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University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Professional Accreditation

Oversight of professional accreditation at UH Mānoa is delegated by the Provost to the Interim Vice Provost for Academic Excellence (effective Spring 2021). The Director of Program Development and Review is the primary point-of-contact and serves as a resource for program directors, chairs, and deans. 

The Role of OVPAE

  • Review all self-study materials and any other substantive communications before they are submitted to the accrediting body by the program.
  • Participate in the accreditation site visit both at the beginning (welcome) and conclusion of the visit (debrief/report-out). 

The Role of the School/College and Program Director

  • Ensure that self-studies, response to reports, and all other external communications are reviewed by the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Excellence before submission to the accrediting body. Please allow at least two weeks for review. Please send documents to
  • Programs are solely responsible for the coordination and management of review team site visits. Please contact OVPAE as early as possible once site visit dates have been selected to ensure that the Vice Provost and Director of Program Development and Review are available. If the accrediting body requires meetings with the provost and/or president, their offices should be contacted directly to schedule with a cc to the Director of Program Development and Review for awareness.


Professional Accreditation Schedule