topic.
  • Studio (STU) - Organized method of instruction with emphasis on the synthesizing nature of the design process and conducted through faculty presentations, discussions, critique and one-to-one interactions. New: suggested for creative studio-based courses such as in fine arts, design, and media. 
  • Thesis (THE) - Supervised research activity directed toward producing an undergraduate or master's thesis, or doctoral dissertation.


Discontinued schedule types, previously used at UH Mānoa:

  • Discussion (DIS) - recommend that courses with this schedule type change to Seminar (SEM) or Lecture/Discussion (LED).
  • Hybrid-Technology Intensive (HTI) - originally used for courses combining in-person and online/remote instruction; however, this hybrid designation describes a section’s modality, not its inherent Schedule Type. HYB will now be used as the Instructional Method (not Schedule Type) for any section delivered in a hybrid modality.
  • Internship Instruction (INT) - recommend that courses with this schedule type change to Practicum Instruction (PRA), Fieldwork (FLD), or Clinical Instruction (CLN).