
Use and Conduct Policy

Welcome to Hamilton Library at the University of Hawai‘i  at Mānoa (UHM). The resources and services provided at Hamilton Library are designed to support and enhance all University programs. As part of the University, the Library supports faculty and students in their scholarly, research and creative endeavors. We prepare students to enter and function in the information age. For the citizens of Hawai‘i  and the worldwide scholarly community, the Library supports information needs and intellectual inquiries through select library resources.

The UHM Library Use and Conduct Policy supplements the University of Hawai‘i  Student Conduct Code and other Library & University policies, such as the Library Circulation Policy, UHM Library Public Computer Use PolicyUHM Policy on Sexual Harassment, and UHM Smoke-Free Policy, and ensures the safety and security of the people (users and staff), the facility, and the collections.

The UHM Library Use and Conduct Policy is published for the benefit of all users of Hamilton Library and is applicable to all. Violations should be reported to Library staff who will take appropriate action. This policy is enforceable by all members of the Library staff.

General Behavior:

  1. Users are required to leave the Library at closing, during emergencies and drills, and when requested to leave for violating Library or University policies.
  2. Users must maintain a respectful environment and refrain from engaging in any behavior that interferes with the use of the Library by others, including but not limited to: speaking loudly, playing amplified sounds, making noise, using furniture inappropriately, soliciting, and panhandling.
  3. Users must not interfere with staff performance of their duties.
  4. Upon the complaint of another user, an offending user may be asked to move to another location in the library. If that action does not alleviate the situation, or if there is no opportunity to move to a different location, the user may be asked to leave the library.
  5. Minor children are allowed in the Library. Supervising and ensuring the safety of minor children in the Library, as in any public place, is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian. If unattended minors are being disruptive, or if there is a concern for their safety, library security will call the University of Hawaii at Manoa Department of Public Safety.


  1. Firearms or other deadly weapons, explosives and/or explosive devices, or other dangerous devices are not permitted in the Library.
  2. Vandalizing, altering or damaging the Library building, furniture or equipment, including computer systems, networks, programs or data, are in violation of Hawai‘i  State Law.
  3. Bicycles, as well as gas or battery-powered scooters of any kind, may not be brought into the building. There is a bike rack outside the Library building where these devices can be secured. Charging of any kind of battery-powered vehicle is prohibited in the Library. Non-powered items, such as skateboards, collapsible or folding scooters, roller skates, and roller blades may be CARRIED into the Library. These items must be kept out of walkways and stored appropriately to avoid safety hazards and damage to facilities and furnishings. None of these items may be ridden within the building. This policy does not apply to electric vehicles (such as wheelchairs or motorized chairs) being used by persons with disabilities.
  4. Pets are not permitted in the Library. Only service animals trained to assist persons with disabilities are allowed in the Library building. The Library follows University Executive Policy 1.207 in regards to service and emotional support animals.
  5. Hamilton Library does not permit food and beverages (except bottled water).
  6. Unattended items will be placed in Lost and Found at the Circulation Desk (Access Services Department).
  7. Areas in the library marked as restricted are for staff only.
  8. Rearranging furniture for sleeping is not permitted.


  1. Users must handle library materials carefully so that they are not defaced or damaged in any way.
  2. Library materials must not be concealed in the Library for the exclusive use of individuals or groups.

Violation of Rules of Conduct

Any person who violates these rules of use may be asked to leave the Library, and may be refused future access to the Library building. Such persons may be subject to the sanctions of suspension, prosecution, forfeiture, warning and restitution, as well as criminal penalties and civil fines, and may be accountable to University and civil authorities (city, state, or federal).

Approved:  Clem Guthro, University Librarian

Date: February 24, 2020. Updated: May 24, 2024.

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