- UH Mānoa Student Conduct Code
- EP 1.202 Nondiscrimination, Equal Opportunity, and Affirmative Action Policy
- EP 1.203 Policy on Consensual Relationships
- EP 1.204 Sex and Gender Misconduct Policy
- AP 1.204 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Process
- EP 1.205 Policy and Guidelines on Inclusive Facilities
- EP 2.210 Use and Management of Information Technology Resources
- EP 7.302, Preferred Name
- E9.210 Workplace Non-Violence
- A9.920 Discrimination Complaint Procedures for Students, Employees, and Applicants for Admission or Employment
- A9.360 Leaves of Absence for Pregnancy Related Disabilities
- All Mānoa Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
- All UH Systemwide Policies and Procedures
UH Mānoa Student Conduct Code
Choosing to join the University community obligates each student to abide by the Student Conduct Code. By enrolling in the University, students accept the responsibility to become fully acquainted with the University’s regulations and to comply with the University’s authority. The University expects students to maintain standards of personal integrity that are in harmony with the educational goals of the institution; to respect the rights, privileges, and property of others; and to observe national, state, and local laws and University regulations.
EP 1.202 Nondiscrimination, Equal Opportunity, and Affirmative Action Policy
The University of Hawaiʻi Policy on Nondiscrimination, Equal Opportunity, and Affirmative Action Policy (PDF) establishes the administrative framework to ensure compliance with applicable federal and state statutes, rules, regulations, city and county ordinances, and provisions in the collective bargaining agreements governing nondiscrimination and affirmative action.
EP 1.203 Policy on Consensual Relationships
The University of Hawaiʻi Policy on Consensual Relationships prohibits initiating or engaging in a new consensual relationship between employees and between employees and students wherein a power and control differential exists, including but not limited to situations in which one member has an evaluative and/or supervisory responsibility for the other.
EP 1.204 Sex and Gender Misconduct Policy
The University of Hawaiʻi is committed to maintaining and promoting safe and respectful campus environments that are free from sex discrimination and gender-based violence. This includes:
- Sexual harassment
- Sexual assault
- Dating violence
- Domestic Violence
- Stalking
- Sex Discrimination
- Gender-Based Harassment
- Sexual Exploitation
The purpose of EP 1.204 Sex and Gender Misconduct Policy (PDF) and AP 1.204 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Process (PDF) is to prohibit sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sex discrimination, gender-based harassment, and sexual exploitation and to provide guidance to administrators who are responsible for developing and implementing accessible campus procedures and prevention programs for students and employees.
The University’s policy on sex and gender based misconduct is not meant to inhibit or prohibit educational content or discussions inside or outside of the classroom that include controversial or sensitive subject matters protected by academic freedom. Academic freedom extends to topics that are pedagogically appropriate and germane to the subject matter of courses or that touch on academic exploration of matters of public concern.
The University uses the preponderance of the evidence (also known as “more likely than not”) as a standard for proof of whether a violation occurred. In campus resolution proceedings, legal terms like “guilt,” “innocence” and “burdens of proof” are not applicable, but the University never assumes a responding party is in violation of university policy. Campus resolution proceedings are conducted to take into account the totality of all evidence available, from all relevant sources.
Superseded Title IX Policy and Procedures (Archived)
- Interim EP 1.204 Interim Executive Policy on Title IX Sexual Harassment – effective dates: August 14, 2020–January 31, 2023 (PDF)
- EP 1.204 Policy and Procedure on Sex Discrimination and Gender-Based Violence, Executive Policy – effective dates: January 13, 2020–August 13, 2020 (PDF)
- EP 1.204 Interim Policy and Procedure on Sex Discrimination and Gender-Based Violence, Executive Policy – effective dates: September 2015–January 12, 2020 (PDF)
- Interim AP 1.204 Interim Administrative Procedure Interim Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Process – effective dates August 14, 2020 – January 21, 2023 (PDF)
EP 1.205 Policy and Guidelines on Inclusive Facilities
EP 1.205 Policy and Guidelines on Inclusive Facilities. The University is dedicated to ensuring that restrooms and other facilities support a campus community of diverse students, faculty, staff, and visitors inclusive of their gender identity and/or gender expression. This policy addresses new construction and existing restrooms, showers, locker rooms, changing facilities, and wellness/lactation rooms.
EP 2.210 Use and Management of Information Technology Resources
EP 2.210 Use and Management of Information Technology Resources (PDF) creates the basis for such an environment by outlining the philosophy and general principles for appropriate use and management of information technology resources by University faculty, staff and students. It applies to all computing, information and network systems and services owned or administered by the University of Hawaiʻi, as well as to individual activities that take place over the Internet or other external network connections using University systems, connections or user accounts.
The same legal and policy standards that define intimidation, harassment or invasion of privacy apply to the electronic environment. For example, persistence in sending unwanted email constitutes harassment and is unacceptable if not illegal. Display of sexually explicit images or sounds where others can see or hear them may create a hostile environment and could constitute sexual harassment according to University policies on sexual harassment. An obscene email is comparable to obscene phone calls or letters. Laws relating to child pornography, obscenity and defamation apply in electronic environments and the University will willingly cooperate in the prosecution of individuals formally charged with such offenses.
EP 7.302 Preferred Name
This policy is meant to support students who have a preferred name, such as a Hawaiian name, an international name, or a name that is concurrent with their gender identity. The goal of this policy is to enable a consistent preferred name experience across the University of Hawaiʻi system and use of one’s preferred name wherever legal name is not absolutely necessary. The option to use preferred name shall be available to all students as long as the use of the preferred name is not for the purpose of fraud or misrepresentation.
EP 9.210 Workplace Non-Violence
The University of Hawaiʻi is an institution which encourages the intellectual and personal growth of its students as scholars and citizens and recognizes the need to maintain a safe and secure environment for faculty and staff to fulfill the University of Hawaiʻi’s mission of teaching, research and service. In order to maintain an environment where these goals can be achieved safely and equitably, the University promotes civility, respect and integrity among all members of its community.
AP 1.202 Discrimination Complaint Procedures for Students, Employees, and Applicants for Admission or Employment
The University, in accordance with EP 1.202, is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination on the bases of race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, and veteran status in all of its programs, policies, procedures and practices. This nondiscrimination policy covers students, employees, and applicants for admission or employment. With regard to students and applicants for admission, it covers admission and access to, benefits of, participation and treatment in all University programs and activities. With regard to employees and applicants for employment, employment practices covered include, but are not limited to, recruitment, hiring, training, promotion, retention, compensation, benefits, transfers, and layoffs.
Complainants are not limited to the UH Discrimination Complaint Procedures (PDF), and have rights under both federal and state laws, which have deadlines for filing of complaints (see Section IX, External Agencies).
A9.360 Leaves of Absence for Pregnancy Related Disabilities
The purpose of A9.360 Leaves of Absence for Pregnancy Related Disabilities (PDF) is to promulgate procedures for treating disabilities caused or contributed by pregnancy and recovery therefrom as a temporary disability.
Mānoa Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
In an effort to standardize, reorganize and develop formal campus policies, the Mānoa Policies, Procedures and Guidelines site aims to codify the process of formulating UH Mānoa policies, procedures and guidelines that complement, but do not duplicate, those policies already outlined in the UH Systemwide Policies and Procedures Information System (PPIS).