Pedestrian Safety Alert: Dole Street crosswalk removed

Lady and her dog standing near a painted over crosswalk on Dole Street

The crosswalk on Dole Street by Sakamaki Hall and the Diamond Head end of the law school library has been painted over for safety reasons. Pedestrians are asked to use the Dole Street crosswalks at the four traffic lights:

  1. University Avenue and Dole Street
  2. Lower Campus Road
  3. the Legacy Path and law school/parking structure and
  4. East-West Road

Pedestrians are also reminded to:

  • Be aware of others around you
  • Look both ways before crossing roadways and make eye contact with the driver when vehicles are present to ensure the driver sees you before crossing the road
  • Be visible. If walking at night, use lights and reflective clothing
  • Yield to motor vehicles, even when you have the right of way
  • When listening to music, take out one earbud so that you can hear traffic around you

For more safety tips, please visit